
enum OutageReason


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User needs to enable location permission. Generally this one points to the incorrect integration, as SDK features should remain inaccessible before you explicitly verified that appropriate permissions are present.

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User needs to grant activity access permission. Generally this one points to the incorrect integration, as SDK features should remain inaccessible before you explicitly verified that appropriate permissions are present.

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User should turn on the location service on the device. Means that the geoloction was turned off system-wide and no app can access it.

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Tracking was not started, so no current location is available.

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SDK started tracking and is in process of calculating current position. In most of the cases SDK passes through this state in a second, but depending on hardware and externalities it may take up to 10 minutes to get the first location.

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Phone has lost connection to GNSS constellation. In most of the time moving out to open areas solve this problem, but sometime it's required to restart the phone to reset GNSS sensor cache.

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App restart required to force sensor connection reset.


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open fun valueOf(name: String): OutageReason
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open fun values(): Array<OutageReason>