
enum Blocker

An impediment that should be resolved in order to make the tracking work, or, for some cases, work reliably.


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Tracking was started from the API, the app is in background, but the user didn't grant the app permissions to start tracking from background. This can be a sign of an integration error if the app doesn't ask the user background permissions.

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Permissions either were explicitly denied by the user or were never asked before tracking event occurred (in which case it's an integration error)

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Location services disabled

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Permissions either were explicitly denied by the user or were never asked before tracking event occurred (in which case it's an integration error)


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open fun resolve()
Navigates user to the dedicated settings menu.
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open fun toString(): String
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open fun valueOf(name: String): Blocker
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open fun values(): Array<Blocker>


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val code: String
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val userActionCTA: String
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val userActionExplanation: String
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val userActionTitle: String