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references > APIs

HyperTrack APIs allow you to manage devices and trips using an HTTP-based RESTful interface with JSON format. HyperTrack APIs are mainly used to integrate with the HyperTrack platform through your backend server. Using the APIs allows you to obtain the full state of all tracked devices and trips.

HyperTrack REST APIs can be consumed through HTTP requests. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a working server setup.


HTTP 401 - Unauthorized

  "message": "Unauthorized"

API requests require Basic Authentication or an OAuth access token to succeed. Failing to set the Authorization header in the right format with correct credentials will result in errors.

A sample Authorization header for Basic Authentication looks like this:

Authorization: Basic V3AxTGdWTjNZSGFmOHVRcE9qalTNTMm5BaEF1RA==

Generating Basic Auth header

credentials="$(echo -n "{AccountId}:{SecretKey}" | base64)"
header="Authorization: Basic $credentials"
const auth =
  "Basic " + new Buffer("{AccountId}" + ":" + "{SecretKey}").toString("base64");
const header = { Authorization: auth };
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('{AccountId}', '{SecretKey}')).replace('\n', '')
header = ("Authorization: Basic %s" % base64string)
String authString = "Authorization: Basic " +
                        String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

$header = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$header = 'Authorization: Basic ' + Base64.encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
let base64encoded = "{AccountId}:{AccountId}".data(using: .isoLatin1)?.base64EncodedString() ?? ""
urlRequest.addValue("Basic \(base64encoded)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
[request addRequestHeader:@"Authorization"
                    value:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@",
                           [ASIHTTPRequest base64forData:
                            [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", "{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"]

The header should be constructed as followed:

A sample Authorization header using an OAuth access token looks like this:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

See the OAuth Token API to learn how to obtain an access token.

With authentication in place, you should be able to make successful HTTP requests to HyperTrack APIs.

HTTPS Methods

Depending on the HyperTrack API and endpoint, your server should support the following HTTPS methods: GET, POST, and DELETE.

HTTP Response Codes

HyperTrack APIs implement appropriate HTTP response codes to indicate how the HTTP request was processed. In success cases, you will receive the expected JSON payload. However, API requests can fail due to client or server errors. We adopted the RFC 7807 standard for our error messages. Please ensure your implementation handles error messages for all HTTP requests.

JSON Payload

The payload you will receive with HTTPS requests is formatted in JSON. You need to implement the capability to parse JSON objects in order to leverage the HTTP response body content.

You should use a JSON parser that handles converting the escaped representation of control characters back to their ASCII character values (for example, converting \n to a newline character).

The HyperTrack APIs make use of GeoJSON and ISO 8601 timestamp formats, which you should handle appropriately as well.

Base URL and endoints

All HyperTrack APIs have are available on the same base URL:

However, each API is reachable on a different endpoint:

Path Parameters

Path parameters are used to accomplish querying, filtering, searching, sorting, and for pagination.

Query Trips API by trip_id

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}
const request = require("request");

const options = {
  url: "{trip_id}",
  auth: {
    user: "{AccountId}",
    password: "{SecretKey}"

request(options, (err, res, body) => {
  console.dir(err, res, body);
import requests

response = requests.get("{trip_id}", auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{trip_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body


HyperTrack APIs support querying to request a single resource using the respective identifier:


Filter Trips API sample URLs

# reduce result set size to 5 trips

# find trips with status "completed"

It is planned to provide filtering capabilities to ...


Coming soon: Trips API pagination parameters

# get items 180-200 form entire result set

The APIs utilize token-based pagination, which will allow to control how many items should be skipped in the returned result set.

The links section of the response provides a next link to request the next page of results.

Postman Collection

We published a Postman Collection to make it easier and faster to experiment with the HyperTrack APIs. Postman Collections lists all available API endpoints, allow making API requests instantly (with Basic Auth), and can generate reusable code snippets to make API requests using the programming language of your choice.

Try it out yourself:

Run in Postman

Payload and Headers

The responses will always include a set of headers. Please review them carefully when implementing the APIs.


The body payload sent by the server is in application/json, which means that the JSON format is enforced for the payload by default. Please ensure you handle JSON appropriately before processing the data.


The payload structure of responses is change as follows.

  "data": [
    // trip objects
  "links": {
    "next": ""
Name Type Description
links reference object Object with references to use for pagination URL URL with pointer to the next page

The links object will include all pagination and filtering properties to navigate through result sets with the same query as initiated. You should use the links properties and prefix them with the API base URL to make consecutive API calls when scrolling through the result set.

The easiest way to identify the end of the pagination is to look for the existence of the property. If it doesn’t exist, you completed the pagination.

Processing States

HTTP 202 - Trip completion processing payload

  "message": "pending completion for trip '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF'"

In some scenarios, API requests cannot be fully processed before an API response has to be issued. An example of this is the completion of a trip. The request needs to be processed on the platform and trip completion needs to be confirmed on the mobile SDK of the device. To handle the processing, the API will respond with a processing state (e.g. processing_completion for trips).

To handle the processing state, you should anticipate the response to be in a different format (see the message property).

After processing the request on the HyperTrack platform, a webhook will be sent out and the requested resource will be available through the API. For trip completion, you will receive a completed trip webhook. After the webhook arrival, you can also call the Trips API to retrieve the trip resource using the trip_id.


HTTP 401 - Trip not found error payload

  "status": 404,
  "code": "trip_not_found",
  "title": "Trip could not be found",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Trip with the id '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF' does not exist"

We are adopting the RFC 7807 standard for API error messages.

The standard requires at least the type property. Everything else is optional. For HyperTrack, we always send title, detail, status, and code in addition. To detail out some errors (for instance multiple invalid fields), additional properties will be available.

Parameter Type Description
status Number HTTP status code
code String Error class code
title String Brief summary of the error class
type URL URL to the respective error page (about:blank if none is provided)
detail String Detailed description of the error instance
invalid_params Object A list of invalid parameters to review (options)

Please review the reference page to see all possible HTTP errors returned by the HyperTrack APIs.

references > apis > OAuth

Obtain an OAuth access token. The token can be used to authorize API requests as an alternative to Basic Authentication.

In addition, you can use the same API to securely embed views in your own operations dashboards. Please this guide section to learn how to securely embed dashboard views leveraging access token and its scope.

references > apis > oauth > Token

Obtain an OAuth access token example:

curl -X POST \
  -d "{ "client_id": "{AccountId}", "client_secret": "{SecretKey}", "grant_type": "client_credentials" }"

Obtain an access_token.

POST /oauth/token

Authentication: Basic Auth

OAuth token request attributes

Name Type Description
client_id string Your AccountId
client_secret string Your SecretKey
grant_type string As of now, only "client_credentials" is supported
scope string '*' by default

HTTP 200 - Obtain an OAuth access token

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwaS5oeXBlcnRyYWNrLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTY1MzE1MzI1NywiaWF0IjoxNjUzMDY2ODU3LCJzdWIiOiJmb28ifQ.wxkxWRV4Ilf9W1L_TGCj8wpJZhg8fVfm6Cdg1HGUoIw",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 86400

Use the access_token from the response to authorize subsequent API requests like so:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

references > apis > Devices

Use the HyperTrack API to track and manage devices with installed app(s) built with the HyperTrack SDK.

references > apis > devices > Start tracking

Device start tracking example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{device_id}/start
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);
// Use Node.js helper library method to start tracking
hypertrack.devices.startTracking(deviceId).then(() => {
  // Tracking started
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{device_id}/start';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}/start")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 200 - Tracking command was sent (no content)

Start tracking a device with the API.

POST /devices/{device_id}/start

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of device, case sensitive

references > apis > devices > Stop tracking

Device stop tracking example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{device_id}/stop
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);
// Use Node.js helper library method to stop tracking
hypertrack.devices.stopTracking(deviceId).then(() => {
  // Tracking stopped
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


url = '{device_id}/stop';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
    "method" => "POST",
    "http" => [
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}/stop")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 200 - Tracking command was sent (no content)

Stop tracking a device with the API.

POST /devices/{device_id}/stop

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of device, case sensitive

references > apis > devices > Set device name and metadata

Set device name and metadata example:

  "name": "Alex’s Phone",
  "metadata": {
    "customer_id": "ABC123"

curl -X PATCH \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{device_id} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

// Change device name
hypertrack.devices.changeName(deviceId, "Test Name").then(() => {
  // Name changed
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling

// Change device metadata
let metadata = {
    customer_id: "ABC123"

hypertrack.devices.patchMetadata(deviceId, metadata).then(() => {
  // Metadata set
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

# Change device name
hypertrack.devices.change_name({device_id}, "Test name")

# Change metadata
metadata = {
  "customer_id": "ABC123"

hypertrack.devices.patch_metadata({device_id}, metadata)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n  "
    + "\"name\": \"Alex’s Phone\",\n "
    + "  \"metadata\": {\n"
    + "    \"customer_id\": \"ABC123\"\n"
    + "  }\n"
    + "}");

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{device_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
  "name": "Alex’s Phone",
  "metadata": {
    "customer_id": "ABC123"

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "PATCH",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {
  "name": "Alex’s Phone",
  "metadata": {
    "customer_id": "ABC123"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 204 - Device updated (no content)

Update the name and/or metadata for a device.

PATCH /devices/{device_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of a tracked device, case sensitive

Request Body

Request body must be a JSON formatted string. In order to patch name and/or metadata for the device, you must include name and/or metadata as keys inside this JSON object. Note that metadata needs to be a valid JSON object.

references > apis > devices > Get device list

Get device list example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.devices.getAll().then(devices => {
  // Process devices list
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

 - pagination: bool flag to enable or disable pagination. False by default
 - pagination_token: string token received from previous call to request next page
devices = hypertrack.devices.get_all()
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 200 - Devices payload

      "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
      "location": {
          "speed": 4.20,
          "accuracy": 14.09,
          "bearing": 193.12,
          "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [
          "recorded_at": "2019-07-18T18:01:59.064000Z",
      "device_status": {
          "data": {
          "recorded_at": "2019-07-30T01:38:45.610000Z",
          "activity": "stop"
          "value": "active"
      "battery": "normal",
      "device_info": {
          "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
          "os_name": "iOS",
          "device_brand": "Apple",
          "sdk_version": "3.3.2",
          "device_model": "iPhone X",
          "network_operator": "T-Mobile",
          "name": "Alex’s Phone",
          "os_version": "12.4"
      "registered_at": "2019-07-10T01:38:45.610000Z",
      "metadata": { ... }
  "pagination_token": "asdflwerewdia",
  "links": {
    "next": ""

Get list of devices in your account (excludes deleted devices)

GET /devices

Query Parameters

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique device identifier, case sensitive
location object (optional)
location.speed float (optional) speed in m/s
location.accuracy float (optional) accuracy in m
location.bearing float (optional) bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
location.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and optional altitude
location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
device_status object Device status.
device_status.value string Can be one of active, inactive and disconnected. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

battery object Battery data
battery.battery_percent object Battery percentage of the device at battery.recorded_at time
battery.recorded_at object Client timestamp when battery measurement was taken
device_info object Device information
device_info.timezone string The timezone on the device in TZ format
device_info.os_name string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
device_info.device_brand string The brand of the device
device_info.sdk_version string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
device_info.device_model string The device model
device_info.network_operator string The network operator for the device
device_info.os_version string The version of the operating system on the device
device_info.os_hardware_identifier string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor
metadata object Device metadata submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API
registered_at string ISO 8601 date when the device was registered
name object The name of the device submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API

references > apis > devices > Get device location and status

Get device location and status example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{device_id}
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.devices.get(deviceId).then(device => {
  // Process device
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

device = hypertrack.devices.get({deviceId})
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{device_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
      "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 200 - Single device payload

  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "location": {
    "speed": 4.20,
    "accuracy": 14.09,
    "bearing": 193.12,
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "recorded_at": "2019-07-18T18:01:59.064000Z",
  "device_status": {
    "data": {
      "recorded_at": "2019-07-30T01:38:45.610000Z",
      "activity": "stop"
    "value": "active"
  "battery": "normal",
  "device_info": {
    "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "os_name": "iOS",
    "device_brand": "Apple",
    "sdk_version": "3.3.2",
    "device_model": "iPhone X",
    "network_operator": "T-Mobile",
    "name": "Alex’s Phone",
    "os_version": "12.4"
  "registered_at": "2019-07-10T01:38:45.610000Z",
  "metadata": { ... }

Get live location and status of a device in a single API call.

If you need to stream live location updates to your own server backend, please use webhooks instead of repeated calls to Device API as explained here.

If you would like to create compelling live tracking experiences for your devices in a real-time dashboard, please check out this guide. With custom tracking views, you create real-time views for your customers without having to either call Devices API or provision your own server infrastructure to stream location data to your backend.

GET /devices/{device_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of a tracked device, case sensitive

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique device identifier, case sensitive
location object (optional)
location.speed float (optional) speed in m/s
location.accuracy float (optional) accuracy in m
location.bearing float (optional) bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
location.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and optional altitude
location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
device_status object Device status.
device_status.value string Can be one of active, inactive and disconnected. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

battery object Battery data
battery.battery_percent object Battery percentage of the device at battery.recorded_at time
battery.recorded_at object Client timestamp when battery measurement was taken
device_info object Device information
device_info.timezone string The timezone on the device in TZ format
device_info.os_name string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
device_info.device_brand string The brand of the device
device_info.sdk_version string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
device_info.device_model string The device model
device_info.network_operator string The network operator for the device
device_info.os_version string The version of the operating system on the device
device_info.os_hardware_identifier string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor
metadata object Device metadata submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API
registered_at string ISO 8601 date when the device was registered
name object The name of the device submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API

references > apis > devices > Get device history

Get single device history example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.devices.getHistory(deviceId, "2020-03-17").then(history => {
  // Process device history
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

 - device_id: string
 - history_date - may be string in format "YYYY-mm-dd or python date/datetime object"
device_history = hypertrack.devices.get_history(device_id, "2020-03-17")

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{device_id}/history/{date}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}/history/{date}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 200 - Single device history response

    "name": "Mary Poppins"
    "device_id": "9B207303-035B-49F9-977D-411AD31788CB",
    "locations": {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": []},
    "markers": [
        "type": "device_status",
        "data": {
          "start": {
            "recorded_at": "2021-03-02T00:00:00.000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3996, 37.7939]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:39:51.002000Z"
          "end": {
            "recorded_at": "2021-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3934, 37.7942]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:40:51.002000Z"
           "duration": 86400,
           "value": "inactive",
           "reason": "stopped_programmatically"
        "marker_id": "3b0bf6a4-b584-41b7-acc7-e696bc0454d9"
    "started_at": "2021-03-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "completed_at": "2021-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
    "distance": 0,
    "duration": 0,
    "steps": 0,
    "tracking_rate": 0,
    "inactive_reasons": [],
    "inactive_duration": 0,
    "active_duration": 0,
    "stop_duration": 0,
    "walk_duration": 0,
    "drive_duration": 0
    "geotags": 0,
    "geofences_visited": 0

Get location history of device. The data follows the summary format.

GET /devices/{device_id}/history/{date}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of a tracked device, case sensitive
date - a string representing specific date in UTC format YYYY-MM-DD

Query string parameters timezone - timezone string to get device history for different timezones (example: 'Europe/Zaporozhye')

The response includes:

Field Description
name Name associated with the driver
device_id Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
tracking_rate Percentage of the time when device was tracked, relative to the time you intended to track the device that day. Disabling permissions for example would reduce the percentage. Use this to review devices that did not track as intended, understand the reasons why, and take corrective action.
geotags Number of geotag events sent. The number of markers depends on your use case and implementation. Use this to review how much work was done by each user.
geotags_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geotags. (field only shows when there was at least one geotag sent)
geofences_visited Number of geofences visited by this user.
geofences_visited_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user spent at geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_idle_time Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped while en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
active_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was active.
inactive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was inactive.
stop_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped. Use this to review time spent at work or customer locations.
walk_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was walking.
drive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was driving.
steps Total steps walked by the driver on this day. Use this to review the amount of movement at work or customer locations.
distance Total distance travelled by the driver on this day. Use this to review expenses, payouts and reimbursements related to distance driven.
duration Total duration for which the driver was tracked on this day.
locations Object representing the location time series of the trips. Follows GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
markers Array of markers

references > apis > devices > Get device history within a time range

Get single device history within a time range example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.devices.getHistory(deviceId, {from}, {to}).then(history => {
  // Process device history
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

 - device_id: string
 - from: string
 - to: string
device_history = hypertrack.devices.get_history(device_id, from, to)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{device_id}/history?from={from}&to={to}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}/history?from={from}&to={to}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 200 - Single device history within time range response

    "name": "Mary Poppins"
    "device_id": "9B207303-035B-49F9-977D-411AD31788CB",
    "locations": {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": []},
    "markers": [
        "type": "device_status",
        "data": {
          "start": {
            "recorded_at": "2021-03-02T00:00:00.000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3996, 37.7939]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:39:51.002000Z"
          "end": {
            "recorded_at": "2021-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3934, 37.7942]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:40:51.002000Z"
           "duration": 86400,
           "value": "inactive",
           "reason": "stopped_programmatically"
        "marker_id": "3b0bf6a4-b584-41b7-acc7-e696bc0454d9"
    "started_at": "2021-03-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "completed_at": "2021-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
    "distance": 0,
    "duration": 0,
    "steps": 0,
    "tracking_rate": 0,
    "inactive_reasons": [],
    "inactive_duration": 0,
    "active_duration": 0,
    "stop_duration": 0,
    "walk_duration": 0,
    "drive_duration": 0
    "geotags": 0,
    "geofences_visited": 0

Get location history of device within a time range.

GET /devices/{device_id}/history?from={from}&to={to}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of a tracked device, case sensitive

Query string parameters from - ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the start of the time range to - ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the end of the time range

The response includes:

Field Description
name Name associated with the driver
device_id Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
tracking_rate Percentage of the time when device was tracked, relative to the time you intended to track the device that day. Disabling permissions for example would reduce the percentage. Use this to review devices that did not track as intended, understand the reasons why, and take corrective action.
geotags Number of geotag events sent. The number of markers depends on your use case and implementation. Use this to review how much work was done by each user.
geotags_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geotags. (field only shows when there was at least one geotag sent)
geofences_visited Number of geofences visited by this user.
geofences_visited_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user spent at geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_idle_time Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped while en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
active_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was active.
inactive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was inactive.
stop_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped. Use this to review time spent at work or customer locations.
walk_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was walking.
drive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was driving.
steps Total steps walked by the driver on this day. Use this to review the amount of movement at work or customer locations.
distance Total distance travelled by the driver on this day. Use this to review expenses, payouts and reimbursements related to distance driven.
duration Total duration for which the driver was tracked on this day.
locations Object representing the location time series of the trips. Follows GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
markers Array of markers

references > apis > devices > Export account data

Export account data example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{date}
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.devices.getAccountHistory("2020-02-20").then(history => {
  // Process history
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
import requests
ACCOUNT_ID = {AccountId}
SECRET_KEY = {SecretKey}

response = requests.get(f"",
                        headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                        auth=(ACCOUNT_ID, SECRET_KEY))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{date}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{date}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Get data for all tracked devices for a specified day. Data is available for the the last 60 days, excluding today.

GET /devices/history/{date}

HTTP 200 - Devices history response

  "url": ""

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

date - a string representing specific date in UTC format YYYY-MM-DD

JSON sample of file content


    "name": "Mary Poppins"
    "device_id": "9B207303-035B-49F9-977D-411AD31788CB",
    "locations": {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": []},
    "markers": [
        "type": "device_status",
        "data": {
          "start": {
            "recorded_at": "2021-03-02T00:00:00.000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3996, 37.7939]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:39:51.002000Z"
          "end": {
            "recorded_at": "2021-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3934, 37.7942]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:40:51.002000Z"
           "duration": 86400,
           "value": "inactive",
           "reason": "stopped_programmatically"
        "marker_id": "3b0bf6a4-b584-41b7-acc7-e696bc0454d9"
    "started_at": "2021-03-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "completed_at": "2021-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
    "distance": 0,
    "duration": 0,
    "steps": 0,
    "tracking_rate": 0,
    "inactive_reasons": [],
    "inactive_duration": 0,
    "active_duration": 0,
    "stop_duration": 0,
    "walk_duration": 0,
    "drive_duration": 0
    "trips": [
        "trip_id": "61f658c5-14ba-4f2e-b38c-3ff830688737",
        "started_at": "2021-03-02T03:02:08.064Z",
        "completed_at": "2021-03-03T03:25:29.895Z",
        "device_id": "9B207303-035B-49F9-977D-411AD31788CB",
        "views": {
          "embed_url": "",
          "share_url": ""
        "metadata": null,
        "destination": {
          "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-122.393197, 37.787077]
          "radius": 30,
          "scheduled_at": null,
          "arrived_at": null,
          "exited_at": null
    "geotags": 0,
    "geofences_visited": 0

The API call returns a pre-signed URL that you can easily download. The link is valid for 60min after calling the API. The json file contains a json array, with each item representing one driver. Each user contains the following fields:

Field Description
name Name associated with the driver
device_id Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
tracking_rate Percentage of the time when device was tracked, relative to the time you intended to track the device that day. Disabling permissions for example would reduce the percentage. Use this to review devices that did not track as intended, understand the reasons why, and take corrective action.
geotags Number of geotag events sent. The number of markers depends on your use case and implementation. Use this to review how much work was done by each user.
geotags_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geotags. (field only shows when there was at least one geotag sent)
geofences_visited Number of geofences visited by this user.
geofences_visited_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user spent at geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_idle_time Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped while en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
trips Data for trips created for this user.
trips_destinations_visited Total trips that had destinations visited. (field only shows when there was at least one trip created)
trips_destinations_delayed Total trips that had delayed visits to their destinations. (field only shows when there was at least one trip created)
trips_destinations_deviated Total trips that had deviated completion location in relation to their destination location. (field only shows when there was at least one trip created)
trips_estimated_distance Total estimated distance for all trips created for this driver. (field only shows when there was at least one trip created)
active_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was active.
inactive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was inactive.
stop_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped. Use this to review time spent at work or customer locations.
walk_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was walking.
drive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was driving.
steps Total steps walked by the driver on this day. Use this to review the amount of movement at work or customer locations.
distance Total distance travelled by the driver on this day. Use this to review expenses, payouts and reimbursements related to distance driven.
duration Total duration for which the driver was tracked on this day.
locations Object representing the location time series of the trips. Follows GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
markers Array of markers

references > apis > devices > Export account data for a date range

Export account data example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{from_date}&to_date={to_date}
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);
hypertrack.devices.getAccountHistoryForTimeRange("2021-09-10", "2021-09-20").then(history => {
  // Process history
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
import requests
ACCOUNT_ID = {AccountId}
SECRET_KEY = {SecretKey}

response = requests.get(f"",
                        headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                        auth=(ACCOUNT_ID, SECRET_KEY))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{from_date}&to_date={to_date}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{from_date}&to_date={to_date}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query string parameters from_date - Date String indicating the start of the time range to_date - Date String indicating the end of the time range

JSON sample of file content

    "name": "Alex ",
    "tracking_rate": 100.0,
    "duration": 73950,
    "distance": 42708,
    "inactive_reasons": [],
    "inactive_duration": 0,
    "active_duration": 73950,
    "stop_duration": 64999,
    "drive_duration": 7240,
    "walk_duration": 1711,
    "steps": 121,
    "trips": 0,
    "trips_destinations_visited": 0,
    "trips_destinations_delayed": 0,
    "trips_destinations_deviated": 0,
    "trips_estimated_distance": 0,
    "geotags": 0,
    "geotags_route_to_duration": 0,
    "geofences_visited": 0,
    "geofences_visited_duration": 0,
    "geofences_route_to_duration": 0,
    "geofences_route_to_idle_time": 0,
    "date": "2021-09-03"
  }, {
    "name": "Eugene",
    "tracking_rate": 100.0,
    "duration": 36216,
    "distance": 25675,
    "inactive_reasons": [],
    "inactive_duration": 0,
    "active_duration": 36216,
    "stop_duration": 29426,
    "drive_duration": 4804,
    "walk_duration": 1986,
    "steps": 282888,
    "trips": 0,
    "trips_destinations_visited": 0,
    "trips_destinations_delayed": 0,
    "trips_destinations_deviated": 0,
    "trips_estimated_distance": 0,
    "geotags": 0,
    "geotags_route_to_duration": 0,
    "geofences_visited": 0,
    "geofences_visited_duration": 0,
    "geofences_route_to_duration": 0,
    "geofences_route_to_idle_time": 0,
    "date": "2021-09-03"

The API call returns a pre-signed URL that you can easily download. The link is valid for 60min after calling the API. The json file contains a json array, with each item representing one driver. Each user contains the following fields:

Field Description
name Name associated with the driver
device_id Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
tracking_rate Percentage of the time when device was tracked, relative to the time you intended to track the device that day. Disabling permissions for example would reduce the percentage. Use this to review devices that did not track as intended, understand the reasons why, and take corrective action.
geotags Number of geotag events sent. The number of markers depends on your use case and implementation. Use this to review how much work was done by each user.
geotags_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geotags. (field only shows when there was at least one geotag sent)
geofences_visited Number of geofences visited by this user.
geofences_visited_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user spent at geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
geofences_route_to_idle_time Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped while en-route to geofences. (field only shows when there was at least one geofence visited)
active_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was active.
inactive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was inactive.
stop_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was stopped. Use this to review time spent at work or customer locations.
walk_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was walking.
drive_duration Amount of time (in seconds) the user was driving.
steps Total steps walked by the driver on this day. Use this to review the amount of movement at work or customer locations.
distance Total distance travelled by the driver on this day. Use this to review expenses, payouts and reimbursements related to distance driven.
duration Total duration for which the driver was tracked on this day
date Date for which data was asked for

references > apis > devices > Delete device

Delete single device example:

curl -X DELETE \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{device_id}
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.devices.delete(deviceId).then(() => {
  // Device deleted
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


url = '{device_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
    "method" => "DELETE",
    "http" => [
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Delete a device. Once deleted, the device will not be able send location data again. Deleted devices can be undeleted with an Undelete Device API call as described below.

DELETE /devices/{device_id}

HTTP 204 - Device removed (no content)

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of a tracked device, case sensitive

Query Parameters

full_deletion=true - for privacy related deletion requests (e.g., GDPR). If this is set, tracking of the device will stop immediately and all the data for this device will be deleted within 30 days of receiving the request. To enable this feature, please reach out to us via email.

references > apis > devices > Undelete device

Undelete single device example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{device_id}/undelete
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.devices.undelete(deviceId).then(() => {
  // Device deleted
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{device_id}/undelete';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{device_id}/undelete")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Undelete a previously deleted device. Once the device undeleted, it can track again.

POST /devices/{device_id}/undelete

HTTP 200 - Device undeleted (no content)

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

device_id - a string representing the ID of a device that was previously deleted, case sensitive

references > apis > devices > Generate invitation links

Generate invitation links example request with its response below:

       {"driver_id": "ABC1"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC2"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $payload
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC1"}},
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC2"}
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

       {"driver_id": "ABC1"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC2"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $payload
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC1"}},
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC2"}
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

       {"driver_id": "ABC1"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC2"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $payload
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC1"}},
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC2"}
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

       {"driver_id": "ABC1"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC2"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $payload
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC1"}},
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC2"}
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

       {"driver_id": "ABC1"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC2"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $payload
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC1"}},
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC2"}
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

       {"driver_id": "ABC1"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC2"},
       {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $payload
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC1"}},
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC2"}
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {"driver_id": "ABC3"}

Generate unique invitation links that you can use to invite your drivers to download HyperTrack Visits App via your preferred approach which may include email, SMS, etc. Once your driver downloads HyperTrack Visits App, it will be automatically connected to your HyperTrack account and have metadata assigned by you.

POST /devices/invitation_links

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

references > apis > devices > Invite users to install Visits App

Generate invitation links example request with its response below:


curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $payload

Use this API to send multiple email invitations to drivers to download and install Visits App. Each user can install and download with metadata assigned by you for each user from unique links sent in the invitations emails.

POST /devices/invite

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

references > apis > devices > Set available devices

Set devices as available using a profile filter example:

    "profile_filter": {
      "store_id": "S11223"

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -d $payload

Make one or more devices available for nearby search using the API. When the payload parameters are not provided, all devices are made available.

POST /devices/available

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Payload Parameters

device_ids - array of strings representing the ID of devices [The device_id must be all caps] profile_filter - JSON object with key-value pair that can be used to set availability for a subset of devices based on the device profile

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique device identifier, case sensitive
location object (optional)
location.speed float (optional) speed in m/s
location.accuracy float (optional) accuracy in m
location.bearing float (optional) bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
location.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and optional altitude
location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
device_status object Device status.
device_status.value string Can be one of active, inactive and disconnected. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

battery object Battery data
battery.battery_percent object Battery percentage of the device at battery.recorded_at time
battery.recorded_at object Client timestamp when battery measurement was taken
device_info object Device information
device_info.timezone string The timezone on the device in TZ format
device_info.os_name string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
device_info.device_brand string The brand of the device
device_info.sdk_version string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
device_info.device_model string The device model
device_info.network_operator string The network operator for the device
device_info.os_version string The version of the operating system on the device
device_info.os_hardware_identifier string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor
metadata object Device metadata submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API
registered_at string ISO 8601 date when the device was registered
name object The name of the device submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API

references > apis > devices > Set unavailable devices

Set devices as unavailable using a profile filter example:

    "profile_filter": {
      "store_id": "S11223"

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -d $payload

Make one or more devices unavailable for nearby search using the API. When the payload parameters are not provided, all devices are made unavailable.

POST /devices/unavailable

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Payload Parameters

device_ids - array of strings representing the ID of devices [The device_id must be all caps] profile_filter - JSON object with key-value pair that can be used to set availability for a subset of devices based on the device profile

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique device identifier, case sensitive
location object (optional)
location.speed float (optional) speed in m/s
location.accuracy float (optional) accuracy in m
location.bearing float (optional) bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
location.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and optional altitude
location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
device_status object Device status.
device_status.value string Can be one of active, inactive and disconnected. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

battery object Battery data
battery.battery_percent object Battery percentage of the device at battery.recorded_at time
battery.recorded_at object Client timestamp when battery measurement was taken
device_info object Device information
device_info.timezone string The timezone on the device in TZ format
device_info.os_name string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
device_info.device_brand string The brand of the device
device_info.sdk_version string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
device_info.device_model string The device model
device_info.network_operator string The network operator for the device
device_info.os_version string The version of the operating system on the device
device_info.os_hardware_identifier string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor
metadata object Device metadata submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API
registered_at string ISO 8601 date when the device was registered
name object The name of the device submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API

references > apis > devices > Get available devices

GET available devices filtered on device_ids example:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \["00112233-000D-4ABD-9FF8-CBBB4BEFBB1C"]
  -d $payload

Get one or more available devices using the API. When the query parameters are not provided, all available devices are returned.

GET /devices/available

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query Parameters

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique device identifier, case sensitive
location object (optional)
location.speed float (optional) speed in m/s
location.accuracy float (optional) accuracy in m
location.bearing float (optional) bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
location.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and optional altitude
location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
device_status object Device status.
device_status.value string Can be one of active, inactive and disconnected. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

battery object Battery data
battery.battery_percent object Battery percentage of the device at battery.recorded_at time
battery.recorded_at object Client timestamp when battery measurement was taken
device_info object Device information
device_info.timezone string The timezone on the device in TZ format
device_info.os_name string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
device_info.device_brand string The brand of the device
device_info.sdk_version string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
device_info.device_model string The device model
device_info.network_operator string The network operator for the device
device_info.os_version string The version of the operating system on the device
device_info.os_hardware_identifier string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor
metadata object Device metadata submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API
registered_at string ISO 8601 date when the device was registered
name object The name of the device submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API

references > apis > devices > Get unavailable devices

GET unavailable devices filtered on device_ids example:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \["00112233-000D-4ABD-9FF8-CBBB4BEFBB1C"]
  -d $payload

Get one or more unavailable devices using the API. When the query parameters are not provided, all unavailable devices are returned.

GET /devices/unavailable

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query Parameters

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique device identifier, case sensitive
location object (optional)
location.speed float (optional) speed in m/s
location.accuracy float (optional) accuracy in m
location.bearing float (optional) bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
location.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and optional altitude
location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
device_status object Device status.
device_status.value string Can be one of active, inactive and disconnected. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

battery object Battery data
battery.battery_percent object Battery percentage of the device at battery.recorded_at time
battery.recorded_at object Client timestamp when battery measurement was taken
device_info object Device information
device_info.timezone string The timezone on the device in TZ format
device_info.os_name string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
device_info.device_brand string The brand of the device
device_info.sdk_version string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
device_info.device_model string The device model
device_info.network_operator string The network operator for the device
device_info.os_version string The version of the operating system on the device
device_info.os_hardware_identifier string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor
metadata object Device metadata submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API
registered_at string ISO 8601 date when the device was registered
name object The name of the device submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API

references > apis > Drivers

Drivers API helps you manage your fleet on HyperTrack System

With Drivers API you can do the following

references > apis > drivers > Create Driver

POST /drivers

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Request Attributes for Create Driver API

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
driver_handle string Mandatory Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes, the handle needs to be url safe and case insensitive
ops_group_handle string Optional Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory) [You can associate a driver with a single group, if left out, driver is assigned to a default ops group]
name string Optional Name of the driver
device_id string Optional Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device [This can be provided at later stage in case driver has not yet installed application]
home object Optional Details of Driver Home [If ops group is setup such that Operations starts from Driver's home, then driver home needs to be set]
home.address string Optional Address of driver home
home.geometry object Optional Location in GeoJSON format
schedule array Optional Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Optional Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
schedule.start_time Timestring Optional Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
schedule.end_time Timestring Optional Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
schedule.ops_group_handle string Optional Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Optional Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.day_of_week string Optional Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
product_types array Optional Product types associated with the driver, array of strings (product)
profile object Optional Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
unavailable_on array Optional List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver

NOTE: Use a combination of date with start_time and end_time for daywise schedules and day_of_week with start_time and end_time for recurring schedules. A driver can have only 1 mode of schedule.

Create new driver request:

   "name": "Om Shah",
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "name":"Test Driver A"

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

driver_data = {
   "name": "Om Shah",
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "name":"Test Driver A"

response ="",

HTTP 201 - New driver response

   "name": "Om Shah",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034"
      "name":"Test Driver A"
   "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"],

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
driver_handle string Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes which is case insensitive (mandatory)
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory)
device_id string Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device (Optional)
name string Name of the driver
home object Details of Driver Home (optional)
home.address string Address of driver home (optional)
home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
schedule array Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
schedule.start_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
schedule.end_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
schedule.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with in a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.day_of_week string Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
product_types array Product types associated with the driver, array of strings (product)
profile object Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
work_status object Current working status of the driver
work_status.available boolean Whether the driver is available or not
work_status.tracking boolean Whether the driver is tracking or not
unavailable_on array List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver

references > apis > drivers > Update Driver

PATCH /drivers/{driver_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

All the fields in update request are optional, pass only the field(s) you want to patch, other fields already present in driver will not be updated.

Request Attributes for Update Driver API

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
ops_group_handle string Optional Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory) [You can only associate a single ops group with a driver]
device_id string Optional Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device [This can be provided at later stage in case driver has not yet installed application]
name string Optional Name of the driver
home object Optional Details of Driver Home [If ops group is setup such that Operations starts from Driver's home, then driver home needs to be set]
home.address string Optional Address of driver home
home.geometry object Optional Location in GeoJSON format
schedule array Optional Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Optional Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
schedule.start_time Timestring Optional Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
schedule.end_time Timestring Optional Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
schedule.ops_group_handle string Optional Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with in a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Optional Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.day_of_week string Optional Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
product_types array Optional Product types associated with the driver, array of strings (product)
profile object Optional Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
unavailable_on array Optional List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver

NOTE: Use a combination of date with start_time and end_time for daywise schedules and day_of_week with start_time and end_time for recurring schedules. A driver can have only 1 mode of schedule.

Update driver request:

   "name": "Om Shah",
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "name":"Test Driver A"
   "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"]

curl -X PATCH \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

driver_data = {
   "name": "Om Shah",
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "name":"Test Driver A"
   "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"]

response = requests.patch("",

HTTP 200 - updated driver response

   "name": "Om Shah",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034"
      "name":"Test Driver A"
   "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"],

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
driver_handle string Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes which is case insensitive (mandatory)
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory)
device_id string Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device (Optional)
name string Name of the driver
home object Details of Driver Home (optional)
home.address string Address of driver home (optional)
home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
schedule array Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
schedule.start_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
schedule.end_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
schedule.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with in a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.day_of_week string Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
product_types array Product types associated with the driver, array of strings (product)
profile object Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
work_status object Current working status of the driver
work_status.available boolean Whether the driver is available or not
work_status.tracking boolean Whether the driver is tracking or not
unavailable_on array List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver

references > apis > drivers > Get Driver by Handle

GET /drivers/{driver_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

This api returns the driver and all the devices that have been associated with this driver now or in past.

Get driver request:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

HTTP 200 - get driver response

   "name": "Om Shah",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "address":"Dummy driver address"
   "device_info": {
      "timezone":"America/Los Angeles",
      "device_model":"IPhone X",
      "name":"Func Test Device",
      "sdk_version":"func test app",
   "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"],
         "end_time": "2022-10-27T22:05:12.884Z"

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
driver_handle string Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes and which is case insensitive (mandatory)
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory)
device_id string Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device (Optional)
name string Name of the driver
home object Details of Driver Home (optional)
home.address string Address of driver home (optional)
home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
schedule array Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
schedule.start_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
schedule.end_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
schedule.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with in a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.day_of_week string Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
work_status object Current working status of the driver
work_status.available boolean Whether the driver is available or not
work_status.tracking boolean Whether the driver is tracking or not
profile object Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
device_info object device_info. same fields supports as in devices api
device_info.timezone string The timezone on the device in TZ format
device_info.os_name string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
device_info.device_brand string The brand of the device
device_info.sdk_version string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
device_info.device_model string The device model
device_info.network_operator string The network operator for the device
device_info.os_version string The version of the operating system on the device
device_info.os_hardware_identifier string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor string Name of the device
device_status object Linked Device status.
device_status.value string Can be one of active, inactive, disconnected, available or unavailable. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

location object location of the driver
location.geometry.type string as of right now, only Point is supported
location.geometry.coordinates array array of longitude, latitude and (optional) altitude
unavailable_on array List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver
devices array list of devices that is associated with driver or were associated with driver
devices.device object A device that is associated with driver or was associated with driver
devices.device.device_id string Id of the device
devices.device.start_time string ISO8601 format date when the device was associated with this driver
devices.device.end_time string ISO8601 format date when the device was disassociated with this driver

references > apis > drivers > List Drivers

GET /drivers

query parameters

Name Type Description
ops_group_handle string handle of the ops group where the drivers will be searched in
profile object fields in profile that must match the drivers profile
work_status object tracking or available status of driver to match
include_deleted boolean whether to include the deleted drivers in result, default false

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

List drivers returns a list the drivers.

List drivers request:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  '{"available": true}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get('{"available": true}',

HTTP 200 - List drivers response

         "name": "Om Shah",
               "start_time": "07:00",
               "end_time": "12:00",
               "date": "2023-04-04"
               "start_time": "04:00",
               "end_time": "18:00",
               "date": "2023-04-04"
            "address":"Dummy driver address"
         "name": "Kunal LM",
               "start_time": "07:00",
               "end_time": "12:00",
               "date": "2023-04-04"
               "start_time": "04:00",
               "end_time": "18:00",
               "date": "2023-04-04"
            "address":"Dummy driver address"
         "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"],

Response Attributes

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
drivers array Mandatory list of drivers that satisfy search criteria
drivers.driver.driver_handle string Mandatory Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes which is case insensitive
drivers.driver.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory)
drivers.driver.device_id string Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device string Name of the driver
drivers.driver.home object Details of Driver Home [If ops group is setup such that Operations starts from Driver's home, then driver home needs to be set]
drivers.driver.home.address string Address of driver home
drivers.driver.home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
drivers.driver.schedule array Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
drivers.driver.schedule.start_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
drivers.driver.schedule.end_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
drivers.driver.schedule.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with in a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
drivers.driver.schedule.day_of_week string Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
drivers.driver.product_types array Product types associated with the driver, array of strings (product)
drivers.driver.profile object Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
drivers.driver.work_status object Current working status of the driver
drivers.driver.work_status.available boolean Whether the driver is available or not
drivers.driver.work_status.tracking boolean Whether the driver is tracking or not
drivers.driver.unavailable_on array List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver

references > apis > drivers > Invite Driver

This API creates unique invite links to send out to your drivers to install the HyperTrack mobile app.

POST /drivers/{driver_handle}/invite

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Invite driver request

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response ="",

HTTP 200 - invite driver response

  "driver_handle": "driver_123",
  "invite_link": ""

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
driver_handle string Unique handle of the driver
invite_link string Unique link to invite this driver. Share this link with your driver to install the HyperTrack mobile app tied to your account and this driver

references > apis > drivers > Delete Driver

DELETE /drivers/{driver_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Delete driver request:

curl -X DELETE \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.delete("",

HTTP 204

references > apis > drivers > Undelete Driver

POST /drivers/{driver_handle}/undelete

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Undelete driver request:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response ="",

HTTP 200 - Undelete driver response

   "name": "Om Shah",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034"
      "name":"Test Driver A"
   "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"],

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
driver_handle string Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes which is case insensitive (mandatory)
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory)
device_id string Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device (Optional)
name string Name of the driver
home object Details of Driver Home (optional)
home.address string Address of driver home (optional)
home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
schedule array Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
schedule.start_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
schedule.end_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
schedule.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with in a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.day_of_week string Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
product_types array Product types associated with the driver, array of strings (product)
profile object Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
work_status object Current working status of the driver
work_status.available boolean Whether the driver is available or not
work_status.tracking boolean Whether the driver is tracking or not
unavailable_on array List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver

references > apis > drivers > Set Driver Work Status

POST /drivers/{driver_handle}/work_status

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Work status of a driver determines whether the driver is working and/or available for new work. Use this api to change the work status of driver using api.

Request Attributes for Set Driver Work Status API

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
tracking bool Optional Set the tracking status of the driver
available bool Optional Set the availability status of the driver

Set work status driver request:

   "tracking": true,
   "available": true

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

driver_data = {
   "tracking": True,
   "available": True

response ="",

HTTP 200 - driver response

   "name": "Om Shah",
         "start_time": "07:00",
         "end_time": "12:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
         "start_time": "04:00",
         "end_time": "18:00",
         "date": "2023-04-04"
      "address":"123 Street, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560034"
      "name":"Test Driver A"
   "unavailable_on": ["2023-06-06"],

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
driver_handle string Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes which is case insensitive (mandatory)
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with (mandatory)
device_id string Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device (Optional)
name string Name of the driver
home object Details of Driver Home (optional)
home.address string Address of driver home (optional)
home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
schedule array Array of schedule objects representing the driver's schedule (Optional) date Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD to indicate a schedule date
schedule.start_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift starts
schedule.end_time Timestring Time string in (HH:MM) format indicating the time at which shift ends
schedule.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for the ops group with which you want to map the driver with in a shift (optional)
schedule.priority string Priority of a driver within a shift (optional)
schedule.day_of_week string Enumerated string representing the day of the week - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (optional)
product_types array Product types associated with the driver, array of strings (product)
profile object Profile details (metadata) to be associated with driver
work_status object Current working status of the driver
work_status.available boolean Whether the driver is available or not
work_status.tracking boolean Whether the driver is tracking or not
unavailable_on array List of dates (ISO 8601 date string) indicating leaves for a driver

references > apis > drivers > Get Driver History

GET /drivers/{driver_handle}/history

query parameters

Name Type Description
from_time string ISO8601 format date
to_time object ISO8601 format date

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

This api return the history of the driver including the summary of all the device that are/were associated with this driver as json data.

Get driver history request:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

HTTP 200 - get driver history response

            "address":"Apartments, Piper Drive, Milpitas, Santa Clara County, California, 95035-8004, United States of America",

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
driver_handle string Unique handle of the driver for identification purposes which is case insensitive (mandatory)
locations array List of locations of the drivers devices
markers array List of markers summarising the history of the driver
started_at string Time from where the history is requested from
completed_at string Time to where the history is requested to
distance int Distance tracked during the duration of history
duration object Duration tracked during the duration of history
steps int Number of steps taken by driver during the duration of history

references > apis > drivers > Create Ops Groups

Ops Groups help business manage their operations into different groups, typically if a business has multiple stores/warehouses, then each becomes an Ops Group in HyperTrack and would have their own fleet associated to fulfill their orders

POST /drivers/ops-groups

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Request Attributes to Create an Ops Group

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
ops_group_handle string Mandatory Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs, the handle needs to be url safe
ops_group_label string Mandatory Label for the Ops Group e.g City, Warehouse, Store
ops_group_home object Optional Details of Ops Group Home [Only needed if route_start_location is ops_group_home then ops group home needs to be set]
ops_group_home.address string Optional Address of Ops group home
ops_group_home.geometry object Optional Location in GeoJSON format
route_start_location Enum string Mandatory Config which defines where the route starts from, enumerated as driver_home, ops_group_home or live_location
route_completion_type Enum string Mandatory Config which defines how the route ends, enumerated as end_at_last_order, return_to_start_location or manual

Planning Configuration Fields

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
objective_fn Enum string Optional Config which defines the optimization factor, enumerated as minimise_time or minimise_distance
route_max_distance number Optional Maximum distance an associated driver should travel during a route, this is used in planning phase
route_capacity Enum string Optional Maximum number of orders a driver can fulfill as part of single route
default_shift_start_time Enum string Optional Time at which drivers start their shifts by default
default_shift_end_time Enum string Optional Time at which drivers end their shifts by default
timezone Enum string Optional Timezone string in which the Ops group operates in
order_tracking_mode Enum string Optional Config which defines whether orders are tracked automatically at shift start, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual
shift_availability_mode Enum string Optional Config which defines whether drivers are automatically made available/unavailable at shift start/end, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual

Create new Ops Group request:

   "ops_group_label": "Store",
   "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
   "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
    "ops_group_home": {
      "address":"Store Berkley address"
    "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
    "route_capacity": 10,
    "route_max_distance": 12000,
    "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
    "default_shift_end_time": "18:00",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles"

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

ops_group_data = {
   "ops_group_label": "Store",
   "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
   "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
    "ops_group_home": {
      "address":"Store Berkley address"
    "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
    "route_capacity": 10,
    "route_max_distance": 12000,
    "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
    "default_shift_end_time": "18:00",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles"

response ="",

HTTP 201 - New Ops Group response

    "ops_group_handle": "store_berk",
    "ops_group_label": "Store",
    "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
    "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
    "ops_group_home": {
      "address":"Store Berkley address"
    "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
    "route_capacity": 10,
    "route_max_distance": 12000,
    "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
    "default_shift_end_time": "18:00",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles",
    "order_tracking_mode": "manual",
    "shift_availability_mode": "manual"

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs
ops_group_label string Label for the Ops Group e.g City, Warehouse, Store
ops_group_home object Details of Ops Group Home [If ops group is setup such that Operations starts from Ops Group home, then ops group home needs to be set]
ops_group_home.address string Address of Ops group home
ops_group_home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
route_start_location Enum string Config which defines where the route starts from, enumerated as driver_home, ops_group_home or live_location
route_completion_type Enum string Config which defines how the route ends, enumerated as end_at_last_order, return_to_start_location or manual
objective_fn Enum string Config which defines the optimization factor, enumerated as minimise_time or minimise_distance
route_max_distance number Maximum distance an associated driver should travel during a route, this is used in planning phase
route_capacity Enum string Maximum number of orders a driver can fulfill as part of single route
default_shift_start_time Enum string Time at which drivers start their shifts by default
default_shift_end_time Enum string Time at which drivers end their shifts by default
timezone Enum string Timezone string in which the Ops group operates in
order_tracking_mode Enum string Config which defines whether orders are tracked automatically at shift start, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual
shift_availability_mode Enum string Config which defines whether drivers are automatically made available/unavailable at shift start/end, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual

references > apis > drivers > Update Ops Group

PATCH /drivers/ops-groups/{ops_group_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

All the fields in update request are optional, pass only the field(s) you want to patch, other fields already present in driver will not be updated.

Request Attributes for Update Ops Group API

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
ops_group_label string Optional Label for the Ops Group e.g City, Warehouse, Store
ops_group_home object Optional Details of Ops Group Home [Only needed if route_start_location is ops_group_home then ops group home needs to be set]
ops_group_home.address string Optional Address of Ops group home
ops_group_home.geometry object Optional Location in GeoJSON format
route_start_location Enum string Optional Config which defines where the route starts from, enumerated as driver_home, ops_group_home or live_location
route_completion_type Enum string Optional Config which defines how the route ends, enumerated as end_at_last_order, return_to_start_location or manual

Planning Configuration Fields

Name Type Optional/Mandatory Description
objective_fn Enum string Optional Config which defines the optimization factor, enumerated as minimise_time or minimise_distance
route_max_distance number Optional Maximum distance an associated driver should travel during a route, this is used in planning phase
route_capacity Enum string Optional Maximum number of orders a driver can fulfill as part of single route
default_shift_start_time Enum string Optional Time at which drivers start their shifts by default
default_shift_end_time Enum string Optional Time at which drivers end their shifts by default
timezone Enum string Optional Timezone string in which the Ops group operates in
order_tracking_mode Enum string Optional Config which defines whether orders are tracked automatically at shift start, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual
shift_availability_mode Enum string Optional Config which defines whether drivers are automatically made available/unavailable at shift start/end, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual

Update Ops Group request:

   "ops_group_label": "Store",
   "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
   "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
   "ops_group_home": {
      "address":"Store Berkley address"
    "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
    "route_capacity": 12,
    "route_max_distance": 14000,
    "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
    "default_shift_end_time": "19:00",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles",
    "order_tracking_mode": "manual",
    "shift_availability_mode": "manual"

curl -X PATCH \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

ops_group_data = {
   "ops_group_label": "Store",
   "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
   "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
   "ops_group_home": {
      "address":"Store Berkley address"
    "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
    "route_capacity": 12,
    "route_max_distance": 14000,
    "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
    "default_shift_end_time": "19:00",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles",
    "order_tracking_mode": "manual",
    "shift_availability_mode": "manual"

response = requests.patch("",

HTTP 200 - updated ops group response

    "ops_group_handle": "store_berk",
    "ops_group_label": "Store",
    "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
    "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
    "ops_group_home": {
      "address":"Store Berkley address"
    "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
    "route_capacity": 10,
    "route_max_distance": 12000,
    "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
    "default_shift_end_time": "18:00",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles",
    "order_tracking_mode": "manual",
    "shift_availability_mode": "manual"

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs
ops_group_label string Label for the Ops Group e.g City, Warehouse, Store
ops_group_home object Details of Ops Group Home [If ops group is setup such that Operations starts from Ops Group home, then ops group home needs to be set]
ops_group_home.address string Address of Ops group home
ops_group_home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
route_start_location Enum string Config which defines where the route starts from, enumerated as driver_home, ops_group_home or live_location
route_completion_type Enum string Config which defines how the route ends, enumerated as end_at_last_order, return_to_start_location or manual
objective_fn Enum string Config which defines the optimization factor, enumerated as minimise_time or minimise_distance
route_max_distance number Maximum distance an associated driver should travel during a route, this is used in planning phase
route_capacity Enum string Maximum number of orders a driver can fulfill as part of single route
default_shift_start_time Enum string Time at which drivers start their shifts by default
default_shift_end_time Enum string Time at which drivers end their shifts by default
timezone Enum string Timezone string in which the Ops group operates in
order_tracking_mode Enum string Config which defines whether orders are tracked automatically at shift start, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual
shift_availability_mode Enum string Config which defines whether drivers are automatically made available/unavailable at shift start/end, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual

references > apis > drivers > Get Ops Group By Handle

Get Details about any Ops Group already created on HT

GET /drivers/ops-groups/{ops_group_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Get Ops Group request:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

HTTP 200 - get Ops Group response

    "ops_group_handle": "store_berk",
    "ops_group_label": "Store",
    "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
    "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
    "ops_group_home": {
      "address":"Store Berkley address"
    "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
    "route_capacity": 10,
    "route_max_distance": 12000,
    "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
    "default_shift_end_time": "18:00",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles",
    "order_tracking_mode": "manual",
    "shift_availability_mode": "manual"

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs
ops_group_label string Label for the Ops Group e.g City, Warehouse, Store
ops_group_home object Details of Ops Group Home [If ops group is setup such that Operations starts from Ops Group home, then ops group home needs to be set]
ops_group_home.address string Address of Ops group home
ops_group_home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
route_start_location Enum string Config which defines where the route starts from, enumerated as driver_home, ops_group_home or live_location
route_completion_type Enum string Config which defines how the route ends, enumerated as end_at_last_order, return_to_start_location or manual
objective_fn Enum string Config which defines the optimization factor, enumerated as minimise_time or minimise_distance
route_max_distance number Maximum distance an associated driver should travel during a route, this is used in planning phase
route_capacity Enum string Maximum number of orders a driver can fulfill as part of single route
default_shift_start_time Enum string Time at which drivers start their shifts by default
default_shift_end_time Enum string Time at which drivers end their shifts by default
timezone Enum string Timezone string in which the Ops group operates in
order_tracking_mode Enum string Config which defines whether orders are tracked automatically at shift start, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual
shift_availability_mode Enum string Config which defines whether drivers are automatically made available/unavailable at shift start/end, enumerated as manual or auto. Default is manual

references > apis > drivers > List Ops Groups

All Ops Groups being created for a business can be listed using Ops Groups API

GET /drivers/ops-groups

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query Parameters

List Ops Groups request:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get('',

HTTP 200 - list Ops Groups response

HTTP 200 - List All Ops Groups

  "ops_groups": [
              "ops_group_handle": "store_sf",
              "ops_group_label": "Store",
              "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
              "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
              "ops_group_home": {
                "address":"Store SF address"
              "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
              "route_capacity": 10,
              "route_max_distance": 12000,
              "default_shift_start_time": "07:00",
              "default_shift_end_time": "18:00",
              "timezone": "America/Los Angeles"
              "ops_group_handle": "store_sea",
              "ops_group_label": "Store",
              "route_start_location": "ops_group_home",
              "route_completion_type": "end_at_last_order",
              "ops_group_home": {
                "address":"Store Seattle address"
              "objective_fn": "minimise_time",
              "route_capacity": 12,
              "route_max_distance": 15000,
              "default_shift_start_time": "07:30",
              "default_shift_end_time": "18:30",
              "timezone": "America/Los Angeles"
  "pagination_token": "effss343fgsdCss2ee"

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
ops_groups array Array of ops groups
ops_groups.ops_group.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs
ops_groups.ops_group.ops_group_label string Label for the Ops Group e.g City, Warehouse, Store
ops_groups.ops_group.ops_group_home object Details of Ops Group Home [If ops group is setup such that Operations starts from Ops Group home, then ops group home needs to be set]
ops_groups.ops_group.ops_group_home.address string Address of Ops group home
ops_groups.ops_group.ops_group_home.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
ops_groups.ops_group.route_start_location Enum string Config which defines where the route starts from, enumerated as driver_home, ops_group_home or live_location
ops_groups.ops_group.route_completion_type Enum string Config which defines how the route ends, enumerated as end_at_last_order, return_to_start_location or manual
ops_groups.ops_group.objective_fn Enum string Config which defines the optimization factor, enumerated as minimise_time or minimise_distance
ops_groups.ops_group.route_max_distance number Maximum distance an associated driver should travel during a route, this is used in planning phase
ops_groups.ops_group.route_capacity Enum string Maximum number of orders a driver can fulfill as part of single route
ops_groups.ops_group.default_shift_start_time Enum string Time at which drivers start their shifts by default
ops_groups.ops_group.default_shift_end_time Enum string Time at which drivers end their shifts by default
ops_groups.ops_group.timezone Enum string Timezone string in which the Ops group operates in
pagination_token string String representing the next pagination token used to fetch the next page of data

references > apis > Orders

The Orders API can be used to plan, manage, and track orders.

references > apis > orders > Plan Orders

references > apis > orders > plan-orders > Batch and Sequence Orders

Post orders to link example:

  "plan_mode": "scheduled",
  "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
  "orders": [
      "order_handle": "order-112233",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T22:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233322"},
      "order_handle": "order-112244",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:30:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "address": "425 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233321"},

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload

import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

order_data = {
  "plan_mode": "scheduled",
  "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
  "orders": [
      "order_handle": "order-112233",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T22:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233322"},
      "order_handle": "order-112244",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:30:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "address": "425 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233321"},

route ='', json=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

Post orders that need to be planned.

POST /orders

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
plan_mode string Mandatory enum string one of scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
ops_group_handle string Optional Unique handle for Ops Group for which the orders are to be planned
driver_handle string Optional Unique identifier of the driver to plan the orders for
orders array Mandatory Array of order objects
orders.order_handle string Mandatory Unique handle for Order
orders.scheduled_at Datetime string Mandatory Schedule time by which order needs to be fulfilled
orders.scheduled_after Datetime string Optional Schedule time after which the driver needs to fulfill order (similar to slot start)
orders.destination object Mandatory Object representing destination of the order
orders.destination.geometry object Optional Geometry in GeoJSON format; optional if address is given (address is then used to geocode)
orders.destination.radius integer Optional Radius of circular geofence (Only needed if destination geofence is of type circle)
orders.destination.address string Optional Address of destination; if only address is provided, address is geocoded; if both address and geometry is provided, address is used as a label
orders.expected_service_time integer Optional Time in seconds which is expected at the order destination for fulfillment
orders.capacity_used integer Optional Volumetric units which is to be occupied by the order
orders.product_type array Optional Array of string representing skills required to fulfill the order
orders.type Enum string Optional Type of order enumerated as drop or pick
orders.type_index integer Optional Index of order of the same type and order handle
orders.metadata object Optional Metadata for order

Note: driver_handle only is permitted when plan_mode is either on_demand or manual

references > apis > orders > Track Orders

references > apis > orders > track-orders > Using Orders

Track using a bag of orders example:

  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "track_mode": "on_time",
  "orders": [
      "order_handle": "order-112233",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T22:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233322"},
      "order_handle": "order-112244",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:30:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233321"},

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload

import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

order_data = {
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "track_mode": "on_time",
  "orders": [
      "order_handle": "order-112233",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T22:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233322"},
      "order_handle": "order-112244",
      "scheduled_after": "2023-03-14T23:00:00Z",
      "scheduled_at": "2023-03-14T23:30:00Z",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "radius": 50
      "product_type": ["plumber"],
      "capacity_used": 1,
      "expected_service_time": 800,
      "type": "drop",
      "metadata": {"customerId": "2233321"},

route ='', json=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 201 - Track Using a Bag of Orders response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T22:21:00Z",
    "created_at": "2023-03-14T22:20:00Z",
          "order_handle": "order-112233",
          "status": "ongoing",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T22:21:00Z",
          "started_at": "2023-03-14T22:21:00Z",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
          "share_url": ""
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Track orders fulfilled by a driver who is identified by device_id

POST /orders/track

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Request attributes

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
track_mode Enum string Mandatory Tracking Intent of API enumerated as on_time OR flex
device_id string Optional Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device
driver_handle string Optional Unique identifier of the driver to track orders with which is case insensitive
orders array Mandatory Array of order objects
orders.order_handle string Mandatory Unique handle for Order
orders.scheduled_at Datetime string Optional Schedule time by which order needs to be fulfilled. Mandatory for on_time orders; optional for flex orders
orders.scheduled_after Datetime string Optional Schedule time after which the driver needs to fulfill order (similar to slot start)
orders.destination object Mandatory Object representing destination of the order
orders.destination.geometry object Mandatory Geometry in GeoJSON format
orders.destination.radius integer Optional Radius of circular geofence (Only needed if destination geofence is of type circle)
orders.expected_service_time integer Optional Time in seconds which is expected at the order destination for fulfillment
orders.destination.address string Optional Address label. If not provided, address is reversed geocoded based on the geometry provided.
orders.capacity_used integer Optional Volumetric units which is to be occupied by the order
orders.product_type array Optional Array of string representing skills required to fulfill the order
orders.type Enum string Optional Type of order enumerated as drop or pick
orders.type_index integer Optional Index of order of the same type and order handle
orders.metadata object Optional Metadata for order

NOTE: Please provide either device_id OR driver_handle but not both.

Response attributes

Name Type Description
orders array Array of order objects
order object Definition of a order object
order.order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
order.fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
order.status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
order.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
order.device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
order.driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
order.route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
order.track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
order.plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
order.created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
order.started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
order.share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
order.scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
order.cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
order.disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
order.enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
order.assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
order.metadata object Metadata for an order
order.region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
order.destination.address string Destination address for the order
order.risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
order.risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
order.arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
order.expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
order.actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
order.product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
order.type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
order.type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
order.capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
order.estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics (Only present for non terminal orders)
order.estimate.arrive_at timestamp Order Estimated arrival timestamp
order.estimate.start_by timestamp Order Estimated start time
order.estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
order.estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
order.distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
order.duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
route_handle string Unique handle for the route
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, assigned, tracking, completed
plan_mode string Mode with which route is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
version integer Integer indicating the version of the route
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
estimate object Object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.start_by object Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the route
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the route
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
started_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was started
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was assigned
created_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was created
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which all orders in the route were completed
device_id string Unique identifier for the driver fulfilling the order in the route
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver
metadata object Route metadata
embed_url string URL string that can be used to embed the route tracking in customer dashboards
markers array Array of markers generated during the route
distance integer Distance travelled during the whole route
duration integer Duration spent during the whole route
polyline integer Polyline (linestring geoJSON) representing route travelled
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the route
region object Object containing the city/state/country of the route
references > apis > orders > track-orders > Using Route

Track Orders using Route Handle example:

  "track_mode": "on_time",
  "route_handle": "route-1",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF"

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload

import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

order_data = {
   "track_mode": "on_time",
   "route_handle": "route_12123",
   "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF"

route ='', json=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 200 - Track Orders Using Route Handle response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T22:21:00Z",
    "created_at": "2023-03-14T22:20:00Z",
          "order_handle": "order-112233",
          "status": "ongoing",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T22:21:00Z",
          "started_at": "2023-03-14T22:21:00Z",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
          "share_url": ""
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Track orders using the Route handle

POST /orders/track

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Request attributes

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
track_mode Enum string Mandatory Tracking Intent of API enumerated as on_time OR flex
route_handle string Mandatory Unique handle for Route
device_id string Optional Unique ID of the device obtained through HyperTrack when application (with HT SDK) is installed on the device
driver_handle string Optional Unique identifier of the driver to track route with which is case insensitive

NOTE: Please provide either device_id OR driver_handle but not both.

Response attributes

Name Type Description
orders array Array of order objects
order object Definition of a order object
order.order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
order.fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
order.status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
order.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
order.device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
order.driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
order.route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
order.track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
order.plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
order.created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
order.started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
order.share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
order.scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
order.cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
order.disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
order.enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
order.assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
order.metadata object Metadata for an order
order.region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
order.destination.address string Destination address for the order
order.risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
order.risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
order.arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
order.expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
order.actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
order.product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
order.type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
order.type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
order.capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
order.estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics (Only present for non terminal orders)
order.estimate.arrive_at timestamp Order Estimated arrival timestamp
order.estimate.start_by timestamp Order Estimated start time
order.estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
order.estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
order.distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
order.duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
route_handle string Unique handle for the route
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, assigned, tracking, completed
plan_mode string Mode with which route is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
version integer Integer indicating the version of the route
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
estimate object Object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.start_by object Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the route
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the route
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
started_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was started
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was assigned
created_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was created
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which all orders in the route were completed
device_id string Unique identifier for the driver fulfilling the order in the route
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver
metadata object Route metadata
embed_url string URL string that can be used to embed the route tracking in customer dashboards
markers array Array of markers generated during the route
distance integer Distance travelled during the whole route
duration integer Duration spent during the whole route
polyline integer Polyline (linestring geoJSON) representing route travelled
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the route
region object Object containing the city/state/country of the route

references > apis > orders > Get Orders

references > apis > orders > get-orders > Using Route

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get('',

HTTP 200 - Get route response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "distance": 2383,
    "duration": 1243,
    "tracking_rate": 0.94,
    "polyline":  {
      "type": "LineString",
      "coordinates": [
        [-122.271154, 37.804348, 34, '2023-03-14T22:22:000Z'],
        [-122.272057, 37.80295, 34, '2023-03-14T22:23:000Z'],
        [-122.272057, 37.80295, 34, '2023-03-14T22:24:000Z'],
        [-122.278011, 37.805288, 34, '2023-03-14T22:25:000Z'],..
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
    "completed_at": "2023-03-14T22:50:00Z",
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline":  {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]
    "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:00Z",
    "planned_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:00Z",
    "created_at": "2023-03-14T22:20:00Z",
          "order_handle": "order-112233",
          "status": "assigned",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "driver_handle": "San-Jose-Driver-1",
          "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:00Z",
          "planned_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:00Z",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
          "type": "drop",
          "type_index": 0,
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
            "start_by": "2023-03-14T23:20:00Z",
            "distance": 3728,
            "duration": 729,
            "arrive_at": "2023-03-14T23:31:00Z"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
    "driver_handle": "San-Jose-Driver-1",
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Get a route using the route_handle.

GET /orders/routes/{route_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Response attributes

Name Type Description
orders array Array of order objects
order object Definition of a order object
order.order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
order.fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
order.status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
order.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
order.device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
order.driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
order.route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
order.track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
order.plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
order.created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
order.started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
order.share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
order.scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
order.cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
order.disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
order.enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
order.assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
order.metadata object Metadata for an order
order.region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
order.destination.address string Destination address for the order
order.risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
order.risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
order.arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
order.expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
order.actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
order.product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
order.type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
order.type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
order.capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
order.estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics (Only present for non terminal orders)
order.estimate.arrive_at timestamp Order Estimated arrival timestamp
order.estimate.start_by timestamp Order Estimated start time
order.estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
order.estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
order.distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
order.duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
route_handle string Unique handle for the route
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, assigned, tracking, completed
plan_mode string Mode with which route is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
version integer Integer indicating the version of the route
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
estimate object Object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.start_by object Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the route
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the route
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
started_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was started
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was assigned
created_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was created
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which all orders in the route were completed
device_id string Unique identifier for the driver fulfilling the order in the route
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver
metadata object Route metadata
embed_url string URL string that can be used to embed the route tracking in customer dashboards
markers array Array of markers generated during the route
distance integer Distance travelled during the whole route
duration integer Duration spent during the whole route
polyline integer Polyline (linestring geoJSON) representing route travelled
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the route
region object Object containing the city/state/country of the route
references > apis > orders > get-orders > Using Parameters

List orders example:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get('',

HTTP 200 - List orders response

          "order_handle": "order-112233",
          "status": "assigned",
          "plan_mode": "scheduled",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "driver_handle": "San-Jose-Driver-1",
          "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T23:02:00Z",
          "planned_at": "2023-03-14T23:02:00Z",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
          "type": "drop",
          "type_index": 0,
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
            "start_by": "2023-03-14T23:20:00Z",
            "distance": 3728,
            "duration": 729,
            "arrive_at": "2023-03-14T23:31:00Z"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,

List orders filtered and sorted based on the below parameters.

GET /orders

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query Parameters

Business Filters

Order Status Filters

Driver Filters

Time Range Filters

Note : Date and time should be in valid ISO 8601 timestamp format.

Sorting and Pagination Parameters

List orders response attributes

Name Type Description
orders array Array of order objects
pagination_token string String representing the next pagination token used to fetch the next page of data
order object Definition of a order object
order.order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
order.fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
order.status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
order.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
order.device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
order.route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
order.driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver
order.intent string Intent of API enumerated as self_improving, on_time OR flex
order.created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
order.started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
order.assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
order.planned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was planned
order.share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
order.scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
order.cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
order.disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
order.estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics (Only present for non terminal orders)
order.estimate.arrive_at timestamp Estimated arrival timestamp
order.estimate.start_by timestamp Estimated start time
order.estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
order.estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
order.distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
order.duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
order.enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
order.metadata object Metadata for an order
order.region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
order.destination.address string Destination address for the order
order.risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
order.risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
order.arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
order.expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
order.product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
order.type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
order.type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
order.capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order

references > apis > orders > Get Order Timeline

Get order example:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get('',

HTTP 200 - Get order response

    "order_handle": "order-122332",
    "status": "ongoing",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "route_handle" : "08e15437-dd50-44d0-81f2-64874d59b440",
    "driver_handle": "San-Jose-Driver-1",
    "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T23:02:00Z",
    "planned_at": "2023-03-14T23:02:00Z",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,
    "type_index": 0,
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline":  {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]

Get an order with it's timeline based on the order_handle.

GET /orders/{order_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

order_handle - a string representing the order_handle

Get order response attributes

Name Type Description
order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrackÏ√
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
planned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was planned
metadata object Metadata for an order
region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
destination object Defined order destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
destination.address string Destination address for the order
risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
images array Links for images taken as proof of work during fulfillment
completed_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was completed at the delivery location
cancelled_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was cancelled at the delivery location
order_score integer Score indicating the performance of the order
estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.arrive_at timestamp Estimated arrival timestamp
estimate.start_by timestamp Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order
duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order
polyline string Actual route traversal polyline to the order destination
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the delivery
deviation_from_destination integer Deviation in meters between the order destination location and completion location
actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
markers object Array of markers
events object Array of events that occurred during the order journey
previous_fulfillments object Array of fulfillment objects containing historic fulfillment_attempts for the order with the same handle

references > apis > orders > Manage Routes

references > apis > orders > manage-routes > Get Routes

List routes example:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get('',

HTTP 200 - List routes response

            "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
            "assigned_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:00Z",
            "planned_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:00Z",
            "created_at": "2023-03-14T22:20:00Z",
                "city":"San Francisco",
                "country":"United States of America"
              "distance": 7728,
              "duration": 1429,
                  "order_handle": "order-112233",
                  "status": "assigned",
                  "type": "drop",
                  "type_index": 0,
                  "created_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:00Z",
                  "estimate": {
                    "distance": 323,
                    "duration": 89,
                    "start_by": "2023-03-14T22:22:00.000Z",
                    "arrive_at": "2023-03-14T22:22:02.000Z"
            "driver_handle": "San-Jose-Driver-1",
            "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

List routes filtered and sorted based on the below parameters.

GET /orders/routes

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query Parameters

Business Filters

Driver Filters

Route Status Filters

Time Range Filters

Note : Date and time should be in valid ISO 8601 timestamp format.

Sorting and Pagination Parameters

List routes response attributes

Name Type Description
routes array Array of route objects
route.orders array Array of order objects
pagination_token string String representing the next pagination token used to fetch the next page of data
route.order object Definition of a order object
route.order.order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
route.order.status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
route.order.type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
route.order.type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
route.order.started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
route.order.cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
route.order.completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
route.order.expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
route.order.actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
route.order.estimate Object Object containing the estimate metrics
route.order.estimate.arrive_at timestamp Order Estimated arrival timestamp
route.order.estimate.start_by timestamp Order Estimated start time
route.order.estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
route.order.estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
route.route_handle string Unique handle for the route.
route.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
route.status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, assigned, tracking, completed
route.intent string Intent of API enumerated as self_improving, on_time OR flex
route.version integer Integer indicating the version of the route
route.started_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was started
route.completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which all orders in the route were completed
route.assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was assigned
route.planned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was planned
route.created_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was created
route.estimate object Object containing the estimate metrics (Only present for routes in non terminal state)
route.estimate.start_by object Estimated start time
route.estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the route
route.estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the route
route.duration integer Duration spent during the whole route (Only present for routes in terminal state)
route.polyline integer Polyline (linestring geoJSON) representing route travelled (Only present for routes in terminal state)
route.device_id string Unique identifier for the driver fulfilling the order in the route
route.driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
route.metadata object Route metadata
route.embed_url string URL string that can be used to embed the route tracking in customer dashboards
route.region object Object containing the city/state/country of the route
references > apis > orders > manage-routes > Complete Route

Complete route example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
response ="",

HTTP 200 - Complete route response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "completed_at": "2023-03-14T23:44:00Z"
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [77.72123, 12.89617],
          [77.72169, 12.89595],
          [77.72214, 12.89572]
      "start_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8924515, 37.4124516]},
      "end_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]}
          "order_handle": "order-112233",
          "status": "assigned",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Complete a route using the route_handle.

POST /orders/routes/{route_handle}/complete

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Response attributes

Name Type Description
orders array Array of order objects
order object Definition of a order object
order.order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
order.fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
order.status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
order.ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
order.device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrack
order.driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
order.route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
order.track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
order.plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
order.created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
order.started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
order.share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
order.scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
order.completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
order.cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
order.disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
order.enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
order.assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
order.metadata object Metadata for an order
order.region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
order.destination.address string Destination address for the order
order.risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
order.risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
order.arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
order.expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
order.actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
order.product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
order.type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
order.type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
order.capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
order.estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics (Only present for non terminal orders)
order.estimate.arrive_at timestamp Order Estimated arrival timestamp
order.estimate.start_by timestamp Order Estimated start time
order.estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
order.estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
order.distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
order.duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order (Only present for orders in terminal state)
route_handle string Unique handle for the route
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, assigned, tracking, completed
plan_mode string Mode with which route is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
version integer Integer indicating the version of the route
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
estimate object Object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.start_by object Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the route
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the route
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
started_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was started
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was assigned
created_at timestamp Timestamp at which the route was created
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which all orders in the route were completed
device_id string Unique identifier for the driver fulfilling the order in the route
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver
metadata object Route metadata
embed_url string URL string that can be used to embed the route tracking in customer dashboards
markers array Array of markers generated during the route
distance integer Distance travelled during the whole route
duration integer Duration spent during the whole route
polyline integer Polyline (linestring geoJSON) representing route travelled
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the route
region object Object containing the city/state/country of the route
references > apis > orders > manage-routes > Reassign Route

Assign route example:

  "device_id": "00000-11FD334-AS433-223DF"

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
payload = {
  "device_id": "00000-11FD334-AS433-223DF"
response ="",

HTTP 200 - Assign route response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "order_handle": "order-112233",
          "status": "assigned",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-11FD334-AS433-223DF",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Re-Assign route using the route_handle.

POST /orders/routes/{route_handle}/reassign

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Assign route request attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string UUID of the device to assign
driver_handle string Unique identifier of the driver to assign (case insensitive)

NOTE: Please provide either device_id OR driver_handle but not both.

references > apis > orders > manage-routes > Update Metadata

Update route metadata example:

  "metadata": {"routePlan": "122322"}
curl -X PATCH \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
payload = {
  "metadata": {"routePlan": "122322"}
response = requests.patch("",
data=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 200 - Update route response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "order_handle": "order-112233",
          "status": "assigned",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
    "metadata":{"routePlan": "122322"},"

Update route metadata using the route_handle.

PATCH /orders/routes/{route_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Update Route metadata request attributes

Name Type Description
metadata object Metadata for the route
references > apis > orders > manage-routes > Add Order

Add orders example:

  "orders": [ { "order_handle":"order-112233" }, { "order_handle":"order-112244"}]
curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
payload = {
  "orders": [ { "order_handle":"order-112233" }, { "order_handle":"order-112244"}]
response ="",
params=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 200 - Add orders response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [77.72123, 12.89617],
          [77.72169, 12.89595],
          [77.72214, 12.89572]
      "start_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8924515, 37.4124516]},
      "end_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]}
          "order_handle": "order-112244",
          "status": "assigned",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Add orders to a route.

POST /orders/routes/{route_handle}/add

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
orders array Mandatory Array of order objects
orders.order_handle string Mandatory Unique handle for Order to be added
orders.type string Optional type string of Order to be added
orders.type_index integer Optional type index of Order to be added
resequence boolean Optional Flag to add each order to the route at the most optimal position
references > apis > orders > manage-routes > Remove Order

Remove orders example:

  "orders": [ { "order_handle":"order-112233" }]
curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
payload = {
"orders": [ { "order_handle":"order-112233" }]
response ="",
params=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 200 - Remove orders response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [77.72123, 12.89617],
          [77.72169, 12.89595],
          [77.72214, 12.89572]
      "start_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8924515, 37.4124516]},
      "end_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]}
          "order_handle": "order-112244",
          "status": "assigned",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Remove orders from a route using the route_handle.

POST /orders/routes/{route_handle}/remove

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
orders array Mandatory Array of order objects
orders.order_handle string Mandatory Unique handle for Order to be removed
orders.type string Optional type string of Order to be removed
orders.type_index integer Optional type index of Order to be removed
references > apis > orders > manage-routes > Resequence Orders

Resequence orders example:

  "orders": [{"order_handle":"order-112244"}, {"order_handle":"order-112233"}]
curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
payload = {
  "orders": [{"order_handle":"order-112244"}, {"order_handle":"order-112233"}]
response ="",
params=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 200 - Resequence orders response

    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [77.72123, 12.89617],
          [77.72169, 12.89595],
          [77.72214, 12.89572]
      "start_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8924515, 37.4124516]},
      "end_location":{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]}
          "order_handle": "order-112244",
          "status": "assigned",
          "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
          "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
          "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
            "city":"San Francisco",
            "country":"United States of America"
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
            "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
          "risk_status": false,
    "metadata":{"planId": "1223322"},

Re-sequence the orders in a given route using the route_handle.

POST /orders/routes/{route_handle}/resequence

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
orders array Mandatory Array of order objects
orders.order_handle string Mandatory Unique handle for Orders of a route
orders.type string Optional type string of Order to be resequenced
orders.type_index integer Optional type index of Order to be resequenced

Note: Re sequence operation requires all order handles to be present as part of request

references > apis > orders > Manage Orders

references > apis > orders > manage-orders > Complete

Complete order example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
response ="",

HTTP 200 - Complete order response

    "order_handle": "order-122332",
    "status": "completed",
    "completed_at": "2023-03-14T23:40:00Z",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline":  {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]

Complete order using the order_handle.

POST /orders/{order_handle}/complete

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Get order response attributes

Name Type Description
order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrackÏ√
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
planned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was planned
metadata object Metadata for an order
region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
destination object Defined order destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
destination.address string Destination address for the order
risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
images array Links for images taken as proof of work during fulfillment
completed_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was completed at the delivery location
cancelled_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was cancelled at the delivery location
order_score integer Score indicating the performance of the order
estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.arrive_at timestamp Estimated arrival timestamp
estimate.start_by timestamp Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order
duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order
polyline string Actual route traversal polyline to the order destination
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the delivery
deviation_from_destination integer Deviation in meters between the order destination location and completion location
actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
markers object Array of markers
events object Array of events that occurred during the order journey
previous_fulfillments object Array of fulfillment objects containing historic fulfillment_attempts for the order with the same handle
references > apis > orders > manage-orders > Cancel

Cancel order example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
response ="",

HTTP 200 - Cancel order response

    "order_handle": "order-122332",
    "status": "cancelled",
    "cancelled_at": "2023-03-14T23:40:00Z",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]

Cancel order using the order_handle.

POST /orders/{order_handle}/cancel

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

order_handle - a string representing the order_handle

Query Parameters

Get order response attributes

Name Type Description
order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrackÏ√
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
planned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was planned
metadata object Metadata for an order
region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
destination object Defined order destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
destination.address string Destination address for the order
risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
images array Links for images taken as proof of work during fulfillment
completed_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was completed at the delivery location
cancelled_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was cancelled at the delivery location
order_score integer Score indicating the performance of the order
estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.arrive_at timestamp Estimated arrival timestamp
estimate.start_by timestamp Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order
duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order
polyline string Actual route traversal polyline to the order destination
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the delivery
deviation_from_destination integer Deviation in meters between the order destination location and completion location
actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
markers object Array of markers
events object Array of events that occurred during the order journey
previous_fulfillments object Array of fulfillment objects containing historic fulfillment_attempts for the order with the same handle
references > apis > orders > manage-orders > Reassign

Reassign order to a driver example:

  "driver_handle": "sam@8303"
curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
payload = {
  "driver_handle": "sam@8303"
response ="",
params=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 200 - Reassign order to a driver response

    "order_handle": "test_order_4",
    "status": "assigned",
    "driver_handle": "sam@8303",
    "assigned_at": "2023-08-29T02:00:000Z",
    "route_handle": "732893000-98900-hjhkh",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]

Reassigns an order to a driver in an optimal manner.

POST /orders/{order_handle}/reassign

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
driver_handle string Mandatory Unique identifier of the driver to assign
ops_group_handle string Optional Unique identifier of the ops group to associate the order while assignment

Note: ops_group_handle is needed for cases where driver is associated with multiple ops groups via schedule linking

references > apis > orders > manage-orders > Disable

Unsnooze order example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
response ="",

HTTP 200 - Snooze order response

    "order_handle": "order-122332",
    "status": "snoozed",
    "disabled_at": "2023-03-14T23:40:00Z",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]

Disable an order using the order_handle.

POST /orders/{order_handle}/disable

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Get order response attributes

Name Type Description
order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrackÏ√
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
planned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was planned
metadata object Metadata for an order
region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
destination object Defined order destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
destination.address string Destination address for the order
risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
images array Links for images taken as proof of work during fulfillment
completed_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was completed at the delivery location
cancelled_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was cancelled at the delivery location
order_score integer Score indicating the performance of the order
estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.arrive_at timestamp Estimated arrival timestamp
estimate.start_by timestamp Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order
duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order
polyline string Actual route traversal polyline to the order destination
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the delivery
deviation_from_destination integer Deviation in meters between the order destination location and completion location
actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
markers object Array of markers
events object Array of events that occurred during the order journey
previous_fulfillments object Array of fulfillment objects containing historic fulfillment_attempts for the order with the same handle
references > apis > orders > manage-orders > Enable

Unsnooze order example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
response ="",

HTTP 200 - Unsnooze order response

    "order_handle": "order-122332",
    "status": "ongoing",
    "enabled_at": "2023-03-14T23:45:00Z",
    "disabled_at": "2023-03-14T23:40:00Z",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]

Enable an order using the order_handle.

POST /orders/{order_handle}/enable

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Get order response attributes

Name Type Description
order_handle string Unique handle for the Order
fulfillment_attempt integer Integer identifying the attempt count. This can used to fetch historic order data for the order handle.
status string Status representing the stage in which the order is in right now, enumerated values among planned, unplanned, assigned, ongoing, disabled, cancelled, completed
ops_group_handle string Unique handle for each Ops Group to be used in Drivers and Orders APIs. The handle needs to be url safe.
device_id string Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a device within HyperTrackÏ√
driver_handle string Unique handle for the driver which is case insensitive
route_handle string Unique handle for the route of which the order is part of
track_mode string mode with which Order is tracked enumerated as on_time OR flex
plan_mode string mode with which Order is planned enumerated as scheduled, pool, on_demand OR manual
created_at timestamp Timestamp representing the creation time of the order
started_at timestamp Timestamp representing when the order tracking was started
share_url string URL to be shared with the customer to track the driver approaching the order destination
scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
completed_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was completed
cancelled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was cancelled
disabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was disabled/snoozed
enabled_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was enabled/unsnoozed
assigned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was assigned
planned_at timestamp Timestamp at which the order was planned
metadata object Metadata for an order
region object Object containing the city, state, and country of the order destination
destination object Defined order destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
destination.address string Destination address for the order
risk_status boolean Flag indicating if a risk exists or not
risks object Object containing key value pairs where the key is the risk_name and the value is the severity of the risk indicated by color (red/yellow/green)
arrived_at timestamp Timestamp at which the driver arrived at the order destination
expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
type_index integer Index of order of the same type and order handle
capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order
start_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for start location point
end_location object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for end location point
images array Links for images taken as proof of work during fulfillment
completed_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was completed at the delivery location
cancelled_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was cancelled at the delivery location
order_score integer Score indicating the performance of the order
estimate object Estimate object containing the estimate metrics
estimate.arrive_at timestamp Estimated arrival timestamp
estimate.start_by timestamp Estimated start time
estimate.start_location object Estimated start location
estimate.end_location object Estimated end location
estimate.distance integer Estimated distance to fulfill the order
estimate.duration integer Estimated duration to fulfill the order
estimate.polyline string Estimated route traversal polyline to the order destination
distance integer Actual distance travelled to fulfill the order
duration integer Actual duration taken to fulfill the order
polyline string Actual route traversal polyline to the order destination
tracking_rate float Number indicating the tracking rate of the driver during the delivery
deviation_from_destination integer Deviation in meters between the order destination location and completion location
actual_service_time integer Actual time spent by the driver at the customer location
markers object Array of markers
events object Array of events that occurred during the order journey
previous_fulfillments object Array of fulfillment objects containing historic fulfillment_attempts for the order with the same handle
references > apis > orders > manage-orders > Reschedule

Reschedule orders example:

  "scheduled_at": "2023-08-29T08:00:000Z",
  "scheduled_after": "2023-08-29T06:00:000Z"
curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(
payload = {
  "scheduled_at": "2023-08-29T08:00:000Z",
  "scheduled_after": "2023-08-29T06:00:000Z"
response ="",
params=payload, headers=AUTH_HEADER)

HTTP 200 - Reschedule order response

    "order_handle": "test_order_4",
    "status": "unplanned",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1223344"},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,

Reschedule an order using the order_handle.

POST /orders/{order_handle}/reschedule

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Name Type Mandatory/Optional Description
scheduled_at Datetime string Mandatory New Schedule time by which order needs to be fulfilled
scheduled_after Datetime string Optional New Schedule time after which the driver needs to fulfill order (similar to slot start)
references > apis > orders > manage-orders > Update

Update order data example:

  "metadata": {"customerId": "1122334", "priority": 1},
  "scheduled_at": "2023-03-15 22:00:00",
  "scheduled_after": "2023-03-15 23:00:00",
  "capacity_used": 10

curl -X PATCH \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

order_data = {
  "metadata": {"customerId": "1122334", "priority": 1},
  "scheduled_at": "2023-03-15 22:00:00",
  "scheduled_after": "2023-03-15 23:00:00",
  "capacity_used": 10

response = requests.patch("",

HTTP 200 - Patch order metadata response

    "order_handle": "order-122332",
    "status": "ongoing",
    "ops_group_handle": "SAN_JOSE_WH",
    "device_id": "00000-122DS-FD3322-22331-ASDD3",
    "metadata":{"customerId": "1122334", "priority": 1},
      "city":"San Francisco",
      "country":"United States of America"
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "address":"Mission Peak, Fremont CA 94539"
    "risk_status": false,
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.4433564, 37.7606091]
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-121.8984515, 37.5124516]
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [-122.271154, 37.804348],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.272057, 37.80295],
          [-122.278011, 37.805288]

Update order using the order_handle. Updating order attributes will change the route and ETAs of pending orders on the route.

PATCH /orders/{order_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Update order request attributes

Name Type Description
metadata object Metadata for an order
scheduled_at timestamp Timestamp by which the order needs to be fulfilled
scheduled_after timestamp Timestamp after which the order needs to be fulfilled
destination object Defined order destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius integer Radius (in meters) of a circular order destination
destination.address string Destination address for the order
expected_service_time integer Time in seconds that the driver is expected to spend at the order destination
product_type array List of strings representing specific product types associated with the order
type string Indicates "drop"/"pickup" label associated with the order
capacity_used integer Indicates the capacity utilized by the order

references > apis > Geofences

Manage Geofences on the HyperTrack platform. With HyperTrack Geofences API, you can create and manage the throughput of your businesses key locations.

references > apis > geofences > Create geofences

  "geofences": [
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [ 122.395223, 37.7947633]
          "metadata": {
              "station": "A"
          "radius": 50
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [[
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693],
                [-122.402321, 37.794374],
                [-122.401371, 37.790205],
                [-122.389450, 37.791271],
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693]
          "metadata": {
              "dropoff": "1ABC"

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
let payload = {
  "geofences": [
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [ 122.395223, 37.7947633]
          "metadata": {
              "station": "A"
          "radius": 50
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [[
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693],
                [-122.402321, 37.794374],
                [-122.401371, 37.790205],
                [-122.389450, 37.791271],
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693]
          "metadata": {
              "dropoff": "1ABC"

fetch(, {
  method: "POST",
  body: JSON.stringify(payload),
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));
import requests

payload = {
  "geofences": [
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [ 122.395223, 37.7947633]
          "metadata": {
              "station": "A"
          "radius": 50
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [[
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693],
                [-122.402321, 37.794374],
                [-122.401371, 37.790205],
                [-122.389450, 37.791271],
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693]
          "metadata": {
              "dropoff": "1ABC"

response = requests.request("POST", "", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n" +
"  \"geofences\": [\n" +
"      {\n" +
"          \"geometry\": {\n" +
"              \"type\": \"Point\",\n" +
"              \"coordinates\": [ 122.395223, 37.7947633]\n" +
"          },\n" +
"          \"metadata\": {\n" +
"              \"station\": \"A\"\n" +
"          },\n" +
"          \"radius\": 50\n" +
"      },\n" +
"      {\n" +
"          \"geometry\": {\n" +
"              \"type\": \"Polygon\",\n" +
"              \"coordinates\": [[[-122.395237, 37.7947693],\n" +
"                              [-122.402321, 37.794374],\n" +
"                              [-122.401371, 37.790205],\n" +
"                              [-122.389450, 37.791271],\n" +
"                              [-122.395237, 37.7947693]]]\n" +
"          },\n" +
"          \"metadata\": {\n" +
"              \"dropoff\": \"1ABC\"\n" +
"          }\n" +
"      }\n" +
"  ]\n" +

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

$url = '';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
  "geofences": [
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [ 122.395223, 37.7947633]
          "metadata": {
              "station": "A"
          "radius": 50
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [[
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693],
                [-122.402321, 37.794374],
                [-122.401371, 37.790205],
                [-122.389450, 37.791271],
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693]
          "metadata": {
              "dropoff": "1ABC"

$context = stream_context_create([
    "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {
  "geofences": [
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [ 122.395223, 37.7947633]
          "metadata": {
              "station": "A"
          "radius": 50
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [[
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693],
                [-122.402321, 37.794374],
                [-122.401371, 37.790205],
                [-122.389450, 37.791271],
                [-122.395237, 37.7947693]
          "metadata": {
              "dropoff": "1ABC"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

HTTP 201 - New geofence response payload

        "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "coordinates": [122.395223, 37.7947633]
            "station": "A"
        "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "coordinates": [[
              [-122.395237, 37.7947693],
              [-122.402321, 37.794374],
              [-122.401371, 37.790205],
              [-122.389450, 37.791271],
              [-122.395237, 37.7947693]
            "dropoff": "1ABC"

Create geofences for all your drivers or for a single driver.

POST /geofences

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

geofences - an array of geofences

geofences request attributes

Name Type Description
geofences array Array of geofence objects (optional)
geofences[].geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point or Polygon
geofences[].geometry.type string Either Point or Polygon
geofences[].geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude in case of Point type; Polygon type contains array of positions (First and last positions need to be same to complete the loop
geofences[].radius int Defines the radius (in meters) of a circular geofence (optional, default is 30)
geofences[].metadata object Any metadata you want to assign to this geofence (optional)
device_id string Unique identifier representing a device, case sensitive (optional); When device_id is provided, the geofence will only apply to this one device; When this optional
metadata_filter object A key and value pair representing a group of devices (optional); When metadata_filter is provided, only devices registered with this key and value pair will be allowed to interact with the geofence
parameter is omitted, the geofence applies to all devices

references > apis > geofences > Update geofence metadata

  "metadata": {
    "geofence_stop_id": "ABC123"

curl -X PATCH \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{geofence_id}
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
let payload  = {
  "metadata": {
    "geofence_stop_id": "ABC123"

fetch({geofence_id}, {
  method: "PATCH",
  body: JSON.stringify(payload),
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
import requests

payload = {
  "metadata": {
    "geofence_stop_id": "ABC123"

response = requests.request("PATCH", "{geofence_id}", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n" +
"  \"metadata\": {\n" +
"   "geofence_stop_id\": \"ABC123\"\n" +
"  }\n" +

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

$url = '{geofence_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
  "metadata": {
    "geofence_stop_id": "ABC123"

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "PATCH",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{geofence_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {
  "metadata": {
    "geofence_stop_id": "ABC123"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Update geofence metadata for any created geofence

PATCH /geofences/{geofence_id}

This will merge the supplied JSON with the existing metadata. For example, if the existing metadata is{"foo": "bar"} and the PATCH request contains the payload {"new": "value"}, the resulting geofence metadata value will be {"foo": "bar", "new": "value"}. Key collisions are overwriting the previous keys.

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

geofence_id - a string representing the geofence ID for which metadata is being updated

references > apis > geofences > Get geofence

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{geofence_id}
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
fetch({geofence_id}, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));
import requests
response = requests.request("GET", "{geofence_id}", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

$url = '{geofence_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{geofence_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
response = http.request(request)

HTTP 200 - Geofences response payload

    "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
    "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
    "metadata": {
        "station": "A"
    "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [122.395223, 37.794763]
    "region": {
      "country": "United States of America",
      "state": "California",
      "city": "Mountain View",
      "geohash": "9q9htz9p"

Get full geofence by geofence_id.

GET /geofences/{geofence_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

geofences response attributes

Name Type Description
geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point or Polygon
geometry.type string Either Point or Polygon
geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude in case of Point type; Polygon type contains array of positions (First and last positions need to be same to complete the loop
radius int Defines the radius (in meters) of a circular geofence (optional)
metadata object Any metadata you want to assign to this geofence (optional)
device_id string Unique identifier representing a device, case sensitive (optional)
region object data about the region this geofence is in. Includes country, state, city and geohash

references > apis > geofences > Get all geofences

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload

curl -X GET \
-u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{pagination_token}
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d $payload

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{device_id}
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Get geofences created for all drivers
fetch(, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));

// Get next page of geofences created for all drivers
fetch({pagination_token}, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));

// Get geofences created for selected drivers
fetch({device_id}, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));
import requests

# Get geofences created for all drivers
response = requests.request("GET", "", auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))

# Get next page of geofences created for all drivers
response = requests.request("GET", "{pagination_token}", auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))

# Get geofences created for selected drivers
response = requests.request("GET", "{device_id}", auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

// Get geofences created for all drivers
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

// Get next page of geofences created for all drivers
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

// Get geofences created for selected drivers
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
// Get geofences created for all drivers

$url = '';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

  'Authorization' => $basicAuth

try {
  $responseAll = $requestAll->send();

  echo $responseAll->getBody();
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
  echo $ex;

// Get next page geofences created for all drivers

$url = '{pagination_token}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

  'Authorization' => $basicAuth

try {
  $responseAll = $requestAll->send();

  echo $responseAll->getBody();
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
  echo $ex;

// Get geofences created for selected drivers
$requestAllDevice = new HttpRequest();

$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
    "http" => [
        "header" => $basicAuth

  'Authorization' => $basicAuth

try {
  $response = $requestAllDevice->send();

  echo $response->getBody();
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
  echo $ex;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

# Get geofences created for all drivers
url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
response = http.request(request)

# Get next page of geofences created for all drivers
url = URI("{pagination_token}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
response = http.request(request)

# Get geofences created for selected drivers
url = URI("{device_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
response = http.request(request)

HTTP 200 - Geofences response payload

    "data": [
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425"
            "geofence_metadata": {
                "station": "A"
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [122.395223, 37.794763]
            "address": "123 Main St, Springfield, Big County, California, 12345677, United States of America",
            "region": {
                   "country": "United States of America",
                   "state": "California",
                   "city": "Springfield",
                   "geohash": "46xg3rg1"
    "links": {
        "next": ""
    "pagination_token": "eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIj"

Get all geofences with a paginated response

GET /geofences

Get next page of all geofences

GET /geofences/?pagination_token={pagination_token}

You may optionally pass in a device_id to get geofences created for this driver

GET /geofences/?device_id={device_id}

To get all geofences filtered by metadata:

GET /geofences?metadata_filter={url_encoded_json}

metadata_filter - a URL encoded string for JSON metadata to search for matching keys and values for geofence metadata in your account.

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

get all geofences response attributes

Name Type Description
data array Array of geofence objects (optional)
data[].geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point or Polygon
data[].geometry.type string Either Point or Polygon
data[].geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude in case of Point type; Polygon type contains array of positions (First and last positions need to be same to complete the loop
data[].radius int Defines the radius (in meters) of a circular geofence (optional, default is 30)
data[].metadata object Any metadata you want to assign to this geofence (optional)
data[].device_id string Unique identifier representing a device, case sensitive (optional)
data[].address string Address generated via reverse geocoding (optional; omitted if reverse geocoding of coordinates failed)
data[].region object region object with country, state, city and geohash (optional; omitted if reverse geocoding of coordinates failed) string API endpoint URL to get the next page of data (null if last page)
pagination_token string Pagination Token to pass in order to get the next page of data

references > apis > geofences > Delete geofences

curl -X DELETE \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{geofence_id}
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
fetch({geofence_id}, {
  method: "DELETE",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));
import requests
response = requests.request("DELETE", "{geofence_id}", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

$url = '{geofence_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "DELETE",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{geofence_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
response = http.request(request)

Delete a created geofence

DELETE /geofences/{geofence_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

references > apis > geofences > Deactivate geofences

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{geofence_id}/deactivate
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
fetch({geofence_id}/deactivate, {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));
import requests
response = requests.request("POST", "{geofence_id}/deactivate", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

$url = '{geofence_id}/deactivate';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{geofence_id}/deactivate")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
response = http.request(request)

Deactivate a geofence

POST /geofences/{geofence_id}/deactivate

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

references > apis > geofences > Activate geofences

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{geofence_id}/activate
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
fetch({geofence_id}/activate, {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  .then(res => console.log(res));
import requests
response = requests.request("POST", "{geofence_id}/activate", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

$url = '{geofence_id}/activate';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{geofence_id}/activate")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
response = http.request(request)

Activate an inactive geofence

POST /geofences/{geofence_id}/activate

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

references > apis > geofences > Get geofence visits

Get geofence visits.

HTTP 200 response with a payload representing geofence markers matching the query result.

    "data": [
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "driver_handle": " TestDriver1",
            "marker_id": "00001111-3767-2c12-f4ad-e213c130b321",
            "metadata": null,
            "geofence_metadata": {
                "station": "A"
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [-122.395223, 37.7947633]
            "arrival": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.394223, 37.792763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:45:00.000000Z"
            "exit": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.154223, 37.132763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:50:00.000000Z"
            "duration": 900,
            "route_to": {
                "duration": 3600,
                "distance": 2374
            "value": "exit"
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "A2DA5B2A-1B23-1244-1235-A134BD212415",
    "links": {
        "next": ''

    "data": [
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "driver_handle": " TestDriver1",
            "marker_id": "00001111-3767-2c12-f4ad-e213c130b321",
            "metadata": null,
            "geofence_metadata": {
                "station": "A"
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [-122.395223, 37.7947633]
            "arrival": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.394223, 37.792763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:45:00.000000Z"
            "exit": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.154223, 37.132763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:50:00.000000Z"
            "duration": 900,
            "route_to": {
                "duration": 3600,
                "distance": 2374
            "value": "exit"
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "A2DA5B2A-1B23-1244-1235-A134BD212415",
    "links": {
        "next": ''

    "data": [
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "driver_handle": " TestDriver1",
            "marker_id": "00001111-3767-2c12-f4ad-e213c130b321",
            "metadata": null,
            "geofence_metadata": {
                "station": "A"
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [-122.395223, 37.7947633]
            "arrival": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.394223, 37.792763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:45:00.000000Z"
            "exit": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.154223, 37.132763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:50:00.000000Z"
            "duration": 900,
            "route_to": {
                "duration": 3600,
                "distance": 2374
            "value": "exit"
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "A2DA5B2A-1B23-1244-1235-A134BD212415",
    "links": {
        "next": ''

    "data": [
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "driver_handle": " TestDriver1",
            "marker_id": "00001111-3767-2c12-f4ad-e213c130b321",
            "metadata": null,
            "geofence_metadata": {
                "station": "A"
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [-122.395223, 37.7947633]
            "arrival": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.394223, 37.792763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:45:00.000000Z"
            "exit": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.154223, 37.132763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:50:00.000000Z"
            "duration": 900,
            "route_to": {
                "duration": 3600,
                "distance": 2374
            "value": "exit"
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "A2DA5B2A-1B23-1244-1235-A134BD212415",
    "links": {
        "next": ''

    "data": [
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "marker_id": "00001111-3767-2c12-f4ad-e213c130b321",
            "metadata": null,
            "geofence_metadata": {
                "station": "A"
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [-122.395223, 37.7947633]
            "arrival": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.394223, 37.792763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:45:00.000000Z"
            "exit": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.154223, 37.132763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:50:00.000000Z"
            "duration": 900,
            "route_to": {
                "duration": 3600,
                "distance": 2374
            "value": "exit"
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "A2DA5B2A-1B23-1244-1235-A134BD212415",
    "links": {
        "next": ''

    "data": [
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "F3DF6D4F-6A06-4883-8201-D767EA408030",
            "driver_handle": " TestDriver1",
            "marker_id": "00001111-3767-2c12-f4ad-e213c130b321",
            "metadata": null,
            "geofence_metadata": {
                "station": "A"
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [-122.395223, 37.7947633]
            "arrival": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.394223, 37.792763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:45:00.000000Z"
            "exit": {
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-122.154223, 37.132763]
                "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T13:50:00.000000Z"
            "duration": 900,
            "route_to": {
                "duration": 3600,
                "distance": 2374
            "value": "exit"
            "geofence_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
            "device_id": "A2DA5B2A-1B23-1244-1235-A134BD212415",
    "links": {
        "next": ''

With this API, you can get markers for your previously created geofences. Each marker represents an driver visiting a geofence.

To get all markers for your account, sorted by last visited, call: GET /geofences/visits

To get all markers for a given geofence_id, call the API with the geofence_id parameter:

GET /geofences/visits?geofence_id={geofence_id}

To get all markers for a given driver's device, use the device_id parameter:

GET /geofences/visits?device_id={device_id}

To get all visits of a driver, use the driver_handle parameter:

GET /geofences/visits?driver_handle={driver_handle}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

The JSON response contains two keys named data and links, where data contains an array of markers ordered in descending time, and links contains a url to retrieve the next page of results. If there is not a next page found, the next object will be null.

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
data Array Array of geofence markers returned
data.geofence_id String geofence_id of the current marker
data.marker_id String Unique identifier for this geofence marker
data.device_id String device_id of app user for this marker (i.e., geofence visit)
data.driver_handle String Unique handle of the driver
data.account_id String account_id of app user for this marker (i.e., geofence visit); will always be the account_id corresponding to you auth headers
data.trip_id String trip_id of this marker; only supported for trip specific geofences (optional)
data.created_at String ISO 8601 Date and time when the marker was created (server timestamp)
data.metadata String Geofence metadata of the geofence creating this marker (optional)
data.geometry Object Geofence geometry of the geofence creating this marker
data.route_to Object Object describing the route since last geofence marker (optional)
data.route_to.distance int Distance travelled since last geofence marker or start of tracking session in [meters]
data.route_to.duration int Duration since last geofence marker or start of tracking session in [seconds]
data.route_to.idle_time int Duration at stops since last geofence marker or start of tracking session in [seconds]
data.route_to.started_at String ISO 8601 Date and time when route_to calculation started
data.duration int Duration of the visit in [seconds]
data.geofence_type String Type of geofence. Can be account, device or trip
data.arrival object Object representing details about the geofence arrival
data.arrival.location object Location object that triggered geofence arrival
data.arrival.location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
data.arrival.location.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and (optional) elevation
data.arrival.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location triggering arrival was recorded
data.exit object Object representing details about the geofence exit. Does not exist when the user is still inside the geofence. {optional}
data.exit.location object Location object that triggered geofence exit. Only set when geofence was exited due to a location. Can be empty when marker was closed to due a health event. (optional)
data.exit.location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
data.exit.location.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and (optional) elevation
data.exit.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the event triggering exit was recorded

references > apis > geofences > Patch geofence visits

HTTP 200 response with a payload representing geofence markers matching the query result. Note that this payload will apply to marker_id as described in the PATCH API.

  "metadata": {
    "message": "Package left at the door",
    "tracking_id": "384748984"

  "metadata": {
    "message": "Package left at the door",
    "tracking_id": "384748984"

  "metadata": {
    "message": "Package left at the door",
    "tracking_id": "384748984"

  "metadata": {
    "message": "Package left at the door",
    "tracking_id": "384748984"

  "metadata": {
    "message": "Package left at the door",
    "tracking_id": "384748984"

  "metadata": {
    "message": "Package left at the door",
    "tracking_id": "384748984"

Patch a geofence visit to attach visit specific metadata.

PATCH /geofences/visits/{marker_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

references > apis > Geotags

Use the HyperTrack Geotags API to access comprehensive details regarding you order tracked using geotags generated by your drivers in the field. Take advantage of our diverse set of filters designed to facilitate data segmentation and summarization. These filters empower you to effectively analyze the progression of work in the field.

references > apis > geotags > Get Orders with Geotags

Fetch all orders with the corresponding geotags.

GET /geotags

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query Parameters (Filters)

Note: The from_time and to_time fields allow you to provide a timerange filter that fetches the Orders fulfilled within the given duration. This is powerful since the summary data will be calculated comprehensively over this provided timerange.

references > apis > geotags > strong-get-orders-with-geotags-strong > Usage
references > apis > geotags > strong-get-orders-with-geotags-strong > strong-usage-strong > Fetch orders (with geotags) for a driver

Fetch all orders fulfilled by a driver using the driver_handle in a given timerange.

GET /geotags?from_time={from_time}&to_time={to_time}&driver_handle={driver_handle}

Request - GET Orders (with Geotags) filtered by Drivers

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

Response - HTTP 200 - GET Orders (with Geotags) filtered by Drivers

    "orders": [{
            "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
            "distance": 0,
            "driver_handle": "108103",
            "driver_name": "James",
            "duration": 38,
            "geotags": [
                    "deviation": null,
                    "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
                    "distance": 0,
                    "driver_handle": "108103",
                    "driver_name": "James",
                    "duration": 38,
                    "expected_location": null,
                    "geotag_id": "6bef936e-5ade-4315-872d-da6ac75b8v97",
                    "geotag_type": "Logout",
                    "location": {
                        "address": "#1 Market, India",
                        "geometry": {
                            "coordinates": [
                            "type": "Point"
                        "radius": null
                    "metadata": {
                        "AppName": "FCC",
                        "AppVersion": "1.0.5",
                        "FccName": ""
                    "ops_group_handle": "SJC_FCC",
                    "order_handle": "order-1",
                    "recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:17:19.165Z",
                    "region": {
                        "city": "Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation",
                        "country": "India",
                        "state": "Odisha"
                    "start_location": null,
                    "system_generated_order_handle": true,
                    "tracking_rate": 0.97
            "last_geotag_recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:17:19.165Z",
            "ops_group_handle": "default",
            "order_handle": "be9b166b5aae2ceb63800b102c51e6b5",
            "system_generated_order_handle": true,
            "tracking_rate": 0.97
    "pagination_token": "kyJuZXh0X2ZldGNoX3JlY29yZGVkX2F0IjogIjIwMjMtMDgtMDFUMTQ6MTA6MzIuNTkyWiJ9"
references > apis > geotags > strong-get-orders-with-geotags-strong > strong-usage-strong > Fetch orders (with geotags) for an ops group

Fetch all orders fulfilled by drivers belonging to an ops group in a given timerange.

GET /geotags?from_time={from_time}&to_time={to_time}&ops_group_handle={ops_group_handle}

Request - GET Orders (with Geotags) filtered by Ops group

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

Response - HTTP 200 - GET Orders (with Geotags) filtered by Ops group

    "orders": [{
            "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
            "distance": 0,
            "driver_handle": "108103",
            "driver_name": "James",
            "duration": 38,
            "geotags": [
                    "deviation": null,
                    "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
                    "distance": 0,
                    "driver_handle": "108103",
                    "driver_name": "James",
                    "duration": 38,
                    "expected_location": null,
                    "geotag_id": "6bef936e-5ade-4315-872d-da6ac75b8v97",
                    "geotag_type": "Logout",
                    "location": {
                        "address": "#1 Market, India",
                        "geometry": {
                            "coordinates": [
                            "type": "Point"
                        "radius": null
                    "metadata": {
                        "AppName": "FCC",
                        "AppVersion": "1.0.5",
                        "FccName": ""
                    "ops_group_handle": "SJC_FCC",
                    "order_handle": "order-1",
                    "recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:17:19.165Z",
                    "region": {
                        "city": "Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation",
                        "country": "India",
                        "state": "Odisha"
                    "start_location": null,
                    "system_generated_order_handle": true,
                    "tracking_rate": 0.97
            "last_geotag_recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:17:19.165Z",
            "ops_group_handle": "default",
            "order_handle": "be9b166b5aae2ceb63800b102c51e6b5",
            "system_generated_order_handle": true,
            "tracking_rate": 0.97
    "pagination_token": "kyJuZXh0X2ZldGNoX3JlY29yZGVkX2F0IjogIjIwMjMtMDgtMDFUMTQ6MTA6MzIuNTkyWiJ9"
references > apis > geotags > strong-get-orders-with-geotags-strong > strong-usage-strong > Fetch order segments (with geotags)

A segment in an order is identified by a geotag_type. Fetch specific segments within orders fulfilled using the from_geotag_type and to_geotag_type filters for a given timerange.

GET /geotags?from_geotag_type={from_geotag_type}&to_geotag_type={to_geotag_type}&{from_time}&to_time={to_time}

Request - GET Orders (with Geotags) between geotag_type

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

Response - HTTP 200 - GET Orders (with Geotags) between geotag_type

    "orders": [{
            "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
            "distance": 1500,
            "driver_handle": "108103",
            "driver_name": "James",
            "duration": 18,
            "geotags": [
                    "deviation": null,
                    "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
                    "distance": 1000,
                    "driver_handle": "108103",
                    "driver_name": "James",
                    "duration": 10,
                    "expected_location": null,
                    "geotag_id": "6bef936e-5ade-4315-872d-da6ac75b8v97",
                    "geotag_type": "assigned",
                    "location": {
                        "address": "#1 Market, India",
                        "geometry": {
                            "coordinates": [
                            "type": "Point"
                        "radius": null
                    "metadata": {
                        "AppName": "FCC",
                        "AppVersion": "1.0.5",
                        "FccName": "",
                    "ops_group_handle": "default",
                    "order_handle": "order-1",
                    "recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:17:19.165Z",
                    "region": {
                        "city": "Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation",
                        "country": "India",
                        "state": "Odisha"
                    "start_location": null,
                    "system_generated_order_handle": true,
                    "tracking_rate": 0.97
                    "deviation": null,
                    "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
                    "distance": 500,
                    "driver_handle": "108103",
                    "driver_name": "James",
                    "duration": 3,
                    "expected_location": null,
                    "geotag_id": "6bef936e-5ade-4315-872d-da6ac75b8v97",
                    "geotag_type": "arrived",
                    "location": {
                        "address": "#1 Market, India",
                        "geometry": {
                            "coordinates": [
                            "type": "Point"
                        "radius": null
                    "metadata": {
                        "AppName": "FCC",
                        "AppVersion": "1.0.5",
                        "FccName": "",
                    "ops_group_handle": "default",
                    "order_handle": "order-1",
                    "recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:20:19.165Z",
                    "region": {
                        "city": "Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation",
                        "country": "India",
                        "state": "Odisha"
                    "start_location": null,
                    "system_generated_order_handle": true,
                    "tracking_rate": 0.97
                    "deviation": null,
                    "device_id": "c7f78b9a-01fa-5ff2-b137-eeb934d141d6",
                    "distance": 0,
                    "driver_handle": "108103",
                    "driver_name": "James",
                    "duration": 5,
                    "expected_location": null,
                    "geotag_id": "6bef936e-5ade-4315-872d-da6ac75b8v97",
                    "geotag_type": "completed",
                    "location": {
                        "address": "#1 Market, India",
                        "geometry": {
                            "coordinates": [
                            "type": "Point"
                        "radius": null
                    "metadata": {
                        "AppName": "FCC",
                        "AppVersion": "1.0.5",
                        "FccName": "",
                    "ops_group_handle": "default",
                    "order_handle": "order-1",
                    "recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:25:19.165Z",
                    "region": {
                        "city": "Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation",
                        "country": "India",
                        "state": "Odisha"
                    "start_location": null,
                    "system_generated_order_handle": true,
                    "tracking_rate": 0.97
            "last_geotag_recorded_at": "2023-08-01T20:25:19.165Z",
            "ops_group_handle": "default",
            "order_handle": "be9b166b5aae2ceb63800b102c51e6b5",
            "system_generated_order_handle": true,
            "tracking_rate": 0.97
    "pagination_token": "kyJuZXh0X2ZldGNoX3JlY29yZGVkX2F0IjogIjIwMjMtMDgtMDFUMTQ6MTA6MzIuNTkyWiJ9"
references > apis > geotags > strong-get-orders-with-geotags-strong > strong-usage-strong > Fetch order aggregates (with geotags)

Fetch aggregate metrics for the orders fulfilled in a given timerange.

GET /geotags?{from_time}&to_time={to_time}&aggregate=true

Request - GET Orders (with Geotags) with aggregate

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

Response - HTTP 200 - GET Orders (with Geotags) with aggregate

  "aggregate": {
        "count": 386,
        "deviation": {
            "max": 0.0,
            "mean": 0.0,
            "mean_by_driver": 0.0,
            "min": 0.0,
            "stdev": 0.0,
            "sum": 0.0
        "distance": {
            "max": 346000.0,
            "mean": 2004.0,
            "mean_by_driver": 1938.0,
            "min": 0.0,
            "stdev": 21072.37,
            "sum": 773459.0
        "duration": {
            "max": 1047775.0,
            "mean": 5232.0,
            "mean_by_driver": 5062.0,
            "min": 0.0,
            "stdev": 54049.2,
            "sum": 2019740.0
        "geotags": {
            "count": 1129,
            "count_mean": 2.92
        "tracking_rate": 0.88

references > apis > geotags > Get Geotag Timeline

Fetch a geotag identified by the geotag_id

GET /geotags/{geotag_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

geotag_id - string representing the unique identifier of a geotag (case sensitive)

Get Geotag Timeline Request:

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
import base64
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "Basic {}".format(

response = requests.get("",

HTTP 200 - get geotag timeline response

  "geotag_id": "befe814d-79e5-44d5-ac03-c4e47e0931c9",
  "order_handle": "ORD79789080-1",
  "geotag_type": "PICKUP",
  "ops_group_handle": "HUB_ID_3",
  "system_generated_order_handle": false,
  "recorded_at": "2023-04-19T14:00:58Z",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "driver_handle": "RASHID.397y",
  "metadata": {
    "regionId": 12234,
    "zoneId": 3
  "location": {
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "address": "Dolores St &, 19th St, San Francisco, CA 94114"
  "expected_location": {
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "address": "3750 18th St, San Francisco, CA 94114"
  "distance": 2300,
  "duration": 1200,
  "tracking_rate": 86.5,
  "deviation": 500,
  "start_location": {
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "address": "941 Cole St, San Francisco, CA 94117"
  "region": {
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "California",
    "country": "United States of America"


get geotag timeline response attributes

Name Type Description
location Location Geometry location for a geotag
tracking_rate float Driver tracking rate during the lifespan of the geotag
order_handle string String representing order handle with which the geotag is associated
driver_name string String representing the name of the driver
recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the geotag was created
start_location Location Start Geometry location for a geotag
duration int Time taken from start location to the geotag location
ops_group_handle string String representing the ops group handle
deviation int Deviation in meters from the expected location
device_id UUID String representing the ID of the device
system_generated_order_handle bool Boolean representing whether the handle was automatically generated by HT system or sent along with geotag data
geotag_id UUID Unique ID to identify a geotag
geotag_type string String representing type of Geotag
distance int Distance from the tracking start for the geotag
expected_location Location Expected Geometry location for a geotag
driver_handle string String representing the handle for the driver which is case insensitive
region Region Region for a geotag
metadata dict Optional metadata associated with the geotag

references > apis > Nearby

Nearby API allows you to identify drivers near a location of interest for an efficient dispatch. The API operates on the current locations of your fleet.

Nearby api solves following use cases for your fleet:

references > apis > nearby > Api Specification

POST /nearby/v3

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Request Attributes for Nearby API

Name Type Description
order object Order which the nearby api aims to fulfill.
order.destination object destination location around which to search drivers. (mandatory)
order.destination.geometry.type string as of right now, only Point is supported
order.destination.geometry.coordinates array array of longitude, latitude
order.order_id string order id (optional)
order.metadata object order metadata (optional)
search_type string type of nearby api search. region for finding nearby devices, eta for finding estimates of nearby devices or a list of drivers, (mandatory)
search_filter object filters to apply on nearby search results, driver_list filter can only be used with eta search_type and if used cannot be combined with any other filter
search_filter.search_radius int maximum distance (haversine) in meters of drivers from order destination, maximum of 160934 meters (100 miles), (optional)
search_filter.include_on_trip boolean true when on trip drivers are also needed as part of response (default value is false)
search_filter.driver_profile object used to specify a filter that is applied on the drivers returned in a nearby search result; For example, this profile filter can represent attributes describing your gig workers, such as a team assignment, gig category, etc. (optional)
search_filter.driver_list array array of device ids whose estimates to order destination will be calculated. Only for search type eta, if present other filters are not allowed (optional)

references > apis > nearby > Response data

The Nearby API returns the following data.

Name Type Description
drivers array list of driver objects
drivers.device object device related information of the driver
drivers.device.device_id string device id of the device object device_info. same fields supports as in devices api string The timezone on the device in TZ format string The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android string The brand of the device string The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native string The device model string The network operator for the device string The version of the operating system on the device string Hardware identifier returned from the OS. (OS specific. Android uses ANDROID_ID; iOS uses identifierForVendor string Name of the device
drivers.device.profile object Device metadata submitted via Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) or Devices API
drivers.device.status object Device status.
drivers.device.status.value string Can be one of active, inactive, disconnected, available or unavailable. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status. object Extra information about device status string ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded (optional) string Device activity (optional). If available, can be one of stop, walk, or drive string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

drivers.location object location of the driver
drivers.location.geometry.type string as of right now, only Point is supported
drivers.location.geometry.coordinates array array of longitude, latitude and (optional) altitude
drivers.duration float time needed to reach the nearest location in [seconds]; null if no location was found, only for eta search_type
drivers.distance float distance of the nearest location from the requested location in [meters]; null if no location was found. for eta search_type its the actual drive distance, for region search_type its the haversine distance.
drivers.ongoing_trip object Ongoing trip summary (only present if device has any ongoing trip and request has include_on_trip as true)
drivers.ongoing_trip.trip_id string Trip id which is still ongoing (only present if device has any ongoing trip and request has include_on_trip as true)
drivers.ongoing_trip.destination object Destination geometry for Ongoing trip (only present if device has any ongoing trip and request has include_on_trip as true)
drivers.ongoing_trip.remaining_distance int Distance (in meters) device needs to travel to reach trip destination (only present if device has any ongoing trip and request has include_on_trip as true)
drivers.ongoing_trip.remaining_duration int Time (in seconds) needed for device to travel to reach trip destination (only present if device has any ongoing trip and request has include_on_trip as true)
summary object Summary of the nearby request
summary.total_drivers int Total number of drivers found in nearby region matching the filters
summary.processed_drivers int Number of drivers processed and returned in drivers response
summary.unprocessed_drivers int Number of drivers that have not been processed
summary.outside_region_drivers int Number of drivers outside nearby region (default value of search_filter.search_radius), only returned if driver_list filter is specified
summary.no_route_drivers int Number of drivers in nearby region which had no route to order destination

references > apis > nearby > Example 1: Get all nearby drivers

Use this api to get all the nearby drivers from order destination. A maximum of 1000 drivers are returned in order of their haversine distance from order destination around search radius of 100 miles (160934 meters). Note: if the search_radius filter is not specified it uses the maximum allowed search radius.

Use this POST Device Nearby API request as an example to find available devices near location of interest to perform a dispatch operation.


curl -X POST </span> -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} </span> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' </span> -d $payload

let payload = {

fetch("", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(payload), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }).then(res=>res.json()) .then(res => console.log(res));

import requests

payload = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ -122.3599933082254, 37.753651385106075 ], "type":"Point" } } }, "search_type":"region" }

response = requests.request("POST", "", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n" + " \"order\":{\n" + " \"destination\":{\n" + " \"geometry\":{\n" + " \"coordinates\":[\n" + " -122.3599933082254,\n" + " 37.753651385106075\n" + " ],\n" + " \"type\":\"Point\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"search_type\":\"region\"\n" + "}\n");

String authString = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value") .getBytes() );

Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("") .post(body) .addHeader("Authorization", authString) .build();

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';

$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$data = array( 'order' => array( 'destination' => array( 'geometry' => array( 'coordinates' => array(-122.359993, 37.753651), 'type' => "Point" ) ) ), 'search_type' => "region" );

$payload = http_build_query($data);

$opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => $basicAuth, 'content' => $payload ) );

$context = stream_context_create($opts);

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); echo $response;


require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true

request = request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

request.body = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ -122.3599933082254, 37.753651385106075 ], "type":"Point" } } }, "search_type":"region" }.to_json

response = http.request(request)

Nearby API request response example. This is the list of devices which are ranked based on their distance from the location of interest (nearest first).

               "timezone":"America/Los Angeles",
               "sdk_version":"func test app",
               "device_model":"IPhone X",
               "name":"Func Test Device",

references > apis > nearby > Example 2: Get nearby drivers filtered by profile

Use this api to get the nearby drivers which satify the search_filter criteria. In this example only the nearby drivers within 15000 meters are returned whose profile specify gig_type as ridesharing.

Use this POST Device Nearby API request as an example to find and filter available devices near location of interest to perform a dispatch operation.

      "order_id": "your_order_id",
      "metadata": {"order_type": "grocery"}

curl -X POST </span> -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} </span> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' </span> -d $payload

let payload = {
      "order_id": "your_order_id",
      "metadata": {"order_type": "grocery"}

fetch("", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(payload), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }).then(res=>res.json()) .then(res => console.log(res));

import requests

payload = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ -122.3599933082254, 37.753651385106075 ], "type":"Point" } }, "order_id": "your_order_id", "metadata": {"order_type": "grocery"} }, "search_type":"region", "search_filter":{ "driver_profile":{ "gig_type":"ridesharing" }, "include_on_trip":True, "search_radius":15000 }, }

response = requests.request("POST", "", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n" + " \"order\":{\n" + " \"destination\":{\n" + " \"geometry\":{\n" + " \"coordinates\":[\n" + " -122.3599933082254,\n" + " 37.753651385106075\n" + " ],\n" + " \"type\":\"Point\"\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"order_id\": \"your_order_id\",\n" + " \"metadata\": {\"order_type\": \"grocery\"}\n" + " },\n" + " \"search_type\":\"region\",\n" + " \"search_filter\":{\n" + " \"driver_profile\":{\n" + " \"gig_type\":\"ridesharing\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"include_on_trip\":true,\n" + " \"search_radius\":15000\n" + " },\n" + "}\n");

String authString = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value") .getBytes() );

Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("") .post(body) .addHeader("Authorization", authString) .build();

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';

$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$data = array( 'order' => array( 'destination' => array( 'geometry' => array( 'coordinates' => array( -122.3599933082254, 37.753651385106075 ), 'type' => "Point" ) ), 'order_id' => "your_order_id", 'metadata' => array('order_type' => "grocery") ), 'search_type' => "region", 'search_filter' => array( 'driver_profile' => array( 'gig_type' => "ridesharing" ), 'include_on_trip' => TRUE, 'search_radius' => 15000 ), )

$payload = http_build_query($data);

$opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => $basicAuth, 'content' => $payload ) );

$context = stream_context_create($opts);

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); echo $response;


require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true

request = request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

request.body = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ -122.3599933082254, 37.753651385106075 ], "type":"Point" } }, "order_id": "your_order_id", "metadata": {"order_type": "grocery"} }, "search_type":"region", "search_filter":{ "driver_profile":{ "gig_type":"ridesharing" }, "include_on_trip":true, "search_radius":15000 }, }.to_json

response = http.request(request)

Nearby API request response example. This is the list of devices which are ranked based on their distance from the location of interest (nearest first).

               "timezone":"America/Los Angeles",
               "sdk_version":"func test app",
               "device_model":"IPhone X",
               "name":"Func Test Device",

references > apis > nearby > Example 3: Get ETA of a list of drivers

Use this api to get the estimate of drive duration and drive distance for a specified list of drivers to order destination. response contains drivers sorted in ascending order of drive duration. Typical use case will be to get nearby drivers using region search, filter relevent drivers and fetch their estimates to order destination.

Use this POST Device Nearby API request as an example to get estimates of a list of drivers to the location of interest.

   "search_filter": {
      "driver_list": [

curl -X POST </span> -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} </span> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' </span> -d $payload

let payload = {
   "search_filter": {
      "driver_list": [

fetch("", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(payload), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }).then(res=>res.json()) .then(res => console.log(res));

import requests

payload = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ 35.502007, 47.892524 ], "type":"Point" } } }, "search_type":"eta", "search_filter": { "driver_list": [ "00112233-6A5F-4F6E-9231-8480A4438064", "00112233-2A7E-4D17-BF76-90926FD82E7C", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EA", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EB", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EC", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345ED", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EE", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E0", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E1", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E2", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E3", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E4", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E5", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E6" ] } }

response = requests.request("POST", "", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n" + " \"order\":{\n" + " \"destination\":{\n" + " \"geometry\":{\n" + " \"coordinates\":[\n" + " 35.502007,\n" + " 47.892524\n" + " ],\n" + " \"type\":\"Point\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"search_type\":\"eta\",\n" + " \"search_filter\":{\n" + " \"driver_list\": [\n" + " \"00112233-6A5F-4F6E-9231-8480A4438064\",\n" + " \"00112233-2A7E-4D17-BF76-90926FD82E7C\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EA\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EB\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EC\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345ED\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EE\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E0\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E1\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E2\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E3\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E4\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E5\",\n" + " \"00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E6\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + "}\n");

String authString = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value") .getBytes() );

Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("") .post(body) .addHeader("Authorization", authString) .build();

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';

$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$data = array( 'order' => array( 'destination' => array( 'geometry' => array( 'coordinates' => array(35.502007, 47.892524), 'type' => "Point" ) ) ), 'search_type' => "eta", 'search_filter' => array( 'driver_list' => array( "00112233-6A5F-4F6E-9231-8480A4438064", "00112233-2A7E-4D17-BF76-90926FD82E7C", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EA", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EB", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EC", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345ED", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EE", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E0", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E1", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E2", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E3", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E4", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E5", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E6" ) ) );

$payload = http_build_query($data);

$opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => $basicAuth, 'content' => $payload ) );

$context = stream_context_create($opts);

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); echo $response;


require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true

request = request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

request.body = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ 35.502007, 47.892524 ], "type":"Point" } } }, "search_type":"eta", "search_filter": { "driver_list": [ "00112233-6A5F-4F6E-9231-8480A4438064", "00112233-2A7E-4D17-BF76-90926FD82E7C", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EA", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EB", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EC", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345ED", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345EE", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E0", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E1", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E2", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E3", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E4", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E5", "00112233-B622-486D-A76F-FEB522B345E6" ] } }.to_json

response = http.request(request)

Nearby API request response example. This is the list of devices which are ranked based on their drive duration from the location of interest (nearest first).

               "timezone":"America/Los Angeles",
               "sdk_version":"func test app",
               "device_model":"IPhone X",
               "name":"Func Test Device",

references > apis > nearby > Example 4: Get ETA of nearby drivers

Use this api to get the estimate of drive duration and drive distance for nearby drivers to order destination. response contains drivers sorted in ascending order of drive duration. Note: this api will first search nearby drivers and then return durations of top 8 drivers.

Use this POST Device Nearby API request as an example find the drive duration of nearby drivers to the location of interest.


curl -X POST </span> -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} </span> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' </span> -d $payload

let payload = {

fetch("", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(payload), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }).then(res=>res.json()) .then(res => console.log(res));

import requests

payload = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ -122.3599933082254, 37.753651385106075 ], "type":"Point" } } }, "search_type":"eta" }

response = requests.request("POST", "", data=json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), auth=("{AccountId}", "{SecretKey}"))

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n" + " \"order\":{\n" + " \"destination\":{\n" + " \"geometry\":{\n" + " \"coordinates\":[\n" + " -122.3599933082254,\n" + " 37.753651385106075\n" + " ],\n" + " \"type\":\"Point\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"search_type\":\"eta\"\n" + "}\n");

String authString = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value") .getBytes() );

Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("") .post(body) .addHeader("Authorization", authString) .build();

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';

$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$data = array( 'order' => array( 'destination' => array( 'geometry' => array( 'coordinates' => array(-122.359993, 37.753651), 'type' => "Point" ) ) ), 'search_type' => "eta" );

$payload = http_build_query($data);

$opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => $basicAuth, 'content' => $payload ) );

$context = stream_context_create($opts);

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); echo $response;


require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true

request = request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

request.body = { "order":{ "destination":{ "geometry":{ "coordinates":[ -122.3599933082254, 37.753651385106075 ], "type":"Point" } } }, "search_type":"eta" }.to_json

response = http.request(request)

Nearby API request response example. This is the list of devices which are ranked based on their drive duration from the location of interest (nearest first).

               "timezone":"America/Los Angeles",
               "sdk_version":"func test app",
               "device_model":"IPhone X",
               "name":"Func Test Device",

references > apis > nearby > Consider on-trip drivers

By default nearby API results do not include drivers which are on a trip, but if include_on_trip flag is sent as true, then these devices are also considered. In these cases HyperTrack does smart lookup taking into account the ongoing trip destination. If device is on a trip with multiple orders, then the last order to be delivered is considered. For these devices, HyperTrack sends some extra fields namely trip_destination, trip_remaining_distance, trip_remaining_duration as part of device data in response

references > Webhooks

Webhooks let you subscribe to a real-time stream of location, and trip status data generated by HyperTrack. Rather than making an API call, HyperTrack can send an HTTPS request to an endpoint that you specify. Events are published for all devices associated with the account.

The HyperTrack mobile SDKs send a time-series of events from the device to the HyperTrack server. These events are processed and then posted to your servers on Webhooks. A webhook is an HTTPS POST call from the HyperTrack servers to a configurable destination.

After receiving a webhook on your own server, you can trigger updates on your mobile or web apps in near real-time and implement your live location features.

Setting up HyperTrack Webhooks requires configurations on your server and the HyperTrack dashboard.

The server receiving webhooks needs to be configured appropriately to consume webhooks.

Static Endpoint URL

Your server needs to expose a public HTTPS endpoint capable of receiving external, incoming requests. It is important to have a static endpoint URL that will be accessible at all times.


Webhooks are realized through HTTPS POST requests to the configured endpoint. Your server needs to support this method and be able to parse the payload provided with the request.

JSON Payload

The payload you will receive with POST requests is formatted in JSON. You need to implement the capability to parse JSON objects in order to leverage the HTTP request body content.

You should use a JSON parser that handles converting the escaped representation of control characters back to their ASCII character values (for example, converting \n to a newline character). This is critical if you want to verify the signature of a webhook.

Payload and Headers

Webhooks from HyperTrack will be sent with headers and a JSON payload. Please ensure to verify the headers and implement your server to handle these correctly.

Header: Content-Type

The header is set to application/json for all webhooks. Please ensure to parse every webhook with this content type. The actual content is represented in JSON.

Header: x-hypertrack-signature

HyperTrack signs each webhook POST request. Please see this guide for further instructions.

Responding to webhooks

Make sure to respond to HyperTrack webhooks with the appropriate status code. The connection will time out in 10 seconds. If your endpoint does not respond before the connection times out or if your endpoint returns a status code outside the range of 200–4xx, HyperTrack will consider the delivery of the webhook as a failed attempt and retry as described below.

Retry algorithm

If HyperTrack doesn't receive a successful response from your server, it attempts to deliver the webhook again. By default, if the initial delivery of the webhook fails, HyperTrack attempts up to three retries with a delay between failed attempts set at 20 seconds.

The retries will always refer to the same x-amz-sns-message-id. By comparing the IDs of the webhooks you have processed with incoming webhooks, you can understand whether the message is a retry attempt.

Order of webhooks

HyperTrack will attempt to deliver webhooks in the same order they were received. However, network issues could potentially result in out-of-order webhooks.

Before handling events, you should compare the recorded_at property of the JSON payload and ensure to store events in the order they were recorded as opposed to when they were received.

Webhook Payload

The overall POST payload has a static structure. The type of the webhook indicates the structure of the data object.

  "created_at": "2019-02-27T22:50:29.000000Z",
  "data": { ... },
  "location": { ... },
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "recorded_at": "2019-02-27T22:50:24.000000Z",
  "type": "",
  "version": "2.0.0"
Name Type Description
device_id string Unique device identifier, case sensitive (Present where the webhook originates from a device)
created_at string ISO 8601 date and time when webhook was sent (server timestamp)
recorded_at string ISO 8601 date and time when event was recorded (client timestamp). Not available for trip webhooks (e.g. start and completion)
type string Type of webhook data. Can be one of the types below (location, device_status, battery, trip, registration_update, reinstall, geotag, geofence, order). More types might be added over time.
data object Data corresponding to the type. See detailed description below.
location object GeoJSON object with type and coordinates. Provided as context to trip delay webhooks only
version string Version string of the webhook.

Depending on the type of webhook, the JSON payload will vary. However, the overall structure is fixed.

Currently, the following types are supported:

Feature Type Description
Locations location Location stream
Device Status device_status Device status changes (active, inactive, disconnected and activity changes)
Battery battery Battery changes (low, normal and charging)
Trips trip Trip start, destination arrival, destination exit, trip delays, and trip completion events
Geotags geotag Geotags stream
Orders order Orders lifecycle changes like order start, completion, cancellation, eta change etc

references > webhooks > Location Payload

Name Type Description
data.geometry object Location in GeoJSON format
data.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
data.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and (optional) altitude (in m)
data.accuracy float (optional) accuracy in m
data.bearing float (optional) bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
data.speed float (optional) speed in m/s

references > webhooks > Device Status Payload

 "device_id": "AAAAAAAA-7101-48A9-86C4-B762993ACC5A",
 "recorded_at": "2021-10-27T00:40:53.811Z",
 "metadata": {
  "invite_id": "",
  "email": ""
 "version": "2.0.0",
 "location": {
  "type": "Point",
  "coordinates": [
 "created_at": "2021-10-27T00:42:01.166509Z",
 "name": "Alex",
 "data": {
  "value": "inactive",
  "inactive_reason": {
   "name": "Location permission denied",
   "description": " User explicitly denied permissions in response to system prompt or in Settings > App Name > Location.",
   "code": "OL1",
   "user_action_required": "Change location permission to \"Always\" in Settings > App Name > Location",
   "type": "location_permission_denied"
 "type": "device_status"
Name Type Description
data.value string Device status. One of active, inactive or disconnected. Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status.
data.activity string For active devices only, can be one walk,drive, or stop
data.reason string For inactive devices only.

Can be one of:

Please read here to understand how HyperTrack tracks device status.
data.start object Available in case of data.value is active and an activity has been completed, Gives information of when and where the activity started
data.end object Available in case of data.value is active and an activity has been completed, Gives information of when and where the activity ended
data.distance int Available in case of data.value is active and an activity has been completed
data.duration int Available in case of data.value is active and an activity has been completed
location object Location in GeoJSON format
location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.coordinates array Array of longitude latitude and (optional) altitude (in m)

references > webhooks > Battery Payload

references > webhooks > battery-payload > 2.0.0 Payload

Name Type Description
data.value string Battery status. Values include low, normal and charging
location object Location in GeoJSON format
location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.coordinates array Array of longitude latitude and (optional) altitude (in m)

references > webhooks > battery-payload > 2.1.0 Payload

Name Type Description
data.value string Battery status. Values include low, normal and charging
data.battery_percent int Battery percentage

references > webhooks > Trip Payload

  "created_at": "2019-07-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
  "data": {
    "value": "created",
    "trip_id": "123E4567-E89B-12D3-A456-426655440000",
    "trip_metadata": { "customer": "1234" }
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "type": "trip",
  "version": "2.0.0"

If you start trips, you will receive trip events whenever ...

Name Type Description
data.value string One of: created, destination_arrival, destination_exit, delayed, first_eta, eta_change or completed
data.trip_id string Unique identifier of the trip, case sensitive
data.trip_metadata Object Metadata that you have assigned to this trip (optional)
data.arrive_at string Timestamp with new arrived date, only available if value is delayed
data.remaining_duration int Time remaining (in seconds) as per ETA calculations, only available if value is eta_change or first_eta
data.remaining_distance int Distance remaining (in meters) as per ETA calculations, only available if value is eta_change or first_eta
data.destination_id string Unique identifier of the trip destination, case sensitive (Only available for trips with multiple orders)
data.destination_metadata Object Metadata that you have assigned to the trip destination (Only available for trips with multiple orders)
data.duration int Duration of trip (in seconds), only available if value is completed
data.distance int Distance travelled during trip (in meters), only available if value is completed
data.duration_at_destination int Duration spent at the destination before trip completion, only available if value is completed

references > webhooks > Device Registration Payload

  "created_at": "2020-07-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
  "data": {
    "value": "registration",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "type": "registration",
  "version": "2.0.0"

This webhook is generated when a new device is registered for the first time with the hypertrack platform.

Name Type Description
data.value string Label indicating registration

references > webhooks > Device Registration Update Payload

  "created_at": "2020-07-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
  "data": {
    "value": "device_info",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "name": "Thomas Phone",
  "metadata": { "driver_id": 1234 },
  "type": "registration_update",
  "version": "2.0.0"

This webhook is generated when a new device updates its device information, which also may include name and/or its metadata.

Name Type Description
data.value string Label indicating device information update

references > webhooks > Host Application Reinstallation Payload

  "created_at": "2020-07-01T18:00:00.000000Z",
  "data": {
    "value": "reinstall",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "type": "reinstall",
  "version": "2.0.0"

This webhook is generated when a device performs a reinstallation of the application integrated with the Hypertrack SDK.

Name Type Description
data.value string Label indicating reinstallation

references > webhooks > Geotag Payload

  "created_at": "2019-07-01T14:01:00.000000Z",
  "recorded_at": "2019-07-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
  "data": {
    "order_handle": "order-1",
    "geotag_type": "arrived",
    "metadata": { "orderId": "123490809808" },
     "deviation": 14,
     "distance": 238,
     "duration": 63,
     "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [ -6.2755, 57.6398983 ]
    "expected_location": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [ -6.2756, 57.6398983 ]
    "driver_handle": "James",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "type": "geotag",
  "version": "3.0.0"
Name Type Description
data.order_handle string Unique identifier for an order
data.geotag_type string Label identifying a segment of order fulfillment
data.driver_handle string Unique identifier for a driver
data.metadata Object Metadata that you have assigned to this geotag (optional)
data.location Object Location in GeoJSON format
data.expected_location Object Location in GeoJSON format
data.location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
data.location.coordinates array Array of longitude latitude and (optional) altitude (in m)
data.expected_location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
data.expected_location.coordinates array Array of longitude latitude and (optional) altitude (in m)
data.deviation int Deviation between expected location and actual location
data.distance int Distance travelled since last geotag
data.duration int Time since last geotag

references > webhooks > Geofence Payload

  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "data": {
    "arrival": {
      "location": {
        "coordinates": [
          -122.394223, 37.792763, 822.58
        "type": "Point"
      "recorded_at": "2021-07-15T13:29:21.085Z"
    "duration": 3738,
    "exit": {
      "location": {
        "coordinates": [
          -122.394223, 37.792763, 822.58
        "type": "Point"
      "recorded_at": "2021-07-15T14:31:38.789Z"
    "geofence_id": "00001111-d30d-4a4a-b965-95f3f743256e",
    "geofence_metadata": {
      "name": "Main store",
    "geometry": {
      "coordinates": [
        -122.394223, 37.792763

      "type": "Point"
    "marker_id": "00001111-b97b-490d-8d04-a539477df0be",
    "radius": 50,
    "route_to": {
      "distance": 1234,
      "duration": 3600,
      "idle_time": 1800,
      "prev_marker_id": "00001111-2dac-40a7-973b-9e3d66898a7d",
      "started_at": "2021-07-15T12:29:16.424Z",
    "value": "exit"
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
  "recorded_at": "2021-07-15T13:29:21.085Z",
  "created_at": "2021-07-15T13:29:21.085Z",
  "version": "2.0.0",
  "type": "geofence"
Name Type Description
data.arrival object Object representing details about the geofence arrival
data.arrival.location object Location object that triggered geofence arrival
data.arrival.location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
data.arrival.location.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and (optional) elevation
data.arrival.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location triggering arrival was recorded
data.exit object Object representing details about the geofence exit. Does not exist when the user is still inside the geofence. {optional}
data.exit.location object Location object that triggered geofence exit. Only set when geofence was exited due to a location. Can be empty when marker was closed to due a health event. (optional)
data.exit.location.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
data.exit.location.coordinates array Array of longitude, latitude and (optional) elevation
data.exit.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the event triggering exit was recorded
data.duration int Duration of the visit in [seconds]
data.geometry Object Geofence geometry of the geofence creating this marker
data.marker_id String Unique identifier for this geofence marker
data.route_to object Object describing the route since last geofence marker (optional)
data.route_to.distance int Distance travelled since last geofence marker or start of tracking session in [meters]
data.route_to.duration int Duration since last geofence marker or start of tracking session in [seconds]
data.route_to.idle_time int Duration at stops since last geofence marker or start of tracking session in [seconds]
data.route_to.started_at String ISO 8601 Date and time when route_to calculation started
data.value String 'entry' or 'exit' - value indicating if this was an entry or exit event

references > webhooks > Order Payload

Webhooks are sent at different stages of an order's lifecycle. Sample webhook payloads for each of order lifecycle stages can be found below.

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Planning Started Webhook

Order Planning Started Webhook Payload

      "planning_sequence_number": 1,
      "plan_id": "f9212af2-71e8-40f0-84bd-005424a80a4d",
      "planning_started_reason": "api",
      "started_at": "2021-01-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
      "ops_group_handle": "OPS_123"
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes planning_started
data.planning_sequence_number integer Yes Sequence Number of the plan for this specific plan ID
data.plan_id string Yes Unique identifier of the plan which is getting planned
data.planning_started_reason string Yes Trigger reason for this specific planning
data.started_at string Yes Timestamp at which plan was started
data.ops_group_handle string Yes Ops group handle for which the planning is triggered

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Planning Completed Webhook

Order Planning Completed Webhook Payload

      "planning_sequence_number": 1,
      "plan_id": "f9212af2-71e8-40f0-84bd-005424a80a4d",
      "num_orders": 10,
      "num_routes": 2,
      "num_unplanned_orders": 2,
      "completed_at": "2021-01-01T14:01:00.000000Z",
      "route_handles_created": ["6784e919-71e8-40f0-84bd-005424a80a4d"],
      "route_handles_modified": ["f9212af2-7168-4f61-b686-2020f547637f"],
      "started_at": "2021-01-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
      "ops_group_handle": "OPS_123"
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes planning_completed
data.planning_sequence_number integer Yes Sequence Number of the plan for this specific plan ID
data.plan_id string Yes Unique identifier of the plan which is getting planned
data.num_orders integer Yes Number of Orders planned
data.num_orders integer Yes Number of Orders planned
data.num_routes integer Yes Number of Routes planned
data.num_unplanned_orders integer Yes Number of Orders which could not be planned
data.started_at string Yes Timestamp at which plan was started
data.completed_at string Yes Timestamp at which plan was completed
data.route_handles_created string Yes Route handles which got created in this planning instance
data.route_handles_modified string Yes Route handles which got modified in this planning instance
data.ops_group_handle string Yes Ops group handle for which the planning is triggered

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Planning Failed Webhook

Order Planning Failed Webhook Payload

      "planning_sequence_number": 1,
      "plan_id": "f9212af2-71e8-40f0-84bd-005424a80a4d",
      "failure_reason": "No Available Drivers",
      "num_orders": 10,
      "num_unplanned_orders": 2,
      "started_at": "2021-01-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
      "ops_group_handle": "OPS_123"
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes planning_failed
data.planning_sequence_number integer Yes Sequence Number of the plan for this specific plan ID
data.plan_id string Yes Unique identifier of the plan which is getting planned
data.num_orders integer Yes Number of Orders planned
data.failure_reason string Yes Faiure reason for Planning
data.num_unplanned_orders integer Yes Number of Orders which could not be planned
data.started_at string Yes Timestamp at which plan was started
data.ops_group_handle string Yes Ops group handle for which the planning is triggered

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Started Webhook

Order Started Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes started
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Assigned Webhook

Order Assigned Webhook Payload

      "assigned_at": "2021-01-01T14:00:00.000Z",
      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes assigned
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.assigned_at timestamp Yes Timestamp indicating when the order was assigned
data.status string Yes Status of the order - assigned
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order First ETA Webhook

Order First ETA Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
      "remaining_distance": 2582,
      "remaining_duration": 410,
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes first_eta
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.remaining_distance int Yes Distance remaining in meters
data.remaining_duration int Yes Time remaining to reach destination as per current location in seconds

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order ETA Change Webhook

Order ETA Change Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
      "remaining_distance": 2382,
      "remaining_duration": 359,
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes eta_change
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.remaining_distance int Yes Distance remaining in meters
data.remaining_duration int Yes Time remaining to reach destination as per current location in seconds

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Delayed Webhook

Order Delayed Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes delayed
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.arrive_at timestamp Yes Timestamp indicating the new expected arrival time
data.scheduled_at timestamp Yes Timestamp indicating the provided scheduled time for order fulfillment

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order N-Minutes away Webhook

Order N-Minutes away Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
      "remaining_distance": 2164,
      "remaining_duration": 300,
      "remaining_minutes": 5,
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes n_minutes_away
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.remaining_distance int Yes Distance remaining in meters
data.remaining_duration int Yes Time remaining to reach destination as per current location in seconds
data.remaining_minutes int Yes Time remaining in minutes (by default webhook is sent when order is 60 min away or 15 min away)

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Disabled Webhook

Order Disabled Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes disabled
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - disabled
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Enabled Webhook

Order Enabled Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes enabled
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Updated Webhook

Order Updated Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes updated
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Arrived Webhook

Order Arrived Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
      "arrival": {
        "location": {
           "coordinates": [-6.2785, 57.6388983, 0],
           "type": "Point"
        "recorded_at": "2021-01-01T14:05:10.000000Z",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes arrived
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.scheduled_at timestamp Yes Timestamp indicating the provided scheduled time for order fulfillment
data.arrival object Yes Contains location and recorded_at timestamp of the arrival

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Exited Webhook

Order Exited Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
      "exit": {
        "location": {
           "coordinates": [-6.2785, 57.6388983, 0],
           "type": "Point"
        "recorded_at": "2021-01-01T14:05:10.000000Z",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes exited
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.exit object Yes Contains location and recorded_at timestamp of the exit from the order destination location

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Completed Webhook

Order Completed Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
      "actual_service_time": 35,
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes completed
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - completed
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.distance int Yes Total distance travelled to fulfill the order
data.duration int Yes Total time in seconds since order start
data.deviation int Yes Deviation between order destination location and actual location where the order is completed
data.actual_service_time int No Total time spent by driver at the destination, in case the completion happened after the arrival

references > webhooks > order-payload > Order Cancelled Webhook

Order Cancelled Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes completed
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - completed
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.distance int Yes Total distance travelled to fulfill the order
data.duration int Yes Total time in seconds since order start

references > webhooks > order-payload > Orders at risk Payload

Order at risk Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
                "deviating_from_expected_route": "red",
                "moving_too_slow": "yellow"

Following are the Risk elements:

Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes risk_updated
data.order_handle string Yes Unique handle for the Order
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route containing the order
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the order
data.status string Yes Status of the order - ongoing
data.share_url string Yes Contains tracking url of the order to provide real time visibility of driver on route of this order
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this order
data.risk_elements object Yes Order at risk state
data.risk_elements.is_offline object No Risk element evaluating the online/offline status of driver with a value of red or yellow
data.risk_elements.deviating_from_expected_route object No Risk element evaluating the deviation in route taken by driver against the expected route with a value of red or yellow
data.risk_elements.moving_away_from_destination object No Risk element evaluating the direction of driver, if he is moving away from destination with a value of red or yellow
data.risk_elements.in_low_battery object No Risk element evaluating the battery status of the driver's device with a value of red or yellow
data.risk_elements.moving_too_slow object No Risk element evaluating the speed of driver with a value of red or yellow
data.risk_elements.in_outage object No Risk element evaluating the outage status of driver with a value of red or yellow

references > webhooks > order-payload > Route Created Webhook

Route Created Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes created
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the route
data.status string Yes Status of the route - planned
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this route
data.embed_url string Yes Embeddable url of the route to provide real time visibility of driver on route to fulfill the batch of orders

references > webhooks > order-payload > Route Assigned Webhook

Route Assigned Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
            "assigned_at": "2021-01-01T14:00:00.000Z",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes assigned
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the route
data.assigned_at timestamp Yes Timestamp indicating when the route was assigned
data.status string Yes Status of the route - assigned
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this route
data.embed_url string Yes Embeddable url of the route to provide real time visibility of driver on route to fulfill the batch of orders

references > webhooks > order-payload > Route Estimate Generated Webhook

Route Estimate Generated Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
                "distance": 7382,
                "duration": 1263,
                "start_by": "2021-01-01T14:05:00.000Z"
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes estimate_generated
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the route
data.status string Yes Status of the route - planned
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this route
data.embed_url string Yes Embeddable url of the route to provide real time visibility of driver on route to fulfill the batch of orders
data.estimate object Yes Object containing the estimate metrics for the route
data.estimate.distance int Yes Estimated total distance in meters to be travelled by the driver to fulfill the orders
data.estimate.duration int Yes Estimated total duration in seconds it would take for the driver to fulfill the orders
data.estimate.start_by timestamp Yes Estimated start time for the route to ensure all orders are fulfilled within the provided order scheduled times

references > webhooks > order-payload > Route Started Webhook

Route Started Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes started
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the route
data.status string Yes Status of the route - tracking
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this route
data.embed_url string Yes Embeddable url of the route to provide real time visibility of driver on route to fulfill the batch of orders

references > webhooks > order-payload > Route Completed Webhook

Route Completed Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
            "distance": 6278,
            "duration": 1273,
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes completed
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the route
data.status string Yes Status of the route - completed
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this route
data.embed_url string Yes Embeddable url of the route to provide real time visibility of driver on route to fulfill the batch of orders
data.distance int Yes Total distance in meters travelled by the driver to fulfill the orders
data.duration int Yes Total duration in seconds it took for the driver to fulfill the orders

references > webhooks > order-payload > Route Updated Webhook

Route Updated Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes updated
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the route
data.status string Yes Status of the route - tracking
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this route
data.embed_url string Yes Embeddable url of the route to provide real time visibility of driver on route to fulfill the batch of orders

references > webhooks > order-payload > Route Request Version Missing Webhook

Route Request Version Missing Webhook Payload

      "driver_handle": "Driver-1",
      "route_version": 3,
      "route_operation": "add_orders",
      "message": "Multiple version exist for route. Specify the latest version in the API",
Name Type Mandatory Description
data.value string Yes request_version_missing
data.route_handle string Yes Unique identifier of the route
data.driver_handle string No Unique identifier of the driver fulfilling the route
data.route_version number Yes Current version of the route
data.route_operation string Yes Enum string representing the Operation performed using API, reaction to which this webhook is sent, one of add_orders, remove_orders, resequence_orders, update, complete, reassign OR tracking
data.message string Yes Multiple version exist for route. Specify the latest version in the API.
data.status string Yes Status of the route - tracking
data.metadata object No Metadata that you have assigned to this route
data.embed_url string Yes Embeddable url of the route to provide real time visibility of driver on route to fulfill the batch of orders

references > SDKs

references > sdks > Android

HyperTrack SDK for Android API reference

Refer to the integration guide for additional details.

references > sdks > iOS

HyperTrack SDK for iOS API Reference

Refer to the integration guide for additional details.

references > sdks > React Native

HyperTrack SDK for React Native API Reference

Refer to the integration guide for additional details.

references > sdks > Flutter

HyperTrack SDK for Flutter API Reference

Refer to the integration guide for additional details.

references > sdks > Ionic Capacitor

HyperTrack SDK for Ionic Capacitor API Reference

Refer to the integration guide for additional details.

references > Views

references > views > Android

Android Views are implemented using GraphQL subscriptions and enable server-to-client communication without the need to integrate Webhooks on the backend.

The module handles websockets and provides easy-to-consume methods to retrieve device status and subscribe to programmatic notifications about key moments in the movement tracking of devices and trips, as they happen.

references > views > android > Get device status

// Get SDK instance with Context reference
// replace <PUBLISHABLE_KEY> with your own key
HyperTrackViews hypertrackView = HyperTrackViews.getInstance(this, <PUBLISHABLE_KEY>);

// replace <DEVICE_ID> with your device ID
    new Consumer<MovementStatus>() {
        public void accept(MovementStatus movementStatus) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Got movement status data " + movementStatus);
val hyperTrackView = HyperTrackViews.getInstance(this, PUBLISHABLE_KEY)
        {Log.d(TAG, "Got movement status $it")}

Get device information by device ID. The callback receives a MovementStatus object describing the device.

Movement Status

The device movement status object encapsulates all data associated with a device, similar to the Device API. It provides the latest snapshot of the device state, including ...

references > views > android > get-device-status > Location Object
Location location = movementStatus.location;
if (location != null) {
  Log.d(TAG, "Got device location " + location +
  " with latitude " + location.getLatitude() +
  " and longitude " + location.getLongitude());
val location = movementStatus?.location
location?.let {
  Log.d(TAG, "Got device location $location " +
          "with latitude ${location.latitude}" +
          "and longitude ${location.longitude}")
Accessor method Type Description
getLatitude() double Latitude in degrees. Negatives are for southern hemisphere.
getLongitude() double Longitude in degrees. Negatives are for western hemisphere.
getAltitude() Double Altitude in m. Could be null, if value is not available.
getSpeed() Double Speed in m/s. Could be null, if device is stationary
getBearing() Double Bearing in degrees starting at due north and continuing clockwise around the compass
getAccuracy() Double Horizontal accuracy in m
getRecordedAt() String ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
references > views > android > get-device-status > Device Status Object
DeviceStatus status = movementStatus.deviceStatus;
if (status != null) {
  Log.d(TAG, "Device is " + (status.isDisconnected() ? "disconnected" : "connected"));
val status = movementStatus?.deviceStatus
status?.let {
    Log.d(TAG, "Device is ${(if (status.isDisconnected) "disconnected"  else "connected")}")
Member Type Description
createdAt String ISO 8601 date when the device status was created
isActive() boolean Returns true if device is active (it's current location is known and updated) and false otherwise
isDisconnected() boolean Returns true if device is disconnected (it's location wasn't updated for a while) and false otherwise
isInactive() boolean Returns true if tracking data is unavailable because of lack of permissions or tracking was stopped intentionally and false otherwise
status int Property provides more extended description of current state, e.g. whether it it is driving, if active, etc. See JavaDoc for the list of possible values and their meaning.
references > views > android > get-device-status > Device Info Properties
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = movementStatus.deviceInfo;
if (deviceInfo != null) {
    Log.d(TAG, "Got status for device " +;
val deviceInfo = movementStatus?.deviceInfo
deviceInfo?.let {
    Log.d(TAG, "Status from device ${}")
Parameter Type Description
appName String Name of the hosting app
appVersionNumber String Version of the hosting app
appVersionString String Version of the hosting app
deviceBrand String The device brand
deviceModel String The device model
name String The name of the device
osName String The operating system of the device, can be one of iOS or Android
osVersion String The version of the operating system on the device
sdkVersion String The HyperTrack SDK version on the device. Can be reviewed here: Android, iOS, React Native
references > views > android > get-device-status > DeviceViewUrls Properties

This object incapsulates resources that could be used to open WebView Widget (embedded view) or for sharing location via link.

    String shareUrl = movementStatus.deviceViewUrls.embedUrl;
    Uri uri = Uri.parse(shareUrl + PUBLISHABLE_KEY);
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
    if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
    val shareUrl = movementStatus.deviceViewUrls.embedUrl
    val uri = Uri.parse(shareUrl!! + PUBLISHABLE_KEY)
    val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)
    if (intent.resolveActivity(packageManager) != null) {
Parameter Type Description
embedUrl String Embeddable view URL
shareUrl String Sharable view URL

references > views > android > get-device-status > Trip Properties
            coordinates=[-122.437941, 37.800563]
    estimate=Estimate{ ... },
Method Type Description
getTripId() String Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
getStatus() String Trip status, can be either active or completed
getStartedAt() String Timestamp for trip starting time
getMetadata() String Metadata provided at trip start
getSummary() String Trip summary, only provided upon completion of a trip
getDestination() Trip.Destination Destination of the trip, or null if trip has no destination
getEstimate() Trip.Estimate Trip summary, only provided for trips with status active
getCompletedAt() String ISO 8601 date when the trips was completed or null if it haven't been completed
references > views > android > get-device-status > trip-properties > Trip Estimate Properties
    route=Route{ ... }
Method Type Description
getArriveAt() String Timestamp for estimated arrival
getRoute() Trip.Route Planned route segments to destination
references > views > android > get-device-status > trip-properties > Trip Route Properties
    startAddress="1 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA, 94122",
    endAddress="353 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA, 94122",
    polyline=Polyline{ ... }
Method Type Description
getDistance() Integer Timestamp for estimated arrival
getDuration() Integer Duration in seconds
getStartAddress() String Street address lookup for segment start
getEndAddress() String Street address lookup for segment end
getPoints() List of List of Double Planned route segments to destination, as array of longitude, latitude and altitude (optional) tuples
references > views > android > get-device-status > trip-properties > Trip Destination Properties
    geometry=Geometry{ ... },
Method Type Description
getLatitude() Double Latitude coordinate of destination center point in degrees. Negatives are for southern hemisphere
getLongitude() Double Longitude coordinate of destination center point in degrees. Negatives are for western hemisphere
getRadius() Integer Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
getScheduledAt() String Timestamp for scheduled arrival

references > views > android > Subscribe to updates

// Get SDK instance with Context reference
// replace <PUBLISHABLE_KEY> with your own key
HyperTrackViews hypertrackView = HyperTrackViews.getInstance(this, <PUBLISHABLE_KEY>);

// replace <DEVICE_ID> with your device ID hypertrackView.subscribeToDeviceUpdates(<DEVICE_ID>, new DeviceUpdatesHandler() { @Override public void onLocationUpdateReceived(@NonNull Location location) { Log.d(TAG, "onLocationUpdateReceived: " + location); }

@Override public void onBatteryStateUpdateReceived(@BatteryState int i) { Log.d(TAG, "onBatteryStateUpdateReceived: " + i); }

@Override public void onStatusUpdateReceived(@NonNull StatusUpdate statusUpdate) { Log.d(TAG, "onStatusUpdateReceived: " + statusUpdate); }

@Override public void onTripUpdateReceived(@NonNull Trip trip) { Log.d(TAG, "onTripUpdateReceived: " + trip); }

@Override public void onError(Exception e, String deviceId) { Log.w(TAG, "onError: ", e); }

@Override public void onCompleted(String deviceId) { Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted: " + deviceId); } } );

You can subscribe to receive device state changes as they come in. The DeviceUpdatesHandler should implement and override the following interface methods:

Method Parameter Description
onLocationUpdateReceived Location Location update
onBatteryStateUpdateReceived BatteryState Battery update, can be one of BATTERY_CHARGING, BATTERY_LOW, and BATTERY_NORMAL
onStatusUpdateReceived StatusUpdate Status update
onTripUpdateReceived Trip Trip update
onError Exception, Device ID (String) Error with exception details and device ID
onCompleted Device ID (String) Completion with Device ID

StatusUpdate Properties

Parameter Type Description
value String Health event type, can be one of DRIVE, STOP, or WALK
hint String Health hint. Additional information about the health event
recordedAt String ISO 8601 date when the device status was recorded

references > views > android > Unsubscribe from updates

You can unsubscribe from all the updates that you are subscribed to using below method:

Method Parameter Description
stopAllUpdates void Stops all the updates, that were scheduled for this SDK instance.

references > views > iOS

iOS Views SDK Reference

Refer to the integration guide for additional details.

references > Device Status

A device is either active or inactive at any given time.

references > device-status > Active

Location and activity data is tracking as expected.

references > device-status > Inactive

Location or activity data are not tracking. Error codes for reasons are documented in this section.

See this example how Device API provides insight into device outage status. Also, see this example how you can use a webhook payload device status update to help you receive outage codes and act on them.

references > device-status > Disconnected

HyperTrack platform is unable to sync with the device.

HyperTrack is a cloud platform to track ground truth of the device. There are times when the platform goes out of sync with the device. If and when the connection between device and platform is restored, the platform syncs up offline data and updates it for consumption in the cloud.

In the event that the device never returns to sync with the platform (can happen when device is lost or app is uninstalled), the device status will remain disconnected.

To understand how tracking status is defined and used in HyperTrack API, please refer to the following:

references > GeoJSON

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [125.6, 10.1, 123]
  "properties": {
    "name": "Dinagat Islands"

The GeoJSON format adopted by HyperTrack is based on the RFC 7946 specification. It is used as a generalized construct to encode geographic data structures using a JSON format. It supports a variety of types, with Point being the most commonly used.

references > HTTP Errors

We are adopting the RFC 7807 standard for our error messages.

  "status": 404,
  "code": "trip_not_found",
  "title": "Trip could not be found",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Trip with the id '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF' does not exist"

The standard requires at least the type property. Everything else is optional. For HyperTrack, we always send title, detail, status, and code in addition. To detail out some errors (for instance multiple invalid fields), the append additional properties as documented in the respective error section.

Parameter Type Description
status Number HTTP status code
code String Error class code
title String Brief summary of the error class
type URL URL to the respective error page (about:blank if none is provided)
detail String Detailed description of the error instance
invalid_params Object A list of invalid parameters to review (options)

references > http-errors > Trips API

The Trips API can return one of the following errors. Please review the reference carefully to understand the error reasons and potential steps to overcome the issues faced.

references > http-errors > trips-api > Wrong content-type

  "status": 400,
  "code": "wrong_content_format",
  "title": "Wrong content format",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "The content submitted in the request body is not in valid JSON format"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Please double check that the body you generate for the request is in valid JSON format. You can use this small tool to ensure your JSON is valid.

references > http-errors > trips-api > Trip not found

  "status": 404,
  "code": "trip_not_found",
  "title": "Trip could not be found",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Trip with the id '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF' does not exist"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Ensure that the right ID is used - with uppercase letters and no changes to the format(e.g. don't escape the -).

references > http-errors > trips-api > Order not found

  "status": 404,
  "title": "Order does not exist",
  "code": "order_not_found",
  "detail": "The requested order does not exist. Please review the invalid parameters",
  "type": ""

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Ensure that the right ID is used.

references > http-errors > trips-api > Order can not be added

  "status": 400,
  "title": "Order can not be added",
  "detail": "Trip is already completed/cancelled. Order can not be added now",
  "code": "wrong_content_format",
  "type": ""

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Ensure that the order additions are done on an active trip only

references > http-errors > trips-api > Order Sequence Can not be Updated

  "status": 400,
  "title": "Order sequence can not be updated",
  "detail"" "Trip is already completed/cancelled. Order sequence can not be updated now",
  "code": "wrong_content_format",
  "type": ""

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Ensure that the order sequence updates are done for an active trip only

references > http-errors > trips-api > Order can not be updated

  "status": 400,
  "title": "Order can not be updated",
  "details": "Order is already either completed or cancelled",
  "code": "wrong_content_format",
  "type": ""

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Ensure that the order updates are done for an active order only

references > http-errors > trips-api > Trip Order Mismatch Error

  "status": 400,
  "title": "Order does not belong to this trip"
  "detail": "The requested order does not belong to the provided trip. Please review the paramters",
  "code": "wrong_content_format",
  "type": ""

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Ensure that the order to trip ID mappings are done correctly at your end.

references > http-errors > trips-api > Invalid Order Metadata

  "status": 400,
  "title": "Invalid Order Metadata",
  "detail": "Metadata needs to be a valid JSON. Please review the parameters.",
  "code": "wrong_content_format",
  "type": ""

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Ensure that the metadata is a valid JSON.

references > http-errors > trips-api > Order Validation Error

  "status": 400,
  "title": "Order request is malformed",
  "detail": "The request format does not have correct format. Please review the invalid parameters",
  "code": "validation_error",
  "type": ""

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Please review and fix the invalid parameters in invalid_params. You can also use this small tool to ensure your request body complies with our JSON schema for the API call.

references > http-errors > trips-api > Device not found

  "status": 400,
  "code": "device_not_found",
  "title": "Device could not be found",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Device with the id '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF' does not exist"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > trips-api > Route not found

  "status": 400,
  "code": "route_not_found",
  "title": "Route could not be found",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Could not generate a route from the device location to the set destination"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > trips-api > Validation error

  "status": 400,
  "code": "validation_error",
  "title": "Trip request is malformed",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "The request format does not have the correct format. Please review the invalid parameters",
  "invalid_params": [
      "name": "destination.geometry.type",
      "reason": "Only supported type is 'Point'. Received 'Polygon' instead"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Please review and fix the invalid parameters in invalid_params. You can also use this small tool to ensure your request body complies with our JSON schema for the API call.

references > http-errors > trips-api > Completion not possible

  "status": 400,
  "code": "completion_not_possible",
  "title": "Trip cannot be completed",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Trip with the id '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF' cannot be completed"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > trips-api > Unauthorized

// HTTP Status: 401
  "message": "Unauthorized"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > trips-api > Route creation failed

  "status": 500,
  "code": "route_error",
  "title": "Failed to generate the route",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Server could not complete the route generation"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > Devices API

The Devices API can return one of the following errors. Please review the reference carefully to understand the error reasons and potential steps to overcome the issues faced.

references > http-errors > devices-api > Unauthorized

  "message": "Unauthorized"

HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)

Potential reason: The Authorization header in the request is invalid or missing.

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > devices-api > Device not found

  "status": 404,
  "code": "device_not_found",
  "title": "Device could not be found",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "Device with the id '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF' does not exist"

HTTP 404 (Not Found)

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > devices-api > Method Not Allowed

  "status": 405,
  "code": "method_not_allowed",
  "title": "Method Not Allowed",
  "type": ""

HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed)

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > devices-api > Validation Error

  "status": 400,
  "code": "validation_error",
  "title": "Device request is malformed",
  "detail": "The request format does not have the correct format. Please review the invalid parameters",
  "validation_errors": [
      "field": "name",
      "message": "Name cannot be empty."
  "type": ""

HTTP 400 (Bad Request)

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > devices-api > Properties Cannot Be Patched

  "status": 400,
  "code": "cannot_patch_property",
  "title": "Properties cannot be patched",
  "detail": "The property {x} is immutable. You can only patch: name and metadata",
  "type": ""

HTTP 400 (Bad Request)

Potential reasons:

Potential actions:

references > http-errors > devices-api > Wrong content-type

  "status": 400,
  "code": "wrong_content_format",
  "title": "Wrong content format",
  "type": "",
  "detail": "The content submitted in the request body is not in valid JSON format"

Potential reasons:

Potential actions: Please double check that the body you generate for the request is in valid JSON format. You can use this small tool to ensure your JSON is valid.

references > Legacy APIs

references > legacy-apis > Trips

Manage Trips on the HyperTrack platform. With Trips API, you may be able to create and manage a trip with or without destination.

references > legacy-apis > trips > Start trip with one or multiple orders

Trip with orders request example:

  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 500
      "order_id": "65fd526e-415e-497c-aa5c-4ffed9968262",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 200

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

let tripData = {
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 500
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 200

hypertrack.trips.create(tripData).then(trip => {
  // Trip created
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

trip_data = {
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 500
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 200

trip = hypertrack.trips.create(trip_data)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");

RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n
\"device_id\": \"00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF\",\n
  \"orders\": [\n
      \"destination\": {\n
        \"geometry\": {\n
          \"type\": \"Point\",\n
          \"coordinates\": [-122.398096, 37.793038]\n
        \"address\": \"420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States\",\n
        \"radius\": 50\n
      \"scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z\",\n
      \"service_time": 300\n
      \"order_id\": \"73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c\"\n
      \"destination\": {\n
        \"geometry\": {\n
          \"type\": \"Point\",\n
          \"coordinates\": [-122.404514, 37.793738]\n
        \"address\": \"600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States\",\n
        \"radius"\: 50\n
      \"scheduled_at\": \"2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z\",\n
      \"service_time\": 500\n
      \"order_id\": \"73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c\"\n
      \"destination\": {\n
        \"geometry\": {\n
          \"type\": \"Point\",\n
          \"coordinates\": [-122.406215, 37.794271]\n
        \"address\": \"756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States\",\n
        \"radius"\: 50\n
      \"scheduled_at\": \"2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z\",\n
      \"service_time\": 200\n

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 500
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 200

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 500
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 200

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Start a new trip for a device with one or multiple orders.

POST /trips

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Trip with multiple orders request attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique identifier representing a device, case sensitive
orders array Array of order Object
order object Definition of a order object
route string Specifies the route type used to route the orders. Can be fixed or flexible. fixed (default value) means orders will be routed in the sequence they appear in the orders object and ETAs are included. flexible does not provide any routes and no ETAs are provided.
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Definition of a order destination
order.destination.geofence_id string Unique identifier representing the geofence to be used for order destination, case sensitive
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point
order.destination.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
order.destination.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude (in that order)
order.destination.radius int Defines the radius (in meters) of a circular order destination (optional, default is 30)
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival (optional)
order.service_time int Time to service at order destination place (optional, in seconds)
order.metadata object Optional JSON metadata you want to assign to this order
completion_type string Optional string. Specifies the completion logic of trips. Can be end_at_source_location or end_at_last_order (default)
metadata object Optional JSON metadata you want to assign to this trip

HTTP 201 - New trip with destination

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T14:20:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 14666,
          "duration": 2884,
          "remaining_duration": 1560,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "service_time": 500,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T14:50:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 16366,
          "duration": 3284,
          "remaining_duration": 2360,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]
      "order_id": "65fd526e-415e-497c-aa5c-4ffed9968262"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "service_time": 200,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": True,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 31366,
          "duration": 5284,
          "remaining_duration": 3860,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]

Trip with multiple orders response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time) for order Only available if order is not completed, cancelled and have not yet been arrved
order.images array Array of image expirable links referring to photos taken as proof of delivery from Visits app
order.estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
order.estimate.route object Planned route segments to destination
order.estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
order.estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
order.estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
order.estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
order.estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
order.estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

Order.estimate object would only be present if we were able to generate the estimate either at the time of Trip Creation OR upon receiving first location after Trip Creation.

Please keep in mind that new trips do not have the summary property (outlining the trip history). The summary is only provided upon completion of a trip.

This API returns HTTP 201 once the trip is successfully created.

references > legacy-apis > trips > Complete trip

Complete trip example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/complete
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.complete(tripId).then(() => {
  // Complete procedure initiated
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/complete';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{trip_id}/complete")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Complete an ongoing trip.

POST /trips/{trip_id}/complete

The request will start the procedure and confirm a pending completion with a trips webhook. Until the completion is done, the trip will have the status processing_completion. Calling trip completion on a trip that is not active will result in HTTP 409 responses.

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 202 - Trip completion initiated

  "message": "pending completion for trip '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF'"

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive

Completion finished

As soon as the trip was completed on HyperTrack systems, it will be extended with a summary property.

Ongoing orders which are part of the trip are marked as cancelled upon trip completion

Orders for cancelled trips do not have an estimate property because routing was cancelled.

HTTP 200 - Completed trip

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": "2021-02-18T16:34:00.000Z",
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "completed",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": "2021-02-18T15:00:00.000Z",
      "status": "completed",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": True,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "summary": {
          "distance": 1230,
          "duration": 3600,
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": "2021-02-18T15:00:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 500,
      "status": "completed",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "summary": {
          "distance": 3230,
          "duration": 3600,
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": "2021-02-18T15:00:00.000Z",
      "status": "completed",
      "service_time": 200,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "summary": {
          "distance": 530,
          "duration": 3600,
  "summary": {

Completed Trip response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
order.summary object Order summary. Available for completed orders
metadata object Metadata provided for trip
summary object Trip summary

references > legacy-apis > trips > Cancel an Order

Cancel Order:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{order_id}/cancel
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.orders.cancel(orderId).then(() => {
  // Complete procedure initiated
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{order_id}/cancel';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{order_id}/cancel")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Cancel an order using order ID.

POST /orders/{order_id}/cancel

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 200 - Order cancelled

  "message": "Order with id {order_id} is cancelled"

Path Parameters

order_id- a string representing the ID of an order, case sensitive

references > legacy-apis > trips > Complete an Order of a trip

Complete Order of a trip example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/complete
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.orders.complete(tripId).then(() => {
  // Complete procedure initiated
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/complete';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/complete")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Complete an order of an ongoing trip.

POST /trips/{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/complete

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 200 - Order of a Trip completed

  "message": "Order with id {order_id} is completed"

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive order_id- a string representing the ID of an order belonging to the above trip, case sensitive

HTTP 200 - Order of a trip after completed

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States"
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": "2021-02-18T15:00:00.000Z",
      "status": "completed",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "summary": {
          "distance": 1230,
          "duration": 3600,

Trip with completed order response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.images array Array of image expirable links referring to photos taken as proof of delivery from Visits app
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
order.summary object Order summary. Available for completed orders
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Cancel an Order of a trip

Cancel Order of a trip example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/cancel
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.orders.cancel(tripId).then(() => {
  // Complete procedure initiated
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/cancel';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/cancel")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Cancel an order of an ongoing trip.

POST /trips/{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/cancel

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 200 - Order of a Trip cancelled

  "message": "Order with id {order_id} is cancelled"

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive order_id- a string representing the ID of an order belonging to the above trip, case sensitive

HTTP 200 - Order of a trip after cancellation

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States"
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "cancelled",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,

Trip with cancelled order response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order object Defined order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.images array Array of image expirable links referring to photos taken as proof of delivery from Visits app
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Snooze an Order of a trip

Disable Order of a trip example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/disable
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.orders.disable(tripId).then(() => {
  // Complete procedure initiated
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/disable';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/disable")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Snooze an order of an ongoing trip.

POST /trips/{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/disable

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 200 - Order of a Trip cancelled

  "message": "Order with id {order_id} is disabled"

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive order_id- a string representing the ID of an order belonging to the above trip, case sensitive

HTTP 200 - Order of a trip after cancellation

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States"
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "disabled",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,

Trip with disabled order response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.images array Array of image expirable links referring to photos taken as proof of delivery from Visits app
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Re-add an Order of a trip

Enable Order of a trip example:

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/enable
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.orders.enable(tripId).then(() => {
  // Complete procedure initiated
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/enable';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/enable")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Re-add an order of an ongoing trip.

POST /trips/{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}/enable

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 200 - Order of a Trip cancelled

  "message": "Order with id {order_id} is enabled"

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive order_id- a string representing the ID of an order belonging to the above trip, case sensitive

HTTP 200 - Order of a trip after cancellation

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States"
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T14:20:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 14666,
          "duration": 2884,
          "remaining_duration": 1560,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]

Trip with ongoing order response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.images array Array of image expirable links referring to photos taken as proof of delivery from Visits app
order.estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time) for order Only available if order is not completed, cancelled and have not yet been arrved
order.estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
order.estimate.route object Planned route segments to destination
order.estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
order.estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
order.estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
order.estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
order.estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
order.estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Update an Order of a trip

Update an Order of a Trip example:

    "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
    "destination": {
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
      "address": "1257 Taylor St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
      "radius": 50
    "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
    "service_time": 300

curl -X PUT \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders/{order_id} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

let orderData = {
    "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
    "destination": {
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
      "address": "1257 Taylor St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
      "radius": 50
    "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
    "service_time": 300

hypertrack.trips.orders.update(order_id, orderData).then(trip => {
  // Trip created
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

order_data = {
    "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
    "destination": {
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
      "address": "1257 Taylor St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
      "radius": 50
    "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
    "service_time": 300

trip = hypertrack.trips.orders.update(order_id, order_data)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");

RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n
    \"destination\": {\n
      \"geometry\": {\n
        \"type\": \"Point\",\n
        \"coordinates\": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]\n
      \"address\": \"1257 Taylor St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States\",\n
      \"radius\": 50\n
    \"scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z\",\n
    \"service_time": 300\n

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
    "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
    "destination": {
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
      "address": "1257 Taylor St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
      "radius": 50
    "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
    "service_time": 300

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "PUT",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {
    "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
    "destination": {
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
      "address": "1257 Taylor St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
      "radius": 50
    "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
    "service_time": 300

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Update an order of an ongoing trip.

PUT /trips/{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 200 - Order of a trip after updation

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1257 Taylor St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States"
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "disabled",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive order_id- a string representing the ID of an order belonging to the above trip, case sensitive

Trip with updated order response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time) for order Only available if order is not completed, cancelled and have not yet been arrved
order.images array Array of image expirable links referring to photos taken as proof of delivery from Visits app
order.estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
order.estimate.route object Planned route segments to destination
order.estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
order.estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
order.estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
order.estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
order.estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
order.estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Patch Metadata of an Order of a trip

Patch Metadata of an Order of a trip example:

  "metadata": {
    "new_key": new_value
curl -X PATCH \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders/{order_id} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);
let order_data = {
  "metadata": {
    "new_key": new_value

hypertrack.trips.orders.patch(tripId, order_id, order_data).then(() => {
  // Complete procedure initiated
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

order_data = {
  "metadata": {
    "new_key": new_value

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

hypertrack.trips.orders.patch({tripId, order_id, order_data})
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n
\"metadata\": {\n
    \"new_key\": new_value\n

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
  "metadata": {
    "new_key": new_value

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "PATCH",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}")

request.body = {
  "metadata": {
    "new_key": new_value

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Patch metadata on an order of an ongoing trip.

PATCH /trips/{trip_id}/orders/{order_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 200 - Trip with order metadata updated

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "metadata": {
        "new_key": new_value
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T14:20:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 14666,
          "duration": 2884,
          "remaining_duration": 1560,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "service_time": 500,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T14:50:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 16366,
          "duration": 3284,
          "remaining_duration": 2360,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]
      "order_id": "65fd526e-415e-497c-aa5c-4ffed9968262"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "service_time": 200,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": True,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 31366,
          "duration": 5284,
          "remaining_duration": 3860,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive order_id- a string representing the ID of an order belonging to the above trip, case sensitive

Trip with updated order metadata attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.metadata object Updated Metadata provided for order
order.images array Array of image expirable links referring to photos taken as proof of delivery from Visits app
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Add Orders to an ongoing trip

Add orders to an Ongoing Trip request example:

  "orders": [
      "order_id": "e5c4331d-0b19-463e-bbe1-39b571e36ab3",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

let ordersData = {
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "e5c4331d-0b19-463e-bbe1-39b571e36ab3",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300

hypertrack.trips.orders.add(trip_id, ordersData).then(trip => {
  // Orders added
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

orders_data = {
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "e5c4331d-0b19-463e-bbe1-39b571e36ab3",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300

trip = hypertrack.trips.orders.add(trip_id, trip_data)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");

RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n
  \"orders\": [\n
      \"destination\": {\n
        \"geometry\": {\n
          \"type\": \"Point\",\n
          \"coordinates\": [-122.398096, 37.793038]\n
        \"address\": \"1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States\",\n
        \"radius\": 50\n
      \"scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z\",\n
      \"service_time": 300\n

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "e5c4331d-0b19-463e-bbe1-39b571e36ab3",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "e5c4331d-0b19-463e-bbe1-39b571e36ab3",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Add orders to an ongoing trip.

POST /trips/{trip_id}/orders

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 201 - Order of a trip after addition

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "e5c4331d-0b19-463e-bbe1-39b571e36ab3",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States"
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "disabled",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive

Trip with ongoing order response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.estimate object Estimate (route and arrival time) for order. Only available if order is not completed, cancelled and have not yet arrived. If the order destination is estimated to be longer than four hours away, the estimate object is returned empty for this order.
order.estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
order.estimate.route object Planned route segments to destination
order.estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
order.estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
order.estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
order.estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
order.estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
order.estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Update Sequence of Orders of an ongoing trip

Update Sequence of Orders of a Trip example:


curl -X PUT \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}/orders \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

let orderData = {

hypertrack.trips.orders.update_sequence(trip_id, orderData).then(trip => {
  // Trip created
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

order_data = {

trip = hypertrack.trips.orders.update_sequence(trip_id, order_data)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");

RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}/orders/';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "PUT",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{trip_id}/orders")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Update sequence of orders of an ongoing trip.

PUT /trips/{trip_id}/orders

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

HTTP 201 - Trip with updated order sequence

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": null,
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T14:20:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 14666,
          "duration": 2884,
          "remaining_duration": 1560,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]
      "order_id": "65fd526e-415e-497c-aa5c-4ffed9968262"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "service_time": 200,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": True,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T15:30:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 31366,
          "duration": 5284,
          "remaining_duration": 3860,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "ongoing",
      "service_time": 500,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T14:50:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 16366,
          "duration": 3284,
          "remaining_duration": 2360,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]
      "order_id": "e5c4331d-0b19-463e-bbe1-39b571e36ab3",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.41281, 37.7930436]
        "address": "1320 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States"
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:45:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "disabled",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "estimate": {
        "arrive_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
        "route": {
          "distance": 16366,
          "duration": 3284,
          "remaining_duration": 2360,
          "start_place": "333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "end_place": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
          "polyline": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
              [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
              , ... ]

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive

Trip with updated sequence response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time) for order Only available if order is not completed, cancelled and have not yet been arrved
order.estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
order.estimate.route object Planned route segments to destination
order.estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
order.estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
order.estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
order.estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
order.estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
order.estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
order.metadata object Metadata provided for order
metadata object Metadata provided for trip

references > legacy-apis > trips > Get trips

Get all trips example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.getAll().then(trips => {
  // Process trips
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

 - trip_status: string status `active` or `completed` or `processing_completion`. `completed` by default
 - pagination_token: string token received from previous call to request next page
trips = hypertrack.trips.get_all()
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
       "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Get all trips in your account. Returns ongoing trips by default.

GET /trips

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Query Parameters

HTTP 200 - Trips payload

      "trip_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
      "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
      "started_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z",
      "completed_at": null,
      "status": "active",
      "views": {
          "embed_url": "",
          "share_url": ""
      "metadata": {
          "customer_id": "ABC123"
      "orders": [
      "destination": {
          "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [
          "radius": 30,
          "scheduled_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z",
          "arrived_at": null,
          "exited_at": null
      "estimate": {
          "arrive_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z",
          "route": {
              "distance": 14666,
              "duration": 2884,
              "remaining_duration": 1560,
              "start_place": "Mannat Manzil #48,2nd cross, 3rd Main,Amrita Nagar, 3rd Phase, Choodasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035, India",
              "end_place": "4, Muniswamy Garden, A - Block, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025, India",
              "polyline": {
                  "type": "LineString",
                  "coordinates": [
                  [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
                  , ... ]
      "trip_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
      "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
      "started_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z",
      "completed_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z",
      "status": "completed",
      "views": {
          "embed_url": "",
          "share_url": ""
      "metadata": {
          "customer_id": "ABC123"
      "destination": {
          "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [
          "radius": 30,
          "scheduled_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z",
          "arrived_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z"
      "summary": {
    }, ...
    "next": ""

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time) for order Only available if order is not completed, cancelled and have not yet been arrved
order.estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
order.estimate.route object Planned route segments to destination
order.estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
order.estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
order.estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
order.estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
order.estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
order.estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
order.metadata boolean Metadata provided for order
order.delayed boolean Flag indicating whether there was a delay in delivering the order
order.arrived boolean Flag indicating if the driver arrived at the order location
order.delayed_time int Time in seconds indicating the delay in delivering the order
order.tracked boolean Flag indicating if the trip was tracked
order.on_time boolean Flag indicating whether the driver delivered before the scheduled time
order.completed_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was completed at close to the delivery location
order.duration_at_destination int The time in seconds spent at the customer location on delivery
order.summary object Order summary. Available for completed orders
destination object Defined trip destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
destination.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
destination.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to destination
destination.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from destination
estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time). Only available for active trips. If the trip is estimated to be longer than four hours away from the destination, the estimate object is returned empty.
estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
estimate.route objects Planned route segments to destination
estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
summary object Trip summary. Available for completed trips as well as for ongoing trips for a given trip_id
metadata object Metadata provided at trip start

Orders array would be present in response if trip was created with orders in the first place.

references > legacy-apis > trips > Get trips by its metadata

Get trips by its metadata example: {"order_id":"1858268501"}

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.getAll().then(trips => {
  // Process trips
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

 - trip_status: string status `active` or `completed` or `processing_completion`. `completed` by default
 - pagination_token: string token received from previous call to request next page
trips = hypertrack.trips.get_all()
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
       "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Get trips by filtering for its metadata. By default, it will return matching results only trips status of which are set to active. In order to get trips that are completed, you should pass status query parameter set to completed.

GET /trips?metadata_filter=url_encoded_json

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

HTTP 200 - Trips payload

    "data": [{
        "trip_id": "c59b5596-7262-474e-a09a-f50f4d05208b",
        "device_id": "78E344D6-B491-45E0-A600-34D8D3D85C54",
        "started_at": "2020-09-14T04:07:41.243059Z",
        "completed_at": "2020-09-14T05:22:26.612Z",
        "status": "completed",
        "views": {
            "embed_url": "",
            "share_url": ""
        "device_info": {
            "os_version": "6.0.1",
            "sdk_version": "4.5.3"
        "metadata": {
            "store_id": "VND-122125",
            "sequence_number": 3,
            "ht_view_text_ongoing": "Your order with ferns n petals is on the way",
            "ht_view_href_text_completed": "Your order has been delivered. Track order status",
            "ht_view_hide_summary_completed": true,
            "RT_id": "VND-122125-20200914933503",
            "ht_view_href_completed": "",
            "ht_view_text_completed": "Your order has been delivered.Track order status",
            "delivery_boy_phone": "6261010969",
            "recipient_name": "B.P Palsodkar",
            "delivery_boy_id": "4095176",
            "order_id": "1858268501"
        "destination": {
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [81.5955381, 21.2176175]
            "radius": 30,
            "scheduled_at": "2020-09-14T20:00:40.915000Z",
            "address": "Sai Mandir Rd, Changurabhata, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492013, India"
        "orders": [
        "summary": {
        "analytics": {
            "total_duration": 21005,
            "active_count": 7,
            "active_duration": 3602,
            "stop_count": 3,
            "stop_duration": 884,
            "active_distance": 14819,
            "drive_count": 4,
            "drive_duration": 2718,
            "drive_distance": 14819,
            "inactive_count": 2,
            "inactive_duration": 883
        "eta_relevance_data": {
            "status": true
    "pagination_token": null,
    "links": {}

references > legacy-apis > trips > Get trip summary

Get trip summary example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.get(tripId).then(trip => {
  // Process trip
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

trip = hypertrack.trips.get({tripId})
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{trip_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Get summary for a trip. Available for both ongoing and completed trips.

GET /trips/{trip_id}

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive

HTTP 200 - Completed trip

  "trip_id": "4359cc65-90dd-4b2b-875b-26e6d2eba11d",
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "completed_at": "2021-02-18T16:34:00.000Z",
  "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
  "status": "completed",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "orders": [
      "order_id": "96f7ec96-402c-47a7-b0a1-eb6b91640a58",
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]
        "address": "420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T14:30:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 300,
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": "2021-02-18T15:00:00.000Z",
      "status": "completed",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": True,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "summary": {
          "distance": 1230,
          "duration": 3600,
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.404514, 37.793738]
        "address": "600 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:10:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": "2021-02-18T15:00:00.000Z",
      "service_time": 500,
      "status": "completed",
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "summary": {
          "distance": 3230,
          "duration": 3600,
      "order_id": "73d4bc1e-7d82-4541-9f90-a5007badb98c"
      "destination": {
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [-122.406215, 37.794271]
        "address": "756 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States",
        "radius": 50
      "scheduled_at": "2021-02-18T15:25:00.000Z",
      "started_at": "2021-02-18T14:00:00.000Z",
      "completed_at": "2021-02-18T15:00:00.000Z",
      "status": "completed",
      "service_time": 200,
      "arrived_at": null,
      "exited_at": null,
      "share_url": "",
      "delayed": False,
      "summary": {
          "distance": 530,
          "duration": 3600,
  "summary": {

Response Attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
orders array Array of order objects
order object Defined order object
order.order_id string Unique ID associated with the order object
order.destination object Defined order destination
order.destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
order.destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
order.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
order.started_at string Timestamp when order was started tracking
order.completed_at string Timestamp when order was completed
order.status string Order status, can be ongoing, completed, cancelled or disabled
order.share_url string Shareable order view
order.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to order destination
order.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from order destination
order.estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time) for order Only available if order is not completed, cancelled and have not yet been arrved
order.estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
order.estimate.route object Planned route segments to destination
order.estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
order.estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
order.estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
order.estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
order.estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
order.estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
order.metadata boolean Metadata provided for order
order.delayed boolean Flag indicating whether there was a delay in delivering the order
order.arrived boolean Flag indicating if the driver arrived at the order location
order.delayed_time int Time in seconds indicating the delay in delivering the order
order.tracked boolean Flag indicating if the trip was tracked
order.on_time boolean Flag indicating whether the driver delivered before the scheduled time
order.completed_at_destination boolean Flag indicating whether the order was completed at close to the delivery location
order.duration_at_destination int The time in seconds spent at the customer location on delivery
order.summary object Order summary. Available for completed orders
destination object Defined trip destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point for destination point
destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination
destination.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
destination.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to destination
destination.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from destination
estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time). Only available for active trips. If the trip is estimated to be longer than four hours away from the destination, the estimate object is returned empty.
estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
estimate.route objects Planned route segments to destination
estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
summary object Trip summary. Available for completed trips as well as for ongoing trips for a given trip_id
metadata object Metadata provided at trip start

Orders array would be present in response if trip was created with orders in the first place.

Trip summary

For completed and ongoing trips, the response will include summary object giving location and marker details about the full trip.

Trips API: Summary available for completed trips

  "summary": {
    "locations": {
      "type": "LineString",
      "coordinates": [
        [-122.3996, 37.79396136184457, 123, "2019-09-13T18:21:51.002000Z"],
    "distance": 1234,
    "duration": 9887,
    "duration_at_destination": 0,
    "started_at": "2019-09-13T18:04:20.467000Z",
    "completed_at": "2019-09-13T20:49:08.226000Z",
    "device_id": "FC772B07-2F27-4EB9-8A3B-F21D7F63A436",
    "markers": [
        "type": "device_status",
        "marker_id": "372cb712-55d8-447f-b33b-ea4f9be7b236",
        "data": {
          "value": "inactive",
          "start": {
            "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:40:51.002000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3996, 37.7939]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:39:51.002000Z"
          "end": {
            "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T20:40:51.002000Z",
            "location": {
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [-122.3996, 37.7939]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T20:40:52.002000Z"
          "reason": "tracking_stopped"
        "type": "trip_marker",
        "marker_id": "4d4e5cc0-c183-46e5-b6f9-d0a4c48c4e54",
        "data": {
          "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T20:40:52.002000Z",
          "location": {
            "coordinates": [-122.3996, 37.7939],
            "type": "Point"
          "metadata": {
            "id": "1235"
          "route_to": {
            "duration": 2654,
            "distance": 377,
            "start_location": {
              "geometry": {
                 "type": "Point",
                 "coordinates": [-122.3996, 37.7939]
              "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:33:51.002000Z"
        "data": {
            "address": "123 Main St, CA 90701, USA",
            "arrival": {
                "location": {
                    "geometry": {
                        "coordinates": [
                        "type": "Point"
                    "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T19:33:51.002000Z"
            "duration": 3600,
            "exit": {
                "location": {
                    "geometry": {
                        "coordinates": [
                        "type": "Point"
                    "recorded_at": "2019-09-13T20:33:51.002000Z"
            "geofence": {
                "geofence_id": "28c6fcb7-0f57-4cdc-8544-0ea073081b25",
                "geometry": {
                    "coordinates": [
                    "type": "Point"
                "radius": 500
        "marker_id": "f8bfb5d3-e282-4ab7-a828-a204e98f1bce",
        "type": "destination"
Name Type Description
summary.locations object Object representing the location time series of the full trip. Follows GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
summary.locations.type string As of right now, only LineString is supported
summary.locations.coordinates array Array of coordinates arrays; each item follows [longitude, latitude, elevation, timestamp]; elevation can be null
summary.distance int Distance for entire trip, in meters
summary.duration int Duration for entire trip, in seconds
summary.duration_at_destination int Duration the driver spent at the trip destination, in seconds
summary.started_at string ISO 8601 date when the trip started
summary.completed_at string ISO 8601 date when the trip was completed
summary.device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
summary.markers array Array of markers
summary.markers[].type string Marker type; can be one of device_status, geofence, destination or trip_marker
summary.markers[].marker_id string Unique marker identifier
summary.markers[].data object Marker data; dependent on marker type

Detailed description of device_status markers data field:

Name Type Description
address string Address. Only available for active markers (value=active) at stops (activity=stop)
activity string Activity. Can be one of stop, drive or walk. Only available for active markers (value=active)
duration int Duration of marker in [seconds]
end object End of the device status segment
end.location object Location object when the device_status changed
end.location.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point
end.location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
end.location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude
end.location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
end.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the device status change was recorded
start object Start of the device status segment
start.location object Location object when the device_status changed
start.location.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point
start.location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
start.location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude
start.location.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the location was recorded
start.recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when the device status change was recorded
steps int Number of steps in current marker. Only available for active markers (value=active)
value string Device status. Can be one of active, inactive or disconnected. Active markers show the activity

Detailed description of trip_marker markers data field:

Name Type Description
location object Location object where the geotag was created
location.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point
location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
location.location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude
metadata object Any metadata assigned to this geotag
recorded_at string ISO 8601 date when geotag was recorded
route_to object Object giving details about the route taken to this geotag
route_to.distance int Distance traveled from previous geotag (or fist location), in meter
route_to.duration int Duration traveled from previous geotag (or fist location), in seconds
route_to.start_location object Location object where route_to calculation is based on. Starting point of route to this geotag.
route_to.start_location.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point of start location
route_to.start_location.geometry.type string As of right now, only Point is supported
route_to.start_location.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude
route_to.start_location.recorded_at array ISO 8601 date when the start location was recorded

references > legacy-apis > trips > Get trip analytics

Get trip summary example:

curl \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \{trip_id}
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

hypertrack.trips.get(tripId).then(trip => {
  // Process trip
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

trip = hypertrack.trips.get({tripId})
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "{AccountId}","{SecretKey}")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '{trip_id}';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');
$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => $basicAuth

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("{trip_id}")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Get analytics data for a given trip

GET /trips/{trip_id}/analytics

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Path Parameters

trip_id - a string representing the ID of a trip, case sensitive

Query Parameters

curl -X GET \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

HTTP 200 - Trip analytics response payload

    "trip_id": "00001111-4047-4b28-a6ec-f934e870c425",
    "analytics": {
      "active_count': 1,
      "active_duration": 100,
      "active_duration_at_destination": 50,
      "drive_count": 1,
      "drive_duration": 50,
      "inactive_count": 1,
      "inactive_duration": 100,
      "last_recorded_at_destination": "2022-02-22T02:22:22.000Z"
      "stop_count": 1,
      "stop_duration": 100,
      "total_duration": 250,
      "tracking_rate": 0.4

references > legacy-apis > trips > Start trip with destination

Trip with destination request example:

  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "destination": {
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-122.398096, 37.793038]

curl -X POST \
  -u {AccountId}:{SecretKey} \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $payload
// Instantiate Node.js helper library instance
const hypertrack = require('hypertrack')(accountId, secretKey);

let tripData = {
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "destination": {
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [35.107479, 47.856564]
      "radius": 50

hypertrack.trips.create(tripData).then(trip => {
  // Trip created
}).catch(error => {
  // Error handling
from import Client
from hypertrack.exceptions import HyperTrackException

hypertrack = Client({AccountId}, {SecretKey})

trip_data = {
  "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
  "destination": {
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [35.10747945667027, 47.8565694654932]
      "radius": 50

trip = hypertrack.trips.create(trip_data)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\n" +
        "  \"device_id\": \"00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF\",\n" +
        "  \"destination\": {\n" +
        "    \"geometry\": {\n" +
        "      \"type\": \"Point\",\n" +
        "      \"coordinates\": [-122.398096, 37.793038]\n" +
        "    }\n" +
        "  }\n" +

String authString = "Basic " +
    String.format("%s:%s", "account_id_value","secret_key_value")

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", authString)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


$url = '';
$basicAuth = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode('{AccountId}' . ':' . '{SecretKey}');

$payload = '{
    "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
    "destination": {
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [

$context = stream_context_create([
  "http" => [
        "method" => "POST",
        "header" => $basicAuth
    'content' => $payload

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64( '{AccountId}' + ':' + '{SecretKey}' ).chomp
request.body = {
    "device_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF",
    "destination": {
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Start a new trip for a device with a destination

POST /trips

Authentication: Basic Auth or OAuth Token

Trip with destination request attributes

Name Type Description
device_id string Unique identifier representing a device, case sensitive
destination object Definition of a trip destination (optional)
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point or Polygon
destination.geometry.type string Point or Polygon are supported
destination.geometry.coordinates array Array of longitude and latitude in case of Point type; Polygon type contains array of arrays of positions (First and last positions need to be same to complete the loop)
destination.radius int Defines the radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination (optional, default is 30); Only valid for Point destinations
destination.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival (optional)
metadata object Optional JSON metadata you want to assign to this trip

For the purpose of consistency, you can provide destination address string via ht_view_destination_address field inside metadata. If present this field would be used as destination address across all interfaces (APIs, views)

HTTP 201 - New trip with destination

  "completed_at": null,
  "status": "active",
  "views": {
    "embed_url": "",
    "share_url": ""
  "destination": {
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "radius": 30,
    "scheduled_at": null,
    "arrived_at": null,
    "exited_at": null
  "estimate": {
    "arrive_at": "2019-05-03T06:25:51.238000Z",
    "route": {
      "distance": 14666,
      "duration": 2884,
      "remaining_duration": 1560,
      "start_place": "Mannat Manzil #48,2nd cross, 3rd Main,Amrita Nagar, 3rd Phase, Choodasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035, India",
      "end_place": "4, Muniswamy Garden, A - Block, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025, India",
      "polyline": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [ -122.3980960195712, 37.7930386903944 ]
          , ... ]

Trip with destination response attributes

Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier of the newly created trip, case sensitive
device_id string Unique identifier of the device associated with the trip, case sensitive
started_at string Timestamp for trip starting time
completed_at string Timestamp of trip completion time (only set when trip is completed), can be null
status string Trip status, can be active, completed or processing_completion
views.embed_url string Embeddable trip view
views.share_url string Shareable trip view
destination object Defined trip destination
destination.geometry object GeoJSON geometry of type Point or Polygon for destination
destination.radius int Radius (in meters) of a circular trip destination. Only returned for Point geofences
destination.scheduled_at string Timestamp for scheduled arrival
destination.arrived_at string Timestamp first enter to destination
destination.exited_at string Timestamp first exit from destination
estimate object Estimates (route and arrival time) Only available for active trips. If the trip is estimated to be longer than four hours away from the destination, the estimate object is returned empty.
estimate.arrive_at string Timestamp for estimated arrival
estimate.route objects Planned route segments to destination
estimate.route.distance int Route distance in meters
estimate.route.duration int Route duration in seconds
estimate.route.remaining_duration int Remaining route duration in seconds, can be null
estimate.route.start_place string Start place for segment start
estimate.route.end_place string End place for segment end
estimate.route.polyline object GeoJSON geometry of type LineString
metadata object Metadata provided at trip start

Please keep in mind that new trips do not have the summary property (outlining the trip history). The summary is only provided upon completion of a trip.

This API returns HTTP 201 once the trip is successfully created. If a trip with same destination and metadata already exists, the API will return existing trip with HTTP status 200.