
final static Result<HyperTrack.Location, HyperTrack.LocationError> addGeotag(    String orderHandle,     HyperTrack.OrderStatus orderStatus,     Json.Object metadata)

Adds a new geotag with order status. Order status is used to identify the important moments during the fulfillment using custom labels (e.g clockIn, clockOut, login, accepted, started, arrived, completed, logout etc.). This provides the ability to filter and aggregate KPIs across geotags available through APIs and the Ops Views. Use geotags to mark a location at the current timestamp with custom metadata associated with this location.

Note: The data will be sent to the server when conditions are optimal. Calls made to this API during an internet outage will be recorded and sent when the connection is available.


current location if success or LocationError if failure



An unique identifier that corresponds to an order being fulfilled. This binds a sequence of geotags to a single order that helps to generate timelines and metrics across geotags associated with the stages of order fulfillment.


status of your order: clockIn, clockOut, or custom


geotag metadata JSON

final static Result<HyperTrack.LocationWithDeviation, HyperTrack.LocationError> addGeotag(    String orderHandle,     HyperTrack.OrderStatus orderStatus,     Json.Object metadata,     HyperTrack.Location expectedLocation)

Adds a new geotag with expected location and order status. Use geotags to mark a location at the current timestamp with custom metadata associated with this location. Order status is used to identify the important moments during the fulfillment using custom labels (e.g clockIn, clockOut, login, accepted, started, arrived, completed, logout etc.). This provides the ability to filter and aggregate KPIs across geotags available through APIs and the Ops Views. Expected location is used to calculate deviation distance of the actual location where the geotag was recorded from the expected place.

Note: The data will be sent to the server when conditions are optimal. Calls made to this API during an internet outage will be recorded and sent when the connection is available.


current location and deviation from the expected one if success or LocationError if failure



An unique identifier that corresponds to an order being fulfilled. This binds a sequence of geotags to a single order that helps to generate timelines and metrics across geotags associated with the stages of order fulfillment.


status of your order: clockIn, clockOut, or custom


geotag metadata JSON


expected location